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The most beautiful male names on "a"

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The most beautiful male names on "a"
The most beautiful male names on "a"

Video: Boy Names in English - Most Popular Male Names for Baby Boys 2024, June

Video: Boy Names in English - Most Popular Male Names for Baby Boys 2024, June

Parents, when they have a child, face the problem of choosing a name. After all, there are so many of them and choosing the best option is not easy. In this article, we list some masculine names on “a”. When compiling this list, we were guided by the criteria of beauty, harmony and nobility in choosing options. Therefore, in our opinion, it included the most successful examples.


Male names on "a" - characteristic

But before we go directly to our list, let’s say a few words about what are the names starting with the capital letter of the alphabet, and why you should choose them for your child.

First, in speech, the letter “a” has strong associations with the beginning, clarity and integrity. People with a name that begins with this letter are usually distinguished by hard work. But before signing up for any business, they first carefully analyze all the circumstances, and if they don’t like something, they won’t work. Only if they like the project, they will develop it with pleasure and enthusiasm.

By its energy, “a” is a very active, powerful and active letter. In many respects, this letter is also considered warlike, characteristic of people active and active, energetic. Very often, the names of leaders and those who say “the soul of the company” begin with it. In addition, this letter captures a vivid individuality and independence of the individual. This is especially the case when the masculine names on "a" contain her doublet, which is stressed. It is also necessary to note that men with names on "a" tend to stand out from the crowd in one way or another. If this is not a desire for leadership and power, then at least eccentric behavior and unusual style.


List of male names with the letter “a”

The list of our names will be divided into several categories depending on the origin. Of course, this is not a complete list of decent options. There are many other great masculine names on “a, ” but there is no complete list of them in the world, because it would include hundreds of thousands of options.

Greek names

  • Abessalon. This Greek name, perhaps borrowed from Hebrew. Literally translated as "father of the world."

  • Avsay. From the Greek language, this name is translated as "pious."

  • Haggai. Another Greek name whose meaning is “solemn”.

  • Adamas. In Greek, this word is called a rough diamond, that is, a diamond.

  • Hakob. The name is common among Armenians, but its roots are Greek. Translated as "warlike, warrior."

  • Alvian. A name with Greek roots meaning "rich."

  • Alexander. It translates this very common name in the world as "protector of people."

  • Athanasius. The name Athanasius is translated from Greek as "immortal."

  • Ambrose. Also, like Athanasius, is translated by the word "immortal".

Jewish names

  • Avvakum. Hebrew name. It means "the love of God."

  • Abel. From Hebrew - “son of Adam”.

  • Adam. Means “red clay”. According to biblical legend - the first person on earth.

  • Alpheus. From Hebrew translates as "change."

  • Amadeus. It means "loving God."

  • Anton. According to one version, it means “entering the battle”.

European names

  • Aarne. This is a very beautiful Finnish name that means “eagle”.

  • Abel. Translated from German means "son."

  • Augustine The Russian equivalent of this word is the definition of "sacred." Comes from the Latin language.

  • Aurelian. "Carrier to God." Apparently, the Latin name.

  • Agilbert. A very beautiful Germanic name with the meaning "sparkling knife edge".

  • Adalbert. Another resounding German name with the pathos meaning "shining noble."

  • Addo A simple, straightforward French name that means "father."

  • Adolf. The ancient German name, which is translated as "strong wolf."

  • Alan. English name. Means "resident of Alanya."

  • Alari. "The richest." Comes from the French language.

  • Alwar. The translation of this name from English is “elf”.

  • Albert "Brilliant".

  • Arthur. The name Arthur is one of the few Celtic names spread throughout Russia. There are not so many Celtic names in the world, since the French and English, who conquered the Celts, forbade calling children by the traditional names of these tribes. The name Arthur is translated as "mighty bear."

  • Alben. In French, this name means "white."

  • Arnold. A name that has Germanic, and possibly Greek roots. It means "master."