
The longest river of Eurasia. Description and specifications

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The longest river of Eurasia. Description and specifications
The longest river of Eurasia. Description and specifications

Video: Europe Physical Geography 2024, July

Video: Europe Physical Geography 2024, July

On our planet, 30% of the area is occupied by land. The remaining 70% is water, which is necessary for humanity to exist. There are four oceans on the globe: Indian, Atlantic, Arctic and Pacific. Each of them has something special, something that distinguishes it from the others. Similarly, the rivers.


Each continent has the longest river. Perhaps the question arises: "What is the longest river of Eurasia?" It is to him that you can find the answer in this article.

The longest river in Eurasia

The Yangtze is the longest river in Eurasia. It ranks third in the world in terms of fullness, and on the mainland Eurasia - first. It begins in Tibet and flows on the territory of China. Its length is 6300 kilometers. The mouth of the river is located in the East China Sea.


Its height is 0 meters above sea level. The area of ​​the river basin is 1 810 thousand square kilometers. This is a very large pool, which is impressive in size. It covers 20% of the territory of China. Just like the Yellow River, the longest river of Eurasia plays a big role for the economy and economy of China. It has the largest hydroelectric power station in the world called Three Gorges.

The Yangtze is the longest and richest river in Eurasia, so such a station is located on it. The river also provides a large number of people with water, about 30% of the inhabitants of China live on its banks, which indicates its importance. It is also a dividing strip between the North and South of China. The river flows through several ecosystems and therefore has unique species of living creatures. It is home to many endangered species that need protection and care. Part of the river is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The history of the name of the river

The longest and deepest river in Eurasia has several names. Since it is very large, it is even divided into parts and they are called separately.


In general, the Chinese themselves call the river Changjiang, which means “long river” in translation from their language. The Yangtze name appeared in European circles, thanks to the work of one writer. So it was fixed. In China itself, such a name is rarely used, but still sometimes it can be found. The upper part of the river has several names. In Sichuan, she is called Jinsha, and in Qinghai, Tuntian. In the 19th century it was called the Blue River, even though it is muddy.

Interesting facts about the Yangtze River

The longest river of Eurasia has its own history and this attracts tourists. The inhabitants of South China first appeared on this river. And in the area of ​​the largest hydroelectric power station, traces of the habitat of people who lived there about 25 thousand years ago were found. Since the Han Dynasty, the economic importance of the river has increased significantly. Then agriculture played a big role in China, and the river helped in this, because water and land are always “friends”.


Since the river is very wide, it is difficult to cross it, and historically it has become the border between the North and the South of China. Near the Yangtze River, a lot of battles and battles took place.