
Russian poetess Ashalchi Oka: biography, creativity and interesting facts

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Russian poetess Ashalchi Oka: biography, creativity and interesting facts
Russian poetess Ashalchi Oka: biography, creativity and interesting facts

Though a moth

My soul -

Why her

Wings are injured?

Akilina Grigoryevna Vekshina - the famous Soviet writer and poetess. It is considered the first Udmurt poetess. Paved the way for creativity for many Udmurt writers. At the beginning of her career, she chose the Udmurt name Ashalchi Oka.



Akilina Grigoryevna was born in 1898 in an ordinary family of peasants in the Udmurt Republic. She received education at the Karlyan teacher's school, mastered the profession of a teacher. She later studied at the University of Kazan at the Faculty of Medicine. And already in 1927 she received the profession of an ophthalmologist.

Medical practice

The profession brought Akilina Grigoryevna joy, she achieved great success in it and received the award “Honored Doctor of the Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic”. These skills were useful to her in the difficult years of World War II. Akilina Grigorievna was called up to the front as a front-line surgeon. Awarded for operations. After demobilization, she worked as a doctor in a local district hospital. She showed herself as an experienced specialist and made a significant contribution to the fight against trachoma. I spent most of my life on treating people from this ailment in a specialized dispensary. She died in 1973.

Writer career


The biography of Ashalchi Oka as a writer began back in 1918 with the publication in one of the Udmurt newspapers “Ville Sin”. And already ten years later her first collection of poems “Sures duryn” was published. After the creative life of the poetess a little paused due to her accusation of having links with the Nazis in 1933, which, obviously, was fabricated. Her close friend and writer was accused, but this story hurt her too: there were interrogations, trips to the department and testimonies. According to another version, the writer fell under the oppression of political repression against the writers of 1920-30. It was a tragic period for many Soviet writers. Akilina Grigoryevna was even arrested and stayed in the NKVD for three months, and her brother, writer Ivo Ivi, did not escape this fate. Many associate her creative departure with a dumb protest against Stalinist repression. The writer herself always refrained from commenting, making it clear that this topic was unpleasant for her.

During a downtime in the career of a writer, Ashalchi Oki focuses on his medical career. In addition, she devotes much time to translating poems by Russian poets into the Udmurt language. So, her most famous work was the translation of a collection of poems by Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin.

She succeeds in fully returning to the writers' environment only during the reign of Khrushchev, in the heyday of the so-called “thaw” period. This decision is pushed by numerous friends and writers. She manages to achieve the publication of poems in Russian. Ashalchi Oka herself often admitted that by that time she was already hopelessly behind the life and trends of the modern world. From this period of her work, only a few significant works have been preserved, for example, such stories as “Grandmother” and “Scarecrow”.



Many Udmurt poets and writers are known, but the contribution of the work of Ashalchi Oka to Soviet literature and literature as a whole cannot be overestimated. Her stories and poems describe the life, thoughts, dreams, sorrows and feelings of an ordinary Udmurt girl. In her poems there is no excessive pathos and arrogant words, they are simple and understandable to any person.

Each line is permeated with extraordinary tenderness and love for people, nature, simple joys of life. The poems of Ashalchi Oka make you smile and cry, leave semitones and understatement, but at the same time they are easy to read and fall into the heart. For this incredible femininity and emotionality, they even got the name "new poetry" among contemporaries. Contemporaries often compare her poetry with the famous Matsuo Base for romance and a philosophical contemplative approach to love and homeland.


The main character of Ashalchi is a romantic girl who puts the soul, then her heart and mood at the forefront. Poems by Ashalchi Oka in Russian or Udmurt languages ​​appeal to inner harmony, humanity, love. This is the main difference between Ashalchi and many other Soviet writers. She was not carried away by the idea of ​​revolution and did not go into political slogans, but remained true to herself throughout her creative career, for which she was so fond of not only in Udmurtia.


The interest in the poetess at home is more than modest, but abroad her lyrics are found interesting and immediate. So, her poems are translated not only into Russian, but also into Hungarian, French, Ukrainian, English and many other languages. In Russia, the poetess's poems and her stories have been translated more than once, among the most famous are translations of G. Pagirev, A. Smolnikov.

Poems about love

The main place in the work of Ashalchi is the theme of love. She touchingly emphasizes the tender feelings that a young girl experiences. Everything in her poems recalls the charms and awe of first love. The most striking reflection of these feelings is the poem "Shyness."

Just say that -

I have one coveted.

He is very dear to me, Heart with him tirelessly.

And how do you want at least once

Say a word like that

To understand at that hour

What to him with all my soul I

I strive and I want

To be with him forever, But I'm still silent

Caressing his gaze.

Poems about the motherland


A significant place in the work is reserved for poems about love for the motherland. Not just to their homeland, but also to their native land, home, land on which they were born and raised, people, freshly cut grass. This is especially emphasized in "Hometown, my native land."

No more beautiful than the earth

Than native land.

How sweet I am to everyone here:

Mowing, forests and fields!

I miss them.

And in any other side

The land where she was born

Everywhere I remember.