
Director Bykov Yuri: biography, photo. Top movies

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Director Bykov Yuri: biography, photo. Top movies
Director Bykov Yuri: biography, photo. Top movies

Video: Live! Russian Movie. Drama. English Subtitles. The Rock Films. StarMediaEN 2024, July

Video: Live! Russian Movie. Drama. English Subtitles. The Rock Films. StarMediaEN 2024, July

“Major”, “Live”, “Fool” - films, thanks to which the audience remembered the talented director Bykov Yuri. At first this person played a movie, then he began to create it. He sees his task in shooting “live” pictures, forcing the audience to empathize with the characters sincerely. What else is known about him?

Director Bykov Yuri: biography of a star

The star of domestic cinema was born in the Ryazan region, it happened in August 1981. Director Bykov Yuri was born into a family of workers, but since childhood gravitated to creative activity. The boy was fascinated by the mysterious world of cinema, he dreamed of becoming part of it.


It is not surprising that the future director Yuri Bykov, after school, decided to enter VGIK. He succeeded in becoming a student of this university on the first attempt, he gave preference to the acting department. The young man received the diploma in 2005, after which his path to fame began.

Search for yourself

Director Bykov Yuri managed to determine his purpose far from immediately. After graduating from VGIK, he joined the troupe of the Theater of the Russian Army, but left the creative team six months later. He cites a modest salary as the reason for this decision, which did not allow him to lead a decent life.


Yuri, unable to achieve fame as a theater actor, for some time retrained as an animated clown, gaining a place in the Yauza children's club. It is interesting that it was then that he came up with the idea of ​​creating his own film, but he did not realize it immediately. He was embarrassed by the lack of directing education, but attempts to comprehend the basics of the profession at VGIK failed. Then Yuri decided to learn everything on his own, acquired the appropriate textbooks and began to study.

What just did not do in those years, Yuri Bykov! The director, whose photo can be seen in the article, managed to try his hand as an animator, TV presenter, model. He also played for some time at the Moon Theater, but for unknown reasons left him.

Filming in movies and TV shows

“Love as Love” - a television project in which Bykov made his debut as an actor, it happened in 2006. Of course, his first role was small, but his colleagues on the set were the stars of Russian cinema - Shcherbakov, Luzhin, Nikonenko. Then Yuri was invited to the series “Everything was mixed in the house”, where he also embodied one of the secondary images.


In total, the director Bykov Yuri played about 20 roles in cinema and television projects. For example, it can be seen in the horror film “S. S. D. ”, the melodrama“ Keys to Happiness ”, in the adventure comedy“ Tanks Are Not Afraid of Dirt ”, in the action movie“ Wild ”. Popular series with his participation - "Ranetki", "Two Sisters-2."

Directorial activity

Of course, Yuri Bykov did not refuse to make a movie either. The director, whose filmography and biography are considered in this article, in 2009 presented the short film “Head” to the audience court. At the Kinotavr festival, his debut work won the Short Meter prize. It was at this festival that Bykov’s fateful meeting with Alexei Uchitel, who is now considered his mentor, took place.


The help of Alexei Uchitel helped Yuri already in 2010 to release the piercing crime drama "Live". She tells the story of how strangers, by the will of fate turned out to be fellow travelers, are trying to survive in wild places. The picture received mixed reviews from critics, but thousands of viewers liked it. The next high-profile success of Bykov was another crime drama. We are talking about the film "Major", released in 2013. The main character of the tape is a major who tries to avoid punishment for his accidentally committed murder, using his official position.

What else to see

Of course, not all worthy of viewing paintings created by Yuri Bykov are named above. The director, whose filmography is considered in this article, can also be proud of the action-directed drama "The Fool", which was released in 2014. The protagonist of the tape is a simple plumber who is forced to save 800 people from death.

Spectators also liked his action-packed series “Method”, the first season of which was released in 2015. The protagonist of the television project was a mysterious investigator who brilliantly manages to catch criminals, especially maniacs. The trainee girl, whom he becomes a mentor, is struggling to penetrate into the secret of the method of his mentor, having personal reasons for this. She begins to suspect that the investigator, who is well versed in the psychology of crazy killers, himself has certain deviations.