
The largest lake in Russia in area: list, names, description and features

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The largest lake in Russia in area: list, names, description and features
The largest lake in Russia in area: list, names, description and features

Video: Russia Geography/Russian Federation 2024, July

Video: Russia Geography/Russian Federation 2024, July

Lakes are one of the national treasures of our country. By their number, Russia occupies a leading position in the world. Natural reservoirs can be small and large, salty and freshwater, shallow and deep, densely populated and deserted. We offer a rating of the largest lakes in Russia. It included ponds that deservedly occupy the first lines.

Caspian Sea

The Caspian Sea is the largest lake in Russia by area. It is so huge that it is commonly called the sea. Moreover, the water in the lake is salty throughout the territory, with the exception of the northern ones. The area of ​​the Caspian is approximately four hundred thousand square kilometers, and the maximum depth is more than a thousand meters. That is why it tops the rating "The largest lakes in the world." Russia can be proud of one of the most precious pearls of the planet. Thanks to magnificent landscapes and unforgettable beaches, the Caspian Sea is gradually becoming one of the most popular and loved by travelers places.


According to one of the concepts, the largest lake in Russia got its name thanks to the Caspians - ancient tribes that lived in the south-west of the coast. Confirmation is the remains that archaeologists find to date. But the Caspian today is more famous for its unique reserves.


The pond, located on the border of Europe and Asia, belongs simultaneously to five countries and brings them big profits. We are talking about Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Azerbaijan. Since the beginning of the 19th century, active production of natural gas and oil began. Currently, there are a large number of installations on the lake, with reserves estimated by reputable experts reaching up to twenty billion tons.


The largest freshwater lake in Russia is Lake Baikal, with a total area of ​​31, 500 square kilometers. However, it is a world record holder for one more parameter. The reservoir has the deepest place (up to 1640 m), compared with other lakes on the entire planet. Baikal is located in eastern Siberia between the Irkutsk region and Buryatia.

Baikal is a legendary lake, which can conditionally be divided into three parts: northern, southern and middle. Each of them is distinguished by its landscape, climate and unique vegetation. Russia's largest lake is the largest reservoir of freshwater, which includes about ninety percent of the reserves. 336 rivers of various sizes flow into it, and one flows out - the Angara. Apparently, this is why the lake’s waters are distinguished by extraordinary purity, transparency and the presence of rich fauna, half of which is local exclusive.


Onega and Ladoga lakes

These two ponds are very similar, and usually combine them by chance. They are located in the northwestern part of Russia in the Vologda and Leningrad regions, in Karelia.


Therefore, the origin of water bodies are the same. In terms of area, Lake Onega is almost two times smaller than its "brother" (9, 700 and 17, 600 km², respectively). On the shores of water bodies unique nature, clear waters are rich in a variety of fish species. This place of Russia is famous for its cultural, historical and religious monuments. We are talking about the Valaam archipelago, on which a man’s monastery has been functioning for about a thousand years, about the Kizhi island with a complex of famous wooden churches and bell towers.


If we say which lake of Russia is the largest in area, then we have already indicated the answer earlier. This, of course, is the Caspian, but Taimyr Lake is the northern record holder. It is located on the peninsula of the same name in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.


Throughout the year, with the exception of a month and a half, the reservoir is eighty percent covered with ice, under which Arctic species of fish swim. If we talk about the size, then the exact figure is difficult to call because of fluctuations in its level. Often the area reaches more than four and a half square kilometers.


The lake is located on the border with China, in the Far East of our country. Thanks to this, it is the center of the tourism industry in the region, as travelers have the opportunity to get acquainted with the customs, traditions and culture of two unique and distinctive countries. The area of ​​the reservoir, compared with the Caspian, is small: about ten times less. But, despite this, the fauna of the lake is truly unique. Seventy-five species of fish inhabit the waters, some of which are listed in the Red Book.


If we consider the largest lake in Russia, Chany is in seventh place. The reservoir is considered bewitched and unique. According to an ancient legend, a huge dragon dwells in it, which feeds on humans and domestic animals. Naturally, no one saw him and there is no scientific evidence, but the history clearly attracts tourists. The area of ​​the reservoir reaches two thousand square kilometers, in the deepest place - seven meters.

Lake White

This pond is located in the Vologda Oblast and is famous for its rich fauna. The lake area is small: about 1300 square kilometers, it is relatively shallow (up to twelve meters). The nature in this place is unique: a complex of sandy beaches, birch and pine groves, clean air, beautiful sunsets. In this regard, the reservoir is loved by tourists and fishermen who come to it from all over Russia.


The name of the lake was not accidental. Despite the fact that its bottom is rocky, a clay-light layer is located further. Under calm weather conditions, the water is clear and clean. But at the slightest agitation, clay particles rise from the bottom, and the picture completely changes. The lake acquires a whitish characteristic hue.


The pond is located in the Loukhsky district, in the northern part of Karelia. The lake is distinguished by a winding coastline, making it a favorite place for kayakers. Part of the coast is adorned with sandy beaches, framed by rocky hills. The area of ​​the reservoir is about a thousand square kilometers, and the maximum depth reaches fifty-six meters. It used to be navigable. Currently, the lake attracts fishermen: salmon, perch, bream and pike live in its waters.

There are many legends associated with Topoozer. According to one of the ancient legends, monks lived on it, adhering to the old faith. On the shores of the lake, as traces of bloody battles of World War II, trenches, craters from shells and abandoned villages are visible.