
"Just stay home": a Japanese company is ready to pay good money for participating in a social experiment

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"Just stay home": a Japanese company is ready to pay good money for participating in a social experiment
"Just stay home": a Japanese company is ready to pay good money for participating in a social experiment

To receive money simply for sitting at home and leading your normal everyday life - do you think this is a fairy tale? No, this is reality: a social experiment was launched in Japan, the purpose of which is to study the real life of ordinary people. And the payment for participating in the project is very decent!

Privacy watch

Today's reality is that many large companies around the world make considerable profits from online data. And therefore it is not surprising that they are trying to monetize this particular area more and more. One of the Japanese companies involved in information technology, considered that data on the real life of people can be no less profitable and interesting for users of the global network.


To test this, this organization launched a social project called Project Exograph, which consists in monitoring the private life of ordinary citizens, and encouraged the Japanese to take part in it - of course, not for free. And, surprisingly, those who responded are in the hundreds!

The essence of the experiment

From the participant in this experiment, nothing more is required than to live his usual life, but within the walls of his apartment. No need to go to work for a month - payment for participation in the project will allow you to live this month without financial difficulties. In all rooms of the apartment - including the dressing room and toilet - they will install video cameras that will broadcast in real time everything that the owner of this house does and how. Participants who agree to this are instructed to forget that the camera is aimed at them and to be as relaxed and free as possible, as they usually are at home, surrounded by loved ones. When the experiment is over a month later, the videos will be edited so that the faces of the heroes are not visible and it is impossible to identify what kind of person is on the screen. After that, it is planned to send the video to several organizations in order to determine whether this source can be monetized somehow, and if so, how.


At first, a fee of 133 thousand yen (slightly less than 78 thousand rubles) was announced, but later the amount was increased to 200 thousand yen (117 thousand rubles). This exceeds the amount of the livelihood benefit that Tokyo citizens can receive at the age of 30.