
Bluethroat bird: lifestyle and habitat

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Bluethroat bird: lifestyle and habitat
Bluethroat bird: lifestyle and habitat

Video: Singing Brambling and Bluethroat - Birds of Norway 2024, July

Video: Singing Brambling and Bluethroat - Birds of Norway 2024, July

The world of birds at all times and today, including, surprises with its wide variety and genuine beauty. The unique sound of unique voices, a variety of monotonous and colorful colors, size variations from miniature to relatively large, caused a human interest in birds. Photo bluethroat birds, description and characteristics - all this in the material presented.

Bluethroat is an unusual species of bird family on Earth

One of the brightest representatives comically named a patriot of the Russian Federation due to the presence of a three-color plumage on her chest in the colors of the national flag is a bluethroat. However, it was not widely known among people and few people know about it, because it is very difficult to notice in nature with the naked eye. The average length is about 15 cm, the wingspan reaches 20 cm.


The meeting of the male with the man

This delightfully small creature, as soon as it begins to feel the slightest interest in itself, cleverly turns its back on the curious gaze of the observer. Thus, he considers himself protected, because the back has a brownish-gray color, which is unlikely to interest anyone. If we continue the persistent acquaintance with the feathered, he, without thinking twice, flies to another branch and continues his favorite chant.

However, cases of the settlement of these birds in close proximity to humans have been recorded. They are best known for attentive and inquisitive gardeners. It happened that, while searching for food, representatives of this species grabbed it literally from under a shovel.

External structure

What does a bluethroat bird look like? Its size is similar to the size of a sparrow. However, harmony and elegance are integral components. Proportionally long legs give grace. The tail is most often in an elevated state and, with a sense of anxiety, twitches slightly. It is easy to identify this bird flying away from a bewitched observer by the bright orange color of the tail and the dark small drawing on it.

The pattern on the throat, smoothly transitioning to the chest, has cobalt-blue colors. The bottom is outlined by a black narrow strip. Some specimens under the black have a white stripe, but they are less common. Completes the unique art of a bright red stripe.

Males differ from females with a speck on a blue background of the neck. It can be of various shapes, sizes and colors - from white to fiery red. The color of the spot, in combination with its size, is a special diagnostic factor that helps determine the subspecies. There were only 11 of them for the entire time of existence. This peculiar decoration determines the affiliation of birds to a specific area:

  • Red color - Siberia, Kamchatka, Scandinavia.

  • White color - Western and Central Europe, Transcaucasia, Northern Iran.

  • The absence of a speck is inherently inherent in Iran.

Exotically, the color of the females is not inferior to their strong half. Around the snow-white throat can be added blue and brown blotches. However, even the brightest representatives are inferior to their males. The absence of a fiery red band under a bluish neck in females distinguishes them from males (for a photo and description of a bluethroat bird, see the article).


Singing talents of this genus

Incredible appeal to these birds gives not only their extravagant bright plumage, but also singing abilities. No wonder these creatures belong to the family of nightingales. The song is sonorous, melodic and long. These birds masterfully adopt and repeat the individual details of the singing of their neighbors. That is why the sound masterpieces of bluethroats of each district are different from each other.

It should be noted that their singing in beauty is much inferior to singing, for example, sparrows. Apparently, this is precisely why the long-standing Russian word “varakat” is used in the name of this bird - to do something without the ability.

The performance of song masterpieces by males is accompanied by current flights: a sharp take-off and smooth planning on a branch or thicket of grass.


Functions of representatives of this genus

The unique abilities of these birds are very beneficial for themselves. Imitating the voices of the inhabitants of the biocenosis, the bluethroat easily suppresses its neighbors and competitors. Adopting their alarming tones and adding to them the emotional component, they thus misinform their colleagues. There are a lot of tools for converting sounds: playback speed, frequency, pitch. Such a trick characterizes this bird quite savvy, because having such abilities, bringing to despair its brothers, it has superiority over them.


Female nesting

A feature of the nesting of this species of birds is that the birds fly it on the ground. Most often this occurs in river valleys, along the shores of a lake or marshland, wooded tundra or mountains, depending on its habitat.

The most favorable nesting period is April-June. A nest is a depression in the soil that sits on a flat surface or small slope. The bluethroat bird (female), whose photo you see in the article, is able to use bumps in the relief to mask nests. Being quite stress-resistant, it winds them near the roadway or within the city.

These birds lay, as a rule, 5-7 eggs twice a year. They are light green, with red-red blotches. The female incubates them alone for 13 days. Both parents look after the chicks. The feeding period is 2 weeks. The laden offspring do not know how to fly immediately, but deftly runs along the grass. The birds need unprecedented care in the spring, when there is burning of dry grass.



Bluethroat birds overwinter in the following countries: Africa, Iran, Israel and India. The winter plumage outfit hides the peculiarity of these birds - a spot on the chest. The color of the bird becomes less bright, the neck - dull. Before returning to their native lands, the feathers update their plumage.
