men's issues

Seeing the army. Scenario

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Seeing the army. Scenario
Seeing the army. Scenario

Video: U.S. Soldiers Eliminate Three Taliban Fighters During Ambush 2024, July

Video: U.S. Soldiers Eliminate Three Taliban Fighters During Ambush 2024, July

Seeing off to the army has always been an important event. It was believed that as a fighter spend, so he will serve. Modern wires to the army are distinguished by their gaiety; serving does not take 25 years, or even 2 years. Now it is considered a bad omen to cry and lament on the last day of the conscript at home. Seeing off to the army should distract the future soldier from fear of the unknown soldier's everyday life. And a good scenario can teach the future soldier the mind. So, seeing off the army is a scenario.


Introduction. Funny farewell to the army

A man enters the hall in uniform of the ensign. In the hands of footcloths tied with a bow.

Warrant Officer: Conscript Sidorov! Let me introduce myself, Warrant Officer Perky. I personally came to congratulate you on entering our military unit. Here's a gift - not some girlish flowers - men's, harsh footcloths. Hold on! Be proud. And learn to reel. Where do you know though?

Leading (hereinafter - Ved.):

We gathered today for a feast for a walk, To Sidorov Petya with honor to send to the army.

Our soldier goes to the service, all relatives are worried:

How’s Petya doing the service, who will help him?

Peter is also worried: is there a lot of work?

How to serve with food - are there sandwiches?

Is it possible to have fun there, or to show off?

And will not the Kirzach be too heavy?

Many different thoughts, but the service will be wonderful!

Only more often keep a toast, eat carefully!

Parental instruction


Vedas: At all times, accompanying a soldier to the service, relatives and friends not only walked all night, but also gave valuable instructions to the young draftee. The teachings of an older man of the clan were considered especially valuable. Usually, he himself had already experienced the service and could share important experience with his son. In the Sidorov family, the eldest is the father of the conscript Gennady Vasilyevich, and he has the floor.

The instructions of the father sound.

Vedas: But for the mother it was always important that the son returned alive and healthy, therefore at all times mothers tried to attach their son to clothes or put a talisman around his neck on wires to the army. With the advent of Orthodoxy, the icon and the cross became charms. But the most powerful amulet is my mother’s prayer and a photograph in a pocket near my heart. The conscript's mother, Zinaida Semenovna.

A mother hands a photograph to her son and gives instructions.

Seeing off to the army - game part

Vedas: The Russian guy is not running from bullets, the Russian guy is in a hurry for dinner. Do you know, Peter, what is the most important thing in the army for a soldier? The most important thing is not to be late for lunch in the dining room, and, of course, for breakfast and dinner.


The game is announced on the strength of the appetite of a fighter. Come on, good fellows, become in 2 rows. The task will be to run to the dining room, carrying a wounded comrade on the shoulders. But this is not all - you need to eat your lunch without removing a friend from the back, then return and pass it on to the other.

The game "collect the soldier." The bag goes hand in hand, and everyone puts something on the track from the soldier - whatever. Then the leader gives the bag to the future soldier and he takes out one thing at a time, and the leader together with all comment on why this or that item will be needed. After the game, everything is heard back.

Vedas: Peter, leave yourself what you consider useful, hand out the rest back.


Do you know the most important soldier omens? (From the hall are called signs.)

For the service to succeed, and the guy returned home safely, he must:

  1. Tie a ribbon in your room (give a ribbon to a draftee).
  2. Do not take anyone for a dog. Therefore, parents are already on the track.
  3. To leave the house with your back forward. Something like rewinding on a video.
  4. Break off from the loaf of krajukha and promise, having returned, to eat the rest (the loaf is taken out, the conscript breaks off a piece of it and eats it). Keep your teeth, brush them 2 times a day, you still have to bite this loaf in a year.
  5. To hide in the house any object dear to the heart, and after the army to return after it and bury it in the garden. Judging by the description, this is definitely some kind of secret magazine or disk. Or maybe just a school diary that a girl is not worth showing. But Petya has nothing to be ashamed of us - he tried at school, and in general was not known as a boob. True? And to prove it, we test it.

Testing a soldier on modern wires


- You ride in a tank, 40 km to the south - forest-field, forest-field, 30 km to the east - mountain passes, mountain passes. He stopped to rest for 10 minutes. Question: What color is the tanker's eyes? (The same as that of a draftee, it’s he who rides).

For the next test of agility and quick wits, we will need help. Several young people stand in a row, depicting a fence.

“Do you know, dear Petya, how a soldier wants to get a leave and go to a civilian’s place?” I'd like, even more than eat my mother’s cutlets. Now our Peter will try to get out of the military unit into the world of ordinary people, and the miraculous-heroic fence will resist such an AWOL. We give you 3 minutes for this. After 3 minutes the guard will come and, if you still find yourself on this side of the military unit, he will give you, Petya, a hat. So hurry up.

Sounds Lyuba’s song “Samovolochka”.

If you can’t escape, 1, 2. If you can’t escape, go straight to phrase 2.

1 - Don’t be upset, Petya. I will help you. You need to say the words: “sim salabim ahalay mahalai” and the fence will let you through.

2 - Well done, Petya! You escaped to a citizen, walked well, and now you need to urgently return to your unit, otherwise they will declare them a deserter. And to return in the same way, naturally.

Warrant Officer: Private Sidorov, do you like outfits? You outfit out of turn. Go to the kitchen (gives a bucket of potatoes).

Vedas: But what good is it, a son will come from the army and help his mother — he'll clean the potatoes, wash the dishes, maybe learn how to cook. And the girl will like it. The one who will wait for such a guy from the army will be lucky. Run away to the autonomy more often, Petya.