
The largest rivers of Spain: Tagus, Ebro and Guadalquivir

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The largest rivers of Spain: Tagus, Ebro and Guadalquivir
The largest rivers of Spain: Tagus, Ebro and Guadalquivir

Video: Canción de los ríos 2024, July

Video: Canción de los ríos 2024, July

Spain is a European state located on the Iberian Peninsula, the Canary and Balearic Islands. The north and west of the country are washed by the waves of the Atlantic Ocean, and the south and east coast - the Mediterranean Sea. Of particular importance in ensuring the life of the peninsula are the rivers of Spain.

The country's freshwater arteries in most cases have rain nutrition. In total, there are 24 rivers on the Iberian Peninsula, the duration of which is over 180 km. All of them belong either to the Atlantic or to the Mediterranean basin. The largest rivers in Spain are the Tagus, Ebro, Guadalquivir and Guadiana.


Tahoe - aquifer of the Iberian Peninsula

The total duration of the Tagus River is 1, 038 km. The area of ​​its basin is 81 thousand km 2. The river is located in Spain and Portugal. It plays an important role in the economic sphere and in the tourism industry. The rich nature and amazing landscapes attract many tourists from different parts of Europe.

The largest stretch of the river, and this is 716 km, is located on Spanish territory. The mouth of the Tagus lies in the mountainous region of Universales. In Portugal, the river is called Tagus.

Toledo, located on a large river, has become a favorite city for tourists. This settlement has a long history. According to legend, the first settlers on the Tahoe coast were Iberians, and after a while the Celts were founded here. In the II century BC e. the city was conquered by the Romans, who gave it the name Toletum. It was from this moment that the active development of Toledo began. Temples, theaters and other architectural structures were erected in the city. In honor of Hercules, the hero of ancient mythology, a grotto located on the Tagus River was named. The same name has been preserved to this day.


Ebro River - the heart of Spain

Spain's largest river is the Ebro. The entire basin of a large freshwater artery is located on the territory of this state. The total length is 910 km. Location - the north-eastern part of the Iberian Peninsula. The name of the river is associated with Iberians. This is an ancient disappeared people who once lived in the territory where the Basques live today - the descendants of these same Iberians.

Ebro belongs to the Mediterranean basin. The source of the river begins in the Cantabrian mountain system. Then it follows through the North Castilian plateau, after it crosses the Aragonese plain. The last point of the river is the Mediterranean Sea, where the Ebro flows.


The imperial canal, built in the 18th century, occupies a special place in the history of the river. This is the largest hydraulic structure in Europe, which is located parallel to the Ebro. The presence of the canal provided irrigation of the Aragon Valley. After a while, another canal was built. It was created on the opposite side of the river. Thus, all the necessary conditions for irrigation in this direction were provided. The channel was named Tauste.

The Ebro River is one of the important energy supply facilities in the country. About 50% of all electricity is produced with its participation. The rivers of Spain have an important task in terms of irrigation of nearby territories. Only the Ebro provides fresh water for about 800 thousand hectares of land.

The rapid and cold course of the river is observed at its source, which is located 40 km from the Atlantic. In Castile, the stream becomes moderate and calm, but, having reached Navarre, the river again turns into a raging, restless element. Approaching the delta, the Ebro slows down. At this point, the waters of the river are calm. This fact and the presence of shallow water created all the conditions for farming. Rice, various fruits and olives are grown in this region.


Guadalquivir - a picturesque corner

Guadalquivir is another major river in Spain. Its duration is 657 km. It is one of the five largest rivers of the Iberian Peninsula. Guadalquivir originates in the mountains of Andalusia, and its delta goes to the Gulf of Cadiz, belonging to the Atlantic Ocean. River waters are used for irrigation of territories and for generating electricity. The name Guadalquivir is of Arab origin and translates as “big river”. The famous city of Seville is located on the shores of this waterway. The river is a picturesque corner of Spain, so many tourists are eager to visit these places. Here you can have a great time exploring the sights, or relax with a boat trip.
