
Chur River - a landmark of the Khabarovsk Territory

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Chur River - a landmark of the Khabarovsk Territory
Chur River - a landmark of the Khabarovsk Territory

Video: Khabarovsk: Russian city on the Chinese border! 2024, July

Video: Khabarovsk: Russian city on the Chinese border! 2024, July

Rivers are the property of Russia, its waterways. As you know, people from ancient times settled near such fresh water bodies. Our country is literally entangled in a network of rivers. Khabarovsk Territory is no exception. On its territory there are many reservoirs, which became the center of life of the local population, made it possible to comfortably organize their life and establish a household. One of them is the Chur River, picturesque and rich in fish. About it further and will be discussed.

General Information about the Chur River

Not many people know that the Kur River exists in Kursk. The history of this small aquatic artery began a long time ago. The river is part of the vast system of valuable natural resources of Russia, and its namesake, much larger in size, is an important storage of fresh water in the Khabarovsk Territory.


The Chur River in the Khabarovsk Territory stretches over the territory of our country for 434 km. It originates on the southern slopes of the Miaochan mountain range. When merging with the Urmi River, the well-known Far Eastern waterway - Tunguska - forms.

At r. Chickens are several tributaries: three right (Birakan, Ulika and Yarap) and one left (Yalga). Due to the large length of the river, differences in environmental conditions are noticeable, as well as in the state of water on plain and mountain sections.

The river regime is quite calm. It changes only at the confluence of one of the right tributaries, Yarapa, in the Chur. The marshland, which is a characteristic natural feature of the Far East, determines the slow rise and fall of the water level in the river. Another factor affecting the spill and drying of the river. Chickens, is the sodding of the slopes of Miaochan, through which it flows into the plain.

River fauna

The Chur River is rich in many species of fish: both migratory and constantly living in a reservoir. Among the latter, it should be noted taimen, pointed and blunt lenok, grayling.

Taimen is one of the largest representatives of salmon. An adult can reach from one and a half to two meters in length and weigh up to 80 kg. It is an exceptionally freshwater fish that cannot live in the sea. An interesting fact about the taimen: in Mongolia, according to popular belief, the capture of this representative of salmon brings trouble.

Grayling is another species of fish that abounds in the Chur River. The Khabarovsk Territory, due to special climatic conditions, is entangled in a network of clean and cold freshwater reservoirs. For this reason, Chickens are a comfortable environment for the life and breeding of grayling.

Lenki also prefer cold rivers, especially their upper reaches. As a rule, these fish go into small schools. However, large individuals, reaching a length of up to 70 cm and a weight of up to 6 kg, live alone.

River rafting

The Chur River, as already mentioned above, stretches for almost 435 km. The alternation of mountain and flat areas, as well as the huge length of the channel, allow tourists and lovers of extreme sports to create a unique route for rafting on rafts or light boats.


The difficulty lies in the fact that some places on the river are very difficult to overcome even on a light swimming facility. During the rafting, tourists can not only look at the wild beauty of the river. Chickens, but also go fishing. You should build your route in such a way that settlements become its final point. In this case, at the very beginning of the rafting, travelers will see all the diversity of the fauna of the river, such rare fish as the tribulus, snakeheads and toadfish.