women's issues

A child bites his nails - what to do?

A child bites his nails - what to do?
A child bites his nails - what to do?

Video: Nail Biting - First With Kids - UVM Children's Hospital 2024, July

Video: Nail Biting - First With Kids - UVM Children's Hospital 2024, July

Often we can see how not only the baby, but also the adult, thinking or nervous, bites his nails. This sight, you say, is not pleasant, and you will be right. Immediately there is an association with dirty hands that were in a person's mouth, with a bunch of microbes in addition. Many parents ask themselves: “A child bites his nails - what to do ?! We can’t wean him in any way, where did he get such a habit from?”

Onychophagy, so scientifically called this evil habit, and completely different reasons can lead to it. Firstly, it can be inherited. If you ask your parents well, it may well turn out that in childhood they did the same. Therefore, before shaking hands or scolding a child, look for a reason in your childhood, and then ask a question: a child bites his nails - what should we do with this habit?

There can be many reasons for the occurrence of onychophagia: a child can react to stress, anxiety, and fear in this way. That is, in the fight against this habit, you must first find the reason why it is associated. It is necessary to carefully look at the child, to observe in which specific situations he begins to bite his nails. Maybe this happens when watching some programs on TV - then you need to protect it from harmful effects, not turn on the TV when there are such programs that affect the baby.

If the problem is acute, and you are ready to consult a doctor with the question: "The child bites his nails, what should I do?" - Try to pay more attention to the baby, hug and caress him, talk with him. Perhaps the reason lies in his internal dissatisfaction with your inattention. Perhaps he thinks that you do not need, because you are always busy and do not spend as much time with him as he would like.

If you watch your child, you may notice that he bites his nails in cases where he quarrels with someone and he needs help to cope with his aggression and the habit will go away by itself. Or maybe he begins to bite his nails when he is worried, nervous or afraid of something? In any case, one should not allow pressure on the child, because he does it subconsciously, and not specifically. He needs help to cope with a bad habit, he himself can not do it.

If all your observations and measures taken have not led to anything and the question: "the child bites his nails, what should I do?" - remained open, then you can approach the problem from the other side. Try to play with your child this way: start doing manicure with him, draw a pattern on his nails, show how well-groomed your hands are and how ugly he looks. Perhaps these measures will help the child look at his own hands differently, and he will gradually unlearn his habit.

This applies to children. But you often have to deal with adults who ask: "I am biting my nails, what should I do?" An adult needs to take action himself. This can be special tools for coating nails, which are bitter in taste and therefore repel the desire to poke your hands in your mouth, and nail extensions. And it’s worth imagining how many microbes you are pulling in your mouth, and you’ll immediately want to do it, because here the psychological moment also plays a role.

If, nevertheless, a person managed to get rid of such an ugly habit, he wants to finally grow beautiful nails and make his hands well-groomed. This is very good, because if a woman’s hands are her pride, she’s unlikely to pull them in her mouth even in the most stressful situations. What to do to grow nails, beautiful and strong? For this, you will not need to make a lot of work.

The first - you need to establish good nutrition, the second - to make baths with salt, vegetable oil (it is better if it is olive), rub Vit.E. into the nail. It’s good to massage your fingers for nail growth, this will increase blood circulation in them and stimulate nail growth. Also, specially designed for nail care products will help here, they are now on sale enough. As a result, the reward for the time spent will be strong and beautiful nails.