
The Most Influential People of Russia: List

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The Most Influential People of Russia: List
The Most Influential People of Russia: List

Video: Putin tops Forbes’ most powerful people list for 3rd year in a row 2024, July

Video: Putin tops Forbes’ most powerful people list for 3rd year in a row 2024, July

The American financial and economic magazine for the first time in its history offered readers a rating of the most influential people from Russia. Among those on the list were important government officials, bankers and top managers of well-known companies. Candidates were selected from 1, 500 people, separated in a specific order. At the same time, the impact was measured by several criteria at once: company profits and the entrepreneur’s earnings, the presence of applicants in the ranking of the richest people in the country, as well as their proximity to the supreme power of the Russian Federation and the president.

Vladimir Putin

Of course, for many, it was not a surprise to whom the editors of the publication fell for finding the right person to award first place. Forbes named the country's president Vladimir Putin the leader of the list of the most influential people in Russia. An interesting point is that one of the criteria for sorting applicants is precisely their proximity to the head of state. The powerful influence exerted by the President of Russia on the world political arena allows him to remain one of the key figures of various ratings.

Victory in the recent elections with a record in the post-Soviet space of almost 77% of the vote only strengthened Putin's position. It is worth noting that in the general list of the most influential people, the Russian president did not take the first line for the first time in the last four years. His place went to the chairman of the People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping.


Herman Gref

The owner of an extraordinary talent for entrepreneurial activity and a very versatile person who managed to try his hand at completely different state structures. In this case, the choice of editors was very predictable. According to Forbes, of the most influential people in Russia, German Gref, the current head and chairman of the board of Sberbank, should be in second place.

Its rather high influence on the political and economic situation in the country can be explained not only in connection with current employment. Just look at the track record of this person. Earlier, he happened to be the chairman of the Mariinsky Theater Council, an adviser on international affairs of the Russian Federation, and an employee of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. In addition, among the current posts held by Herman, there is a member of the board of directors of the largest domestic search engine Yandex.


Alexey Millner

Candidate of Economic Sciences and statesman who is currently Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee. On the one hand, Alexey in the list of the most influential people in Russia among Forbes was noted as a businessman, but it is difficult to deny his direct influence on the country's policy. Unfortunately, in April of this year, Millner was included in the "black list" of the United States, falling under the next package of sanctions of the American state. Nevertheless, this did not in the least diminish its influence on many spheres of activity of the world community.

The incredible security of the entrepreneur allowed him in 2012 to become one of the most businessmen in the country. Since then, he is not only one of the most influential people in Russia, but is also included in the list of the most expensive leaders in the Russian Federation. Alexei’s income in 2016 was already estimated at $ 18 billion, so he took first place in the Forbes ranking of the best entrepreneurs in the same Forbes publication.


Igor Sechin

A native of the presidential administration, who was able to go up the career ladder to a very prominent position as chairman of the board of directors of the Rosneft oil company. Unlike Alexey Millner, he regularly ranked Forbes since 2009. However, he also managed to get under American sanctions earlier than his colleague - this happened back in 2014. The significant weight of Igor on the world stage is only confirmed by such attention to his person from the United States.

In 2013, the businessman headed the rating of the richest managers of the country, having a net worth of about $ 50 million. A year later, Sechin entered the chairmanship of the Pirelli company, and then replaced Pavel Durov, contributing to the acquisition of the social network Vkontakte. Of course, such an extensive list of achievements allowed the entrepreneur to rise high in the ranking of the most influential people in Russia.


Dmitry Medvedev

The former president of the country was also honored to take an honorable place in the list. Currently, she is officially the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation and the United Russia party. The second most important politician in the post-Soviet space. The fact that an official can only indirectly influence the business sphere did not give editors the opportunity to put him in the top three ranking leaders.

Despite the fact that a massive anti-corruption campaign against Dmitry Medvedev has gained high interest in society and resonance in the country, he still remains one of the most influential people in Russia. Although, without a doubt, today he is not so active in the global political arena, however, the Prime Minister is endowed with significant influence, and therefore clearly has a decisive word in many matters.


Vladimir Bogdanov

He began his career as an engineer, but was soon able to rise to the head of Surgutneftegaz. The notorious privatization helped Vladimir to succeed, thanks to which he was able to acquire a state-owned stake in the enterprise. It happened back in 1995. Last year, the businessman also came under American sanctions.

It is worth noting that the US government estimated Bogdanov’s fortune at $ 1.9 billion in 2017. Perhaps the latest events and the difficulties caused by them slightly diminished the entrepreneur's income, but his place in the top of the most influential people in Russia, as well as the richest entrepreneurs, was not lost from this. Interestingly, back in 2006, Vladimir’s fortune was estimated at more than twice as much as $ 4.4 billion.


Elvira Nabiullina

Honored economist of the country, statesman and chairman of the Bank of Russia was able to become the only woman who was honored to enter the top ten ranking. Earlier, Elvira also served as Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation. In 2015, she became recognized by Euromoney magazine as the best central bank manager in the world. A little later, Global Finance magazine named Nabiullina one of the seven most successful heads of such institutions.

In addition to the fact that the editors included Elvira in the list of the most influential people in Russia, earlier they also put her on the 71st line of the ranking of the most influential women in 2014. Other representatives of the Russian Federation in such lists had never been listed before. A good list of personal achievements and proximity to Vladimir Putin made it possible for Nabiullina to enter the TOP-10 of the new rating of the American publication.
