
Puchkov Dmitry Yurievich: biography and photos

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Puchkov Dmitry Yurievich: biography and photos
Puchkov Dmitry Yurievich: biography and photos

Puchkov Dmitry Yuryevich, whose biography is described in this article, is a publicist, writer. Translates in the parody genre foreign cartoons, films and TV shows. In the past, a security officer. At one time he worked at the Academy of Sciences, is now engaged in the development of computer games.

On parody translations of films and computer games Puchkova grew up a whole generation of the late nineties and early 2000s. His work was loved by many. And every year there are more and more fans of his talent.

A family

Puchkov Dmitry Yuryevich, whose family constantly wandered from place to place, was born in Kirovograd in the sixty-first year, on the second of August. They moved often, since my father was a soldier. Dmitry’s mother worked as a teacher. She is Ukrainian by nationality. Relatives on the father's side had German roots. Dmitry is the third child in the family. He has a brother and sister who taught him to write and read before he went to school.


Childhood and youth

Dmitry has always been more a humanitarian. Exact sciences were given to him with great difficulty. Most of all, the boy liked adventure literature, fairy tales. He became interested in English due to his passion for foreign music groups. To buy his favorite records, Dmitry organized his small business. He first printed photos of foreign singers and musicians, and then sold these pictures.

After the eighth grade, Dmitry went to work at the Bummash plant in the Komsomol locksmith’s team. I bought a bike for a salary, which I had long dreamed of, but could not afford before. In his youth, Dmitry wanted to become a submariner.


Puchkov Dmitry Yuryevich he went to elementary school in Ukraine. Then his family moved to Leningrad when he was in second grade. Until the fifth, he studied at school number 32. He was an excellent pupil. Then, until the eighth grade, he studied at a boarding school.


Dmitry finished the tenth grade at school No. 89 in the GDR. They moved to this country due to paternal service. Before the army, he tried to enter the institute, but did not pass the entrance exams, and failed in mathematics. But he graduated from the DOSSAF driving school and got a driver’s license, in the future it helped him.

Labor activity

The writer Puchkov Dmitry Yuryevich once worked as a driver. First he delivered milk, then he was transferred to the bakery. He also worked as a driver in the army. In 1982, he was demobilized, and he went to a car mechanic. Then he switched to the driver of the dump truck, and later - to heavy trucks. But due to the poor health of his son, he had to move to Uzbekistan in order to change the climate to a more favorable one.

There he began with the work of a taxi driver. Then he changed many specialties - a library employee, a blacksmith, a plumber, a driller, an electrician, a hydrogeologist, a dog handler, and a grinder. He changed his place of employment almost every year.

Police work

In 1992, he returned to St. Petersburg and got a job in the police. He became a dog handler and graduated from a police school. He worked as a duty officer in prison. A little later it was led by Dmitry Yuryevich Puchkov himself. Goblin (Goblin) - this is the nickname that our hero received a little later. In the organs, he rose to the position of senior lieutenant.

He retired in 1998. By this time, his wife’s business had blossomed, and she already had her own store. And Dmitry considered it unethical to combine his work and commerce of his wife.


Creative way

Dmitry Yuryevich began his career in 1997. At first he was the author of articles on computer games, which he published on one of the sites. Then his notes began to appear in specialized magazines ("Country of Games", etc.).

In 1998, Puchkov Dmitry Yuryevich opened his web forum "Goblin's Dead End". And a year later, a separate site appeared instead of him. Now this resource is visited per day from fifty to seventy thousand people. Dmitry translated many computer games and foreign films, the number of which has already exceeded 800, including by order (TV3 channels, REN TV, 2x2 and others). He has released many DVDs.

Great fame brought him a parody of translations ("Shmatitsa", etc.). Dmitry ridiculed the incorrectness of the translators, thanks to which the texts are absurd and distorted. For STV, he translated the picture "Boomer", then adding the prefix "Anti".

In 2005, Puchkov created a new project, "Education." This is a serial production of video programs that have become widely known. Among them there are lectures on sects, talks about Orthodoxy, Islam, etc.


Widespread fame

Great popularity became the studio "God's spark", which was created by Dmitry Y. Puchkov. Children and adults love translations of the science fiction films Eragon and The Lord of the Rings. Many liked the parody translations of tapes of other genres, created as part of the Puchkov studio.

In 2005, Dmitry took part in the dubbing of The Last Weekend, the Vivisector video game, and others. In 2006, he released the game Dungeon orderlies, which was recognized as the best work and was awarded the industrial prize at a meeting of video game developers. She also became the best role-playing RPG of 2006. In 2008, its sequel came out.

In 2008, Dmitry Puchkov released the game “Truth about the 9th Company”. It reflected real events, unlike the Bondarchuk film, where much is unreliable. There were many other works. Dmitry Puchkov emphasizes that the game is not a related product to the famous film, but a separately created creation.


In 2008, Dmitry released a new project, “Blue Phil”. For the very first day, a video on YouTube was watched by over seventeen thousand people. It was downloaded via torrent and mobile applications.

Creators Puchkova translators evaluate differently. Many people like it. They celebrate talent, a sense of humor and a very high level of professionalism in the genre of parody. Another part of his colleagues accuses Dmitri of not graduating from a special school of translators, and the audience of his listeners is rather small and undemanding.


Puchkov Dmitry Yurievich loves to travel. He has visited many countries and cities:

  • Iceland.

  • Scandinavia.

  • Saigon.

  • Paris.

  • New York.

  • San Francisco.

  • Las Vegas

Dmitry really likes the Canary and Maldives. Puchkov usually rests twice a year. Dmitry prefers to visit Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand. It is more attracted to Asian resorts; it is neglected to European.


In addition, he likes to get acquainted with the sights and interesting places of the countries visited. Puchkov Dmitry Yuryevich, in addition to Asian states, often travels to North and South America. He always takes a camera and a tourist backpack with him. He loves not only to take pictures, but also to compose new scenarios during trips, think over projects and make films.

Dmitry Puchkov has an excellent, one might even say, phenomenal memory. He is able to speak up to hundreds of words, remember them and repeat in the reverse order. Another “talent” is the movement of the ears. Dmitry has no higher education, but this did not prevent him from becoming a famous and sought-after person in his country.

Puchkov loves to sing, is interested in space and knows astronomy well. While still a teenager, he built home-made telescopes and for a long time watched the stars, comets and other celestial bodies. When he grew up, he acquired a modern powerful telescope.

Personal life, family

Dmitry married early enough - at eighteen. It happened in 1980. He and his wife had a son. Despite his early marriage, Dmitry Yuryevich Puchkov, whose wife is three years older than him, still believes that family is the meaning of life. His wife is engaged in business.

The wife does not understand the films made by her husband, but her son watches them with pleasure. However, he did not continue the work of his father. Now the son of Dmitry Yuryevich works as a general director in a construction organization. He did not serve in the army, as he has vision problems.
