the culture

Born to fly can’t crawl: truth or challenge?

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Born to fly can’t crawl: truth or challenge?
Born to fly can’t crawl: truth or challenge?

Video: DO NOT PLAY THIS BEAT SABER LEVEL (DOOM - Cyberdemon) 2024, July

Video: DO NOT PLAY THIS BEAT SABER LEVEL (DOOM - Cyberdemon) 2024, July

The folk oral tradition, as is commonly believed, embodies the wisdom of centuries, the wisdom of our ancestors, the experience of generations. We are used to looking at them as immutable truth, or at least as something ironic and hiding the shortcomings of human life.


Everything flows, everything changes

However, changes in society stimulate us to review certain common truths inherent in the consciousness of our ancestors. A striking example is the proverb, which states that those who are predestined to crawl cannot climb up. The laws of elementary logic argue that in this case the opposite is also true: the born cannot crawl. But, of course, the essence of this proverb does not provide for such an interpretation. This is only an oxymoron, designed to emphasize the irrelevance of these words. Why? One cannot but agree with the fact that most of the samples of folk wisdom have not lost their rational grain and are applicable in our time too. But specifically this wording - a born born cannot crawl - perfectly shows the attitude of a modern person to those elements of ancient stereotypes that put before our ancestors any framework that is now unnecessary.

In changing times, words are lost

What is it about? The point is that each person is given a narrow range of possibilities from birth, and no one is allowed to go beyond it.


Roughly speaking, the place and time of birth determines being, the quality of life, and possibly even its duration. No, of course, in some ways this is true now, because a person from a wealthy family has great potential for improving the quality and lengthening the term of his own life. However, in our time, we can safely say that most of modern human civilization has gone beyond the framework of rigid classes. “Born to fly can’t crawl” - these words became as wrong as the primary form of the proverb in question.

Pride Cutting Wings

In no way should it be argued that the conditions of modern life give complete freedom of self-realization, however, we can safely say that the purpose of the existence of any civilization is precisely the ability to bestow wings on everyone who is part of it.


Even if you do not delve into the various “strategies” for gaining success in life, do not talk about how important education, investment and other attributes of career or creative growth are, but just speak generally about consciousness. After all, the mind of a modern person, his spirit, his creative beginning are shackled in essence. It remains only to accept their own freedom and use it. There are many examples of personalities that can be said in all seriousness that a born cannot crawl. Because either the framework erected by social stereotypes, or their own ego prevents them from looking at things realistically, rather than trying to rise above others.

The tireless spirit is indispensable for flight

As for that part of humanity (there is a hope that it is a question of the greater part), which looks at things soberly and optimistically evaluates its own capabilities, we can safely say about them that the saying "born cannot crawl cannot fly" is not about them. By and large, they have already taken off, because the awareness of their own potential, the impulse to realize it and the firm will that embodies this impulse in life are wings themselves. However, one should always remember the words of the famous modern Russian poetess and musician Zoya Yashchenko: “It is not so important that there are wings; it’s important that they carry us. ” That is, the very life of a person who wants to take off should turn into the eternal overcoming of all those shackles that hold back his impulse. And then the words that the born cannot crawl can forever be lost under the hail of successful attempts of those who dare with their hearts, impudent in spirit and sober in mind. To have a generous harvest, you need to plant seedlings.
