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Profesetka who is this? Meaning of the word

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Profesetka who is this? Meaning of the word
Profesetka who is this? Meaning of the word

The tremendous wealth of slang concepts and expressions can mislead even a fairly educated person. For example, a profursetka is who?

If we consider the term in context, it becomes clear that such a word usually tries to offend or insult a girl without using obscene vocabulary. What is the point in this, and how to respond? Let's try to figure it out.


Meaning of the word

At the first attempts to find out what “profursetka” means, a long list of terms that define a corrupt woman pops up. How true is this? Some believe that this is a synonym for the word “prostitute”. There is also an opinion that we are talking about a vagabond. In this case, we are not dealing with an absolute delusion, but with a peculiar paradox.

In fact, a profursetka is a frivolous girl with superficial interests and a peculiar attitude to life. Moreover, she can be either a prostitute or a vagabond at the same time. It may turn out to be an addict or lead a socially unapproved lifestyle.

In this case, the phrase "girl of easy virtue" appears in a broader sense than the banal trade in one's own body. It turns out that if a certain lady chooses parties and holidays, instead of daily respectable cares, she can already be called a professional lady.


In addition, cunning and artistry can not do here. After all, it is much more fun when one of the gentlemen provides an unceasing celebration of life.

Where did the word "profursetka" come from?

There are several versions of the appearance of this concept. The most exquisite is a reference to the French language. Allegedly, the word profurset means "containment".

There is also a reference to the Latin language. The discussion cites the phrase pro fors - literally “for force”, for the sake of ostentatious prestige.

In fact, this is all a fallacy. However, there is the French word force - strength, power, superiority, intensity. In Russian, “force” more often means apparent wealth, arrogance, dusting in the eyes. Most likely, a profursetka is a girl who likes to give a fuck.


Some experts are trying to explain the appearance of this term by choosing consonant words: "scoundrel", "sneak" and even "prosphora", although the church’s bakery product has nothing to do with it.

Thieves' jargon

The so-called “argo”, the language of dens and gateways, generously supplies our vocabulary with some new concepts. Another version of the origin of the term is tied specifically to the trade in the body. Profursetka is a special category of prostitutes, which are also called "shoulder".

The explanation here is even more intricate. The word “truck” appears in it - a heavy truck with a long covered trailer. Truckers conclude with the “shoulder” a kind of agreement, which includes not only the sale of intimate services for material reward, but also joint leisure. So, “night butterflies” help not to fill the driver at the wheel. However, it is worth considering that the word "profursetka" appeared even before the wagons began to drive along the roads.


Interestingly, the word "profur" is used exclusively as a cunning, rogue, or even a scammer. It can be pronounced with admiration as well as with outright malice and condemnation. This largely depends on the context.