
Giant fish: list, description, photo

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Giant fish: list, description, photo
Giant fish: list, description, photo

Video: Fish Names Meaning & Picture | মাছের নাম | Necessary Vocabulary Tutorial 2024, July

Video: Fish Names Meaning & Picture | মাছের নাম | Necessary Vocabulary Tutorial 2024, July

A large number of organisms live in water. Some of them are so tiny that they cannot be seen with the naked eye. At the same time, the “neighbors” of these creatures cannot be called invisible, because their sizes significantly exceed the dimensions of the average fish. In our article you will find a list of the most amazing giant fish.

Drop fish

This creature is very strange and unusual. Due to the fact that it lives at great depths, its body is deformed and, by external signs, does not give out fish. So, for example, she does not have scales and fins. You cannot call a drop fish a sea giant: in length it reaches no more than 70 cm, and weight does not exceed 10 kg. She has no muscles and just goes with the flow, and when she wants to eat, she opens her mouth and waits for the prey to get into her mouth.



This large fish from the genus salmon has another simpler name: Russian salmon. It lives, as you can understand, in the lakes of Altai, Siberia and the Far East. The dimensions of the predator are 1 m in length with a weight of 60 kg. Taimen is a very aggressive and merciless fish that sees prey in everything that comes in its way. Sometimes she eats even her own cubs.

Moon fish

One of the largest bone fish lives in all the warm seas that exist on our planet. It is found in vast territories, starting with the Kuril Islands and ending with Iceland.

Her appearance is unusual: the body is slightly flattened from the sides, which is why it resembles a huge disk in shape. Instead of scales, the moon-fish has small bumps made of bone tissue. The size of the representative of ichthyofauna is 2 meters, with a weight of 1.5 tons. Unlike most large fish, it poses no danger to humans.



This fish is also called a giant grouper. This representative of ichthyofauna is found in the shallow waters of the Caribbean Sea, sometimes it can be found on the coast of Brazil. The length of the giant fish exceeds 2.5 meters.

The guas diet includes small octopuses and turtles. Fishing is prohibited by law, as a giant grouper is an endangered species. In fact, we would not recommend even approaching the named “fish”, because in case of danger, the guas can cause serious injuries to a person.

Chinese paddlefish

The second name of this river giant fish is psephur. This creature is considered one of the largest freshwater fish on our planet. The Chinese paddlefish lives in the muddy waters of the Yangtze, in China. Its size is impressive. Individuals 3 meters long were found. Their weight is corresponding - almost 300 kg.

Paddlers are looking for food (small fish, as well as crustaceans) with the help of special receptors, which are located on one of the outgrowths in the region of the upper jaw.



The giant fish is a representative of the sturgeon family. At present, Beluga fishing is prohibited, as the breed is on the verge of extinction. This fish is considered the largest freshwater inhabitant, since the weight of the caught individuals reached one and a half tons. The body length was 4.3 meters. Beluga inhabit the seas of the European part of Russia. When it comes time to lay eggs, they enter rivers.

Giant freshwater stingray

Another giant fish is a relative of stingray. A giant freshwater stingray lives in the rivers of Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. In addition, it is found in New Guinea, Australia and on the island of Borneo. In length, it reaches 4.5 meters, with a weight of 450-500 kg.

On the large tail of the ramp there are two large spikes intended for hunting. With one spike, he holds the prey, and the other uses to inject poison into the victim's body. As soon as a giant aquatic creature feels danger or sees prey, it begins to actively swing its tail and can cause serious injury to humans.



Another river predator was on the list of giant fish (photos of some of them can be found in our article). The catfish reaches a length of 5 meters, the weight of an individual is about half a ton.

He goes hunting at night. It feeds on mollusks, small fish and crustaceans. In addition, catfish and waterfowl, and small animals do not disdain. It is better to beware of catfish, as an adult can pull a person to the bottom without much difficulty.

Blue marlin

This Atlantic inhabitant is the largest representative of the percussion order. In adulthood, marlin grows to 5 meters. An interesting fact is that 20% of the body length of the named fish falls on a sharp spear. The dorsal fin has an original shape. It consists of several rays, most often their number varies from 5 to 7 pieces. Fishermen from all over the world are trying to catch blue marlin, as this giant fish is considered the best trophy for sport fishing.


White shark

Sometimes it is called a cannibal shark, as it poses a mortal danger to humans. Of the recorded 140 attacks, 29 resulted in deaths. The body of the largest white shark has a length of 6 meters. The mass of this predator is 2 tons. Contrary to the name, the shark is not completely white. Such a color she has only in the abdomen. The sides and back of the shark are gray. Thanks to three rows of serrated teeth, the predator can tear any prey.

White sturgeon

It is considered one of the largest freshwater fish in North America. It occurs in vast territories, starting from central California and ending with the Aleutian Islands. It is not surprising that the white sturgeon was on our list, because the length of its body reaches 6 meters! The weight of large individuals is approximately 800 kg. It is not recommended to approach representatives of this species, since they are extremely aggressive and can seriously injure a person. The diet of white sturgeon consists of mollusks, fish and worms.

Whale sharks


Giant marine fish reach a length of 10 meters or more. The whale shark has such dimensions. However, scientists admit the possibility of the existence of individuals whose dimensions are 18 meters. It sounds scary, but in reality, the whale shark does not pose a direct danger to humans, although it is a predator. She feeds on plankton, is not at all afraid of people. Divers calmly touch her and even climb onto her back.