
Protests in Moldova: causes and consequences

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Protests in Moldova: causes and consequences
Protests in Moldova: causes and consequences

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Video: Covid-19 Impact on Air Pollution Report for Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova 2024, July

The Ukrainian crisis is not the only topic of concern to the peoples of the post-Soviet space. The protests in Moldova do not fade, which gives hope to the adherents of the Russian world to rally former fellow citizens in a single fist. Are the inhabitants of this small state really striving to renew closer ties with Russia? On what basis are protests developing in Moldova? What are their reasons? Let's get it right.


New color revolution?

In September 2015, calm Moldova felt the latest technologies for organizing popular unrest. People were taken outside under various pretexts. Interestingly, the protests in Moldova for a while united irreconcilable rivals, who differently see the future of the state. Despite the fact that the country is rather small, the political currents in it are developed, the population is highly active. It is understandable, since the standard of living of people is low, and the government does nothing to rectify the situation. But there is little crisis, which undoubtedly affects the population. The society is constantly discussing the direction of the country's development. It is worth noting that there are almost no pro-Russian forces in Moldova. Most strive to take their rightful place in the family of European peoples. But they see the process in different ways. Some want a union with Romania into a single state, while others defend the independence of the country. Proponents of these ideas brought together protests in Moldova. For a while, they forgot about their differences.


Anti-allegorical revolution

The essence of the people's discontent came down to the fact that the rich are sitting in power, using it in their interests. Nobody thinks about fulfilling social obligations. And then the media talked about one billion dollars stolen from the country's budget. This was a significant part of it. All multidirectional political forces agreed on one thing: power should be changed. Protesters demanded direct presidential elections. The people want to take part in determining the head of state. The current authorities have lost the confidence of their constituents. And another point worth highlighting: the protests in Moldova, the reasons for which are economic in nature, have led to the emergence of a platform for the solidarity of different forces. However, they are too early to call them pro-Russian. Moldovans think about their country, its development. They want to live in a prosperous state, so there is an ongoing discussion in society. People believe that the authorities are unlawfully using their forces, trying to forcibly carry out the Romanization of the country. Therefore, the protesters worked out three points of national salvation. More about them.


Demands of protesters

Let's take a close look at who the protests in Moldova are against. For this, we indicate three points already mentioned. They are as follows:

  1. Elimination of swindlers and usurpers from power who have lost the trust of the country's partners. Both the West and the East are already openly saying that Moldova is a captured state.

  2. Termination of the policy of repression against dissent, expressing its opinion.

  3. Immediate cessation of propaganda of unionism, which is a crime against the sovereignty of Moldova. Its essence is the absorption of the country by Romania, followed by the abolition of statehood.

The protests in Moldova are associated with the assertion of their own independence. People accuse the current authorities of deliberately leading the matter to the degradation of the state in order to abolish it and give the territory under foreign rule.

Armed Forces Initiation

Understanding what is behind the protests in Moldova, one cannot but draw parallels with similar events in other countries. Today, much is known about the color revolutions and the technologies of their organization. Puppeteers use the problems in the country to bring people out into the street. Their dissatisfaction is deliberately fueled through the media and social networks. So it was in Egypt, Syria, and Ukraine. In Moldova, nothing new has been invented. But her example is indicative of the fact that he demonstrated the man-made problems of the population. They arise not from scratch. First, people who take anti-people’s decisions are brought to power, they don’t care about citizens. Over time, when the situation is strained to the limit, there are activists calling on people to protest. The next item is the appearance of armed volunteers. This also happened in Moldova. True, the matter did not come to clashes. An unknown sniper never appeared. Those who organized the protests in Moldova needed volunteers to mask the provocative actions. Since there are armed people, it means that you can kill civilians and blame them. And they justified the appearance of volunteers by the need to defend themselves against the authorities, who did not disdain the arrests of dissatisfied. That is, in Moldova we saw the classic color revolution. But, something went wrong.


World crisis

It is necessary to make a small digression to explain what was happening in Moldova. The fact is that not a single coup is complete without the participation of outside forces. In a patriotic environment, it is customary to blame the United States for everything, but the matter is even deeper. The world has actually become multipolar. It has forces that wage a fierce war with each other. They are also called "Rothschilds and Rockefellers." In a different way: some represent the military-industrial complex, others - finance. These clans have the ability to manage almost all resources on the planet. In any case, in the information field they are waging one ongoing battle. The roots of both groups are in the West. Both the one and the other had many other problems at the time of the protests in Moldova. The platform for the next coup was ready, but nobody could use it. At this time, it was necessary to stop a more serious economic crisis. Not to small countries was. Because the protests in Moldova were almost not seen for the main players.

What ended the protests in Moldova

In fact, opposition forces are not going to give up. People managed to force the parliament and the president to make concessions. So, in January 2016, a change of government took place. This was a difficult process, as not a single candidate for the post of prime minister satisfied the opposition forces. They even occupied part of the parliament building, but retreated under police pressure. The current prime minister and his government represent the same clans of the oligarchs as the former. People do not trust them. However, the authorities had to make more serious concessions in order to calm the people. On May 22, direct presidential elections are planned. This arranged the protesters, and for a while they left the square of Chisinau. To understand why there are protests in Moldova, you should look at the country's economy. Things are pretty hard there.


The economic basis of the revolution

The Republic of Moldova is an agricultural country. Part of its territory, where the main industrial enterprises were located, is now called Transnistria and is a separate state. Moldovan enterprises sold their products mainly in the post-Soviet space. It was not in demand among its western neighbors due to its low competitive ability. With the outbreak of the sanctions war, the country's enterprises began to lose eastern markets. The political commitment of the authorities played a cruel joke on the economy. They went on the occasion of the collective West, leaving their entrepreneurs without sales. But this is not enough. The Moldovan authorities tried to block the Transnistria, which did not find understanding in Moscow. The Kremlin intensified its response by introducing into poverty those who used the Russian markets. The country's population began to get poorer rapidly, since the fat did not accumulate. Moldova has been in a difficult situation all the post-Soviet years. The authorities did not initiate any measures to rectify the situation, which brought national anger to themselves. It is worth adding that Western curators are not in a hurry to solve Moldavian problems.


Protests in Moldova for Russia or not?

If we approach the development of the country rationally, we can assume that people really should want to resume their former, still Soviet cooperation. Russia is a huge country, rich in comparison with Moldova. There will be buyers for wine and vegetables with fruits. But this is not so at all. Left-wing forces in Moldova are called pro-Russian. They say that they advocate cooperation with the East. But there are few people who really want one. And they all come from the Soviet Union. Youth looks to the West. Propaganda has done its job. People who grew up after gaining Moldova's independence want European integration. Oppositionists oppose usurpation of power by pro-Romanian politicians, but they have nothing against the West. The left speaks more about the revival of social policy, the implementation of guarantees by the authorities. Ordinary citizens, by the way, for an alliance with Russia. They are not afraid to lose power and want to live well, calmly, feel protected.

Positive points

Despite the fact that the protesters have few achievements, it should be pointed out that their struggle was not in vain. The authorities started talking about the fight against corruption, agreed to direct presidential elections, changed the policy in the field of tariffs for housing and communal services. That is, the people felt that they could continue to influence the adoption of vital decisions. This is perhaps the main thing. People have gained a confident position, leaders who will defend themselves in case of continuation of a policy unfavorable to the majority.

Will there be a sequel?

It is likely that soon we will again see reports that mass protests resumed in the capital of Moldova. The events of 2015 - the beginning of 2016 showed that the institutions of power in the country do not have the proper qualifications, do not cope with crisis phenomena. For a while, the people managed to calm down. Moreover, spring does not leave the peasants who feed on the land time for politics. However, the country's problems are far from being resolved. The authorities need to develop a long-term strategy for economic development. Simply put, choose with whom they will trade: with the West or with the East. And for this, you should take a pro-Moldovan position, think about the camp, and not about your own wallet and accounts in Washington. While the leaders of the state do not demonstrate such.


Conspirological Theory

It is worth saying a few words about another version. Some political scientists say that a belt of instability is being created around Russia. Ukraine is a good example. They tried to turn Moldova into the same “black hole”. The version has a right to exist. But it seems that the matter is deeper. World rulers decided not just to ruin the Russian Federation. Today they need to tear Europe away from it, destroy economic ties. It is on this point of view that conspiracy theorists stand. They believe that the US economy is falling into a terrible crisis. You need to eat someone to hold out for some more time. Russia bristled with the armed forces, therefore, is inaccessible. The choice fell on the European Union. It is possible to destroy its economy only if the Russian Federation does not support a large neighbor. For this, small countries of the post-Soviet space are set on fire.