
The most poisonous spider in the world: childhood, adolescence and youth

The most poisonous spider in the world: childhood, adolescence and youth
The most poisonous spider in the world: childhood, adolescence and youth

Video: 10 TEENAGERS You Won't Believe Exist 2024, June

Video: 10 TEENAGERS You Won't Believe Exist 2024, June

The most poisonous spider in the world

Karakurt, or “black widow”, is widespread in many countries: in Ukraine, Central Asia, the Caucasus, Southern Europe, Iran, China, Turkey, North Africa and so on. In short, all over the world! Moreover - this is the most poisonous spider in Russia!


Karakurts are born in the summer (June, July). While still very tiny, the little spider is transparent and very weak. While he still does not know how to weave a web and somehow sorted out with his tiny paws. But after a few days it begins to fade and turns black. At the same time, three rows of bright spots appear on the upper side of his abdomen, and a gray hourglass pattern on the lower side. It is on these "hours" that males and females are distinguished. In adult females, this pattern is shaded in the center and splits into red stripes on the sides.


After moulting, the world's most poisonous spider is able to weave its own web.


In addition, he has accumulated the necessary poison. Although karakurt is also small in size, it is already quite dangerous! The first few days, the little spiders do not go anywhere, but sit, huddled together in a tight pile. They do not eat anything at this time. After a while, those who are more active begin their first hunt in their lives. But some, not bothering themselves with unnecessary worries, attack their own brothers, devouring them. It is such aggressive spiders that grow faster than others, occupying the mother's house. The rest have to leave him.


Two months later, having survived several links, the baby turns almost already into an adult karakurt with external distinguishing features.


The most poisonous spider in the world becomes an adult after its sixth molt. When this moment arrives, new trends are coming for the male - he proceeds to search for a girlfriend. But the females, meanwhile, are still not up to the suitors. They become ready for mating only after the eighth molt. When this happens, they, like males, go wandering, shedding the last (ninth) time in the way. At this time (June), karakurts are especially dangerous. They try to climb into all the cracks of houses, basements, attics, as well as under the roots of trees and visit minks to rodents. It is in June that there is a huge number of victims of these spider bites. Mating with the male, the female begins to build cocoons, protecting them. In autumn or winter, it dies.


The most dangerous spider in the world has quite a few enemies. Among them - wasp kambaz. Flying to the spider's mink, the wasp begins to fumble the cobwebs, luring karakurt. Naturally, he responds to spider web vibrations and goes outside. Then the wasp takes off and, resting its paws on a spider web, inflicts a powerful blow with a sting right in his mouth! The corpse of a spider wasp buries in the ground along with its own larva, which eats it.


Deadly danger

Since this is the most poisonous spider in the world, it is also dangerous for humans. The bite of a karakurt feels like a light pin injection, which after 10 minutes turns into a hellish pain that quickly spreads throughout the body. The legs fail, and the abdominal muscles harden like a stone, the eyes turn red, breathing is difficult. The temperature may be normal or slightly lower. In severe cases, death occurs in a couple of hours! To avoid this, you need to take urgent measures to neutralize the poison. In this case, you need serum against karakurt. If it is not there, then the bite should be burned with a match no later than a couple of minutes after the spider attacks. Rubbing with alcohol will also help. In any case, after these procedures, you should definitely see a doctor.