
Reasons for the love and hatred of foreign celebrities for Russia

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Reasons for the love and hatred of foreign celebrities for Russia
Reasons for the love and hatred of foreign celebrities for Russia

Video: Vladimir Putin: What does the world think of Russian president? - BBC News 2024, June

Video: Vladimir Putin: What does the world think of Russian president? - BBC News 2024, June

The famous Argentine actress Natalia Oreiro announced her plans - they include obtaining Russian citizenship. She is not the first on this path. Many famous foreigners consider owning a passport with a double-headed eagle a great honor for themselves. Among them are famous actors, athletes, artists and representatives of other professions. Any country can be proud of these people. They chose Russia, and they have their own reasons.

But our country has many ill-wishers. Each of them substantiates his dislike of Russia in his own way. It is interesting to compare the reasons for the sympathies and rejections of various foreign actors.


The Argentine pop singer and actress (see the main photo) knows Russia - she has come many times. Her son shares warm feelings for the northern country. Natalia Oreiro has concerns that he will not want to leave Moscow or St. Petersburg, and will remain immediately, without demand. In her Russophilia, the Argentine competes with Gerard Depardieu, she stubbornly learns the language.

An emotional peak was the performance of a song for the football championship and the recording of a clip in Balashikha. It should be noted that Oreiro’s love for Russia is mutual. In our country, she has a lot of sincere fans.


The Hollywood actor’s love for Russia flared up as soon as he first saw Moscow. In this, Brad Pitt admitted in 2013 and since then has not refused his words. Perhaps his feelings can be called somewhat superficial and can be explained by a very warm meeting at the International Film Festival. Nevertheless, the artist visited the Bolshoi Theater and got acquainted with many other attractions of the capital.

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Pitt also spoke about his ability to drink alcohol, and even argued that in this respect he was not inferior to Russian men, evaluating their abilities as reference. The compliment is dubious. In this case, the artist is captured by stereotypes.



In Hollywood, Johnny Depp is known as an intellectual. He loves literature, and among his favorite books an important place is occupied by the works of Russian writers and poets. The actor dreams of going to the country in which these masterpieces were created. Of great interest to Depp is the work of Vladimir Mayakovsky. He is passionate about the Soviet period of Russian art and the history of the USSR. She dreams of doing the film adaptation of the works of Mikhail Bulgakov.

Depp is going to visit Russia again to enjoy the atmosphere that blows from the pages of books he has read. Eh, there is no time yet for this …



It is considered an indisputable truth that not only American actors, but also politicians are unfriendly to Russia. And here is a man who refutes this opinion: Arnold Schwarzenegger, who was elected governor of California and played many roles in Hollywood films. He admires the high achievements of our athletes, he is always glad to meet with them, and in general he takes Russians very positively. And let his role in the "Red Heat" somewhat distort the real image of the Soviet policeman. It is important that in general he turned out to be very pretty.

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What else to expect from the grandson of Elena Stepanovna Smirnova? My grandfather was also Russian, so half of the artist’s genes were inherited from our country. DiCaprio believes that he owes his strong-willed qualities to the features of a national character, transmitted with blood. The actor shared his plans to play the role of Lenin, he is interested in Russian history and has never been noticed in any negative statements about the homeland of his ancestors. In general, "our man."



So far, the performer of the famous role in the film "Nine and a Half Weeks" is in no hurry to take an American passport. But if he loses it, then he will obviously choose the next document also with an eagle, only a two-headed one. Mickey Rourke honestly admitted this. Under what circumstances an actor can lose American citizenship, he does not specify. He knows better.


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Why do foreigners love Russia?

The reasons for the pro-Russian sympathies of foreign celebrities are logically justified. Most likely, the roots of the act of Gerard Depardieu, who received a passport of the Russian Federation in 2013, should be sought in the particularities of fiscal policy in France. Then, of course, the actor was imbued with the soul of his new homeland and fell in love with it.


Some of the famous artists have Russian roots, and this explains a lot. Others like the art of a great country. These reasons are rational.

Now let's talk about those celebrities who expressed hostility towards Russia. There are only two main reasons for a negative attitude.

Ian McKellen

The Lord of the Rings star condemns Russia for the law that impedes the promotion of unconventional views on love relationships. This is one of two reasons why some Westerners are hostile towards our country. For some reason, they believe that the ban on propaganda is tantamount to homophobia and the persecution of sexual minorities. McKellen has no other claims to Russia; at least, nothing is known about them. Singer Cher, by the way, also believes that minorities living in the Russian Federation need her protection. There are other examples of the search for imaginary oppression of freedoms.

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A black actor thinks in terms of the Cold War. Perhaps the age at which it is difficult to change opinions is guilty of this, but in his fiery speeches there are all possible cliches that snapped decades ago: the evil KGB, the NKVD, the Gulag, the lack of democracy, and so on and so forth. In general, he himself opposes all this, and calls on others to do the same.



Jim is convinced that the American president is elected in Moscow. As a US citizen, he is very offended. Especially not even the Kremlin gets it, but Facebook, through which the informational intervention of the Russians was allegedly carried out. Kerry had shares of this social network, and he sold them in protest. Perhaps Mark Elliott Zuckerberg can no longer sleep. But some traitor bought these securities?
