
Rigorism is the destruction of personality

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Rigorism is the destruction of personality
Rigorism is the destruction of personality

Video: *About Abortions* - Nothing In Nothingness (Depressive Suicidal Black Metal) DSBM 2024, July

Video: *About Abortions* - Nothing In Nothingness (Depressive Suicidal Black Metal) DSBM 2024, July

Rigorism is strict adherence to laws and established norms, without the right to make mistakes, adamant principle, not accepting someone else's opinion, any other principles that differ from the original ones. This phenomenon occurs quite often. Rigorism is a requirement for complete and absolute submission to the rules. In some cases, even contrary to common sense, reason, appropriateness and logic. This is a transition from advantage to disadvantage, but somewhere rigorism to a mild degree can have a positive effect.


Examples of rigorism:

  • The communists.

  • Religious communities.

  • Military service.


The first to discover rigorism in philosophy was the famous German scientist I. Kant. In his opinion, a person should strive for ideal, guided by the rule: "Do good and do no evil." Pretty correct views, isn't it? Maybe. But man is man. Blindly following the principles, he forgets the purpose of his actions.


Let's look at this with a concrete example - rigorism in religion. The more a person blindly follows the highest rules, the better he feels. However, any deviation from the norms leads to unacceptable sin, sin leads to hell, and hell is the worst thing a believer fears. So, a person is ready to abandon any of his own attitudes, coordinate each action with the norms of his religion, just not to anger God. In this case, it will be absolutely unimportant what this behavior on Earth will lead to, the main thing is to avoid fire after death. Such attitudes destroy individuality, but perfectly educate pedantry and blind principle.


Thus, rigorism is the destruction of religion itself. Indeed, taking the rules of his faith as a standard and following them, without thinking about the correctness of his actions, a person risks losing his true faith. Religion never propagated rigorism. On the contrary, every way of faith in God speaks of the freedom of mankind. The same trend can be drawn in philosophy. Pointlessly following one theory (for example, Kant's theory), not taking into account other versions, everyone risks losing his own Self.