
Bubbles of air under water, soda on fire and other tricks that will help to act rationally in a critical situation

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Bubbles of air under water, soda on fire and other tricks that will help to act rationally in a critical situation
Bubbles of air under water, soda on fire and other tricks that will help to act rationally in a critical situation

Video: 11 Tips That'll Save Your Life In a Critical Situation 2024, July

Video: 11 Tips That'll Save Your Life In a Critical Situation 2024, July

Anyone can be in a situation where a lot is at stake. Panic, the implementation of an incorrect sequence of actions, or underestimation of the severity of a situation almost always leads to unfortunate consequences. And this is often a direct result of a lack of knowledge.

The following is a list of facts that will help you act rationally in an emergency.

Using various chemicals to clean

Never use bleach or cleaning chemicals based on ammonia or solvent at the same time in the room. Thanks to this combination of vapors, a toxic gas is formed - chloramine, which causes unpleasant symptoms, sometimes it is life-threatening. Ammonia can be found in window and mirror cleaning products.


Dizziness under water

If you find yourself in a situation where you are immersed in water and do not know how to rise to the surface, let the air out. This will lead to the formation of bubbles that will move to the surface, and you will need to swim in the same direction.

Stuck in a car in an unknown area

If you do not have the means to transmit a signal over long distances, then you can set fire to the reserve. Smoke will be visible for several kilometers, and for sure someone will notice it. What you should never do is get away from the car to ask for help; often rescuers first find a car, and then a lifeless driver a few kilometers from it.

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Burning oil on the stove

Of course, it’s better not to leave a deep fryer or frying pan on fire for an instant without supervision. But if, nevertheless, a fire occurred, do not try to extinguish it with water, as this will only aggravate the situation. It is better to pour baking soda on a fire or cover with something to block the access of oxygen.

How to discover that a person is drowning

A person who is drowning does not usually report loudly about his misfortune. In fact, a drowning person does not have enough energy, and when his head is on the surface of the water, he can hardly breathe, but not scream. Usually he tilts his head back, constantly submerges under water and again emerges. If the hair is long, it will cover the face, and the movements of the drowning person will be intermittent.


CPR rule

If you are engaged in cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and the person does not respond, you should not stop until the ambulance arrives. The victim will not have a chance to survive if oxygen ceases to flow to the brain. Often the goal of CPR is not to revitalize a person, but to preserve his brain until the arrival of skilled care.

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Physical strength

It is desirable that all people be able to perform at least one pull-up. If you encounter a dangerous height or are about to fall from a boat, this necessary minimum of strength can be useful. A popular mistake is to think that in such a situation, adrenaline will come to the rescue and increase your strength; but this is not a magic wand. If in his daily life a person cannot perform pull-ups, then in the face of a critical situation he will also not be able to do this.

Emergency call or police

When making an emergency call, the first thing you need to do is tell the operator your location, not the reason for the call. If the situation you are in makes you stop the dialogue, then it is better for the operator to already know your location. He will have to send someone to investigate the situation.


Accidental contact with wild animals

Any scratches or bites from wildlife can cause rabies. It is necessary to clean the wound for the first 10-15 minutes, and then immediately go to the hospital. Every hour lost reduces your chances of survival. This infectious disease is almost impossible to cure if you miss too much time.

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Touching an electrified object

If you touch an electrified object from the inside of your palm, your fist will close from discharge and you will not be able to remove your hand. It is best used for touching, since there is such a need, the reverse side, since it will be easier to remove from the object, and you will not suffer.

Big storm

The theory that lightning cannot get to the same place twice is a misunderstanding. The probability of a second strike is high enough, so stay away from the center of the storm, but do not run. It is better to lie in some kind of cavity, since lightnings usually fall in high places. Get rid of all metal things and your mobile phone. If you wait for lightning, then 3-4 seconds before that, you will feel a metallic taste in your mouth, and the hair on your body will begin to move. You should at least sit down immediately.


Street crossing

If you cross the street and see a reflection of sunlight on the windshield of the car, the driver will probably not notice you. It’s better to let the car drive, even if traffic rules say that it should give you the way.

To get lost in the forest

With the beginning of the mushroom picking season, the number of people lost in forests increases. If you ever find yourself there and suddenly realize that you are lost, the first thing you need to do is find a pond. Usually you need to go down, unless, of course, you find a swamp (in this case you need to go in the opposite direction). You can also pay attention to the birds: those who fly high usually go to the water, and those who fly low move away from the water. In almost all cases, a body of water will lead you to the road. Once you get to it, all you have to do is move forward until you reach civilization.

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High diving

If you jump into the water with your front legs, always cover your nose. The fact is that dangerous single-celled organisms can inhabit the water. Once in your nose with a powerful stream of water, they can penetrate your brain, causing meningoencephalitis, which leads to death in almost 100% of cases. However, if you swallow water containing these microorganisms, nothing will happen.


Loss of consciousness in a diabetic

If a diabetic faints, he should not be given insulin, as this may kill him. Usually, a diabetic coma results from hypoglycemia, and insulin will only aggravate the situation. What you need to do is call an ambulance as soon as possible and try to give the person sugar, because it will help.