women's issues

Kibby David: how to create an individual style? How David Cibby's Type System Works

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Kibby David: how to create an individual style? How David Cibby's Type System Works
Kibby David: how to create an individual style? How David Cibby's Type System Works

The abundance of clothing options and the enormous amount of information about changing fashion trends is becoming a real curse for many women. After all, navigating in this variety is not easy, and even more difficult to choose what will fit perfectly. Fortunately, this problem was solved about thirty years ago by Kibby David. The biography of this man is associated with a great discovery in the field of fashion. We will talk more about this in this article.


Who is Kibby David?

What is femininity? Is it just floral prints, ruffles and puffy skirts? Is there another side to elegance? "There is!" - Mr. Kibby once declared. David became a true revolutionary in the field of beauty, freeing millions of beautiful women from the captivity of unusual styles. He was the first to propose a fundamentally new system for creating a unique individual style and called it the theory of lines. Since then, there is no longer any need to forcibly accept someone’s views on beauty, now every woman has the right to be beautiful in her own way. Beauty guru Kibby David has developed an absolute reincarnation mechanism that many women enjoy using to this day.

The essence of the Kibby test

The Kibby test consists of analyzing body lines in several directions. These include the following: the bone structure of the body, the type of figure (namely, features of the soft tissues), the bone structure of the face and its individual features. Such an analysis, on which the Kibby test is based, helps to determine which of the thirteen types identified by this specialist refers to a person. Each of these types has features that should be considered when selecting clothes and creating an individual style. The ideal mechanism - the amazing system of David Kibby - will not leave indifferent any fashionista.


Kibby traits

Beauty guru Kibby David identifies thirteen types. Extreme are dramatics (with intermediate types pure dramatic and soft dramatic), as well as romance (pure romantic and theatrical romantic respectively). However, most people relate to more mixed types of appearance, such as straight (bright, clean and soft straight), classics (dramatic, clean and soft classic), and fireplaces (bright, clean and soft fireplace). Each of these types has its own appearance and, accordingly, unique recommendations for creating an image. However, how does the David Kibby system work? Let's consider further.

How the trait system works

This information is most fully provided by David Kibby in his book. "Metamorphoses" is an amazing work that describes all the nuances of this system. Kibby bases his theory on the proportional ratio of yin and yang in the appearance of the girl. How can this be applied in practice? In essence, the concept of yin master stylist Kibby puts smoothness and softness of lines, volume and roundness of forms. Kibby's concept of yang is sharp angles, dry forms, geometry. Therefore, women who have more pronounced manifestations of yang in their appearance have a more masculine appearance, which can in no way spoil them if we apply the recommendations of this specialist. They are distinguished by high growth, large limbs, wide bones, pronounced high cheekbones and fairly large facial features, a somewhat courageous chin, straight angular shoulders, pronouncedly structured hair.

At the same time, the extreme manifestation of yin means the concentration of ovals and circles in the exterior. Soft lines and magnificent forms create the most feminine image of possible. For example, Marilyn Monroe, the very embodiment of femininity, belongs to this type. This type is distinguished by its miniature size and shape, with soft lines of the shoulders, chin, thin bones, large eyes, graceful arms and legs, and hair that is softly structured.

However, such pure traits are rare. The vast majority of women belong to one of the intermediate types. Each of them has strict restrictions on the lines and proportions of the figure and certain recommendations regarding the choice of clothing.

Why is this system needed?

Kibby typing is invaluable to anyone who wants to look stylish and natural at the same time. This helps to better understand and evaluate your natural data in order to emphasize all your advantages when choosing clothes. Also, this kind of knowledge helps to avoid accidental unnecessary purchases of things that seem to be fashionable and suitable in color, but do not emphasize the best nuances of your figure, do not set you apart from the crowd.

How to pass the test

In order to correctly determine your type, you must strictly adhere to the test instructions and honestly answer questions regarding your appearance. It would be ideal if a person who could accurately and objectively determine such nuances helped you pass the test.

Of course, you can consider all 13 traits of the Kibby system before passing the test, but this can significantly reduce the level of your objectivity. Indeed, in this case, there will certainly be a temptation to ascribe to oneself actually unusual traits in order to classify oneself as the type you like.



For a dramatic character, a distinctive feature is rather tall, sharp large facial features, small eyes. On such a face cheekbones always stand out brightly. Such girls always look spectacular, contrasting with others. Their faces are as if carved from stone.

The advantage of a dramatic character is the ability to look natural in shocking, vibrant, sexy outfits. While on a girl of any other type the same things would look vulgar and inappropriate.



Girls who belong to this type have a clearly defined oval face, on which cheekbones stand out clearly. The face shape of a classic girl, usually slightly square or oval, is easily determined at first glance. Proportional eyes and nose, of regular shape and medium in size, distinguish classic from romance and drama. Bright feminine lips, not too puffy, but not narrow, look unusually beautiful and natural. This type is considered one of the rarest, according to David Kibby. The classic is also unique in that the main facial features of these girls throughout life remain unchanged.



Girls belonging to the romantic type are distinguished by noticeable, magnificent forms, miniature growth, a pleasant soft hair structure, feminine facial features (large eyes, a wide, but neat nose, beautiful full lips). Their figure often refers to the type of apple or hourglass. It is these distinctive nuances that David Kibby distinguishes for this type. Romantic - the most feminine type of girls. Very tender. This is evident in Marilyn Monroe. However, a woman can become attractive, regardless of belonging to one of the types in the system under consideration, if only she begins to adhere to all relevant recommendations.


Is it possible to do without a stylist?

The answer is clear: yes! Knowing your type and the basic principles of choosing clothes, you can select beautiful memorable outfits without resorting to the services of third-party specialists. In order to facilitate this task for readers, later in this article we will discuss some basic recommendations for all types, which will help us navigate the most fashionable jungle in the most competent way.

Recommendations for traits

So, for girls who are representatives of a dramatic type, things made of dense, hard fabrics that perfectly hold their shape for a long time are ideal. The overall silhouette should look geometric, elongated, without blurry soft lines. Prints should be used exclusively large, without small elegant details, as well as sharp geometric shapes.

Soft dramatics allow the use of soft, shiny or matte fabrics. Such girls are recommended to focus on the shoulders. The prints should harmoniously combine sharp and soft lines and patterns.

Natural girls are advised to pay attention to matte fabrics of medium density with a rough structure, soft, but not airy. The silhouette should be straight, narrow. Prints of clothing should be chosen as simple as possible, with blurry lines.

Bright natural looks great in clothes from any fabric, only if it has a large, rough texture. The silhouette inspires a sense of freedom. All lines should be directed vertically, and the main emphasis should be left on the shoulders. An elongated waist perfectly demonstrates the advantages of such a figure. The combination of contrasting colors, taking into account the personal color type, will be an excellent solution. Bold asymmetric prints will be a good complement to this image.

Soft natural looks amazing in light soft tissues with fluffy elements. Accented waist, soft asymmetrical edges of clothes, weightless, translucent prints will make this image complete.

Classic is one of the rarest types. Well-shaped fabrics are suitable for him, not too shiny, but also not completely matte. The silhouette should give the impression of smoothness, symmetry, without sharp transitions and interruptions, with clearly defined edges.

Type soft classic requires an emphasis on the waist and does not tolerate the lack of smoothness. High-quality, well-draped fabrics with soft symmetrical patterns will be the best solution.

Dramatic classic - bright character. Matte fabrics to his face create a straight, sharp silhouette with clearly defined edges. Sharp symmetrical prints in clothes complete the look.

The smallest girls belong to the type of gamines. Matte hard fabrics are incredibly suitable for them, as smooth as possible, not looking massive. The silhouette of the fireplaces should look delicate, somewhat broken, tightly fit the figure. Rigid sharp edges, as many short, ragged straight lines as possible will add weightless elegance to the image. The abundance of bright small prints makes the image somewhat childish, and therefore extremely cute.

Bright fireplace is a type-derivative of the previous one. Color accents are best done using metallic-colored details on a matte base. The fabric should be selected light, which gently fits the figure. The silhouette as a whole should come out jagged, asymmetrical, somewhat sharp with a lowered or puffed waist.

Women with soft mantles should use hard matte fabrics. It is important that they look light enough and they can be draped. The fitted silhouette, narrowed around the collar and cuffs, with lush lines creates a soft feminine image.

The type of romantic requires the use of light, soft, flowing fabrics that create a smooth, fitted silhouette. While theatrical romance is better to use fluffy details with an abundance of bright, large-sized watercolor prints.

Changes throughout life

As you know, a person changes externally over time. And this is not only about tastes and preferences in clothes, but rather about physical changes. The shape and features of facial features are changing. All these nuances will affect typing according to the Kibby system. So, the type that was characteristic of you earlier may change over the years. Therefore, throughout life it would be wise to pass the test, which is discussed in this article, several times. This will help to make sure that your style of dress is fully consistent with your inner style and looks as natural as possible.
