
Semyon Furman is an actor from Leningrad. Biography, photo

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Semyon Furman is an actor from Leningrad. Biography, photo
Semyon Furman is an actor from Leningrad. Biography, photo

A non-standard appearance is often a blessing, and not a punishment for a person who wants to make a career in cinema. A striking example of this is the success that Furman was able to achieve. The actor was remembered by the audience for many films and series: “Who, if not us, ” “Matchmakers, ” “Thin thing, ” “Transit, ” “Vanka the Terrible.” What is known about him?

Actor Semyon Furman: biography of a star

A talented actor was born in St. Petersburg, which was then called Leningrad, it happened in January 1951. The Jewish pope wanted the child to be named after the famous biblical king. Solomon - such a name theoretically could get Furman. The actor never became Solomon due to the intervention of his mother, who convinced her husband to name his newborn son Semyon.


Lyceum recalls the school years without any pleasure. Classmates loved to make fun of his specific appearance, called the "old Jew." When Semyon was in high school, strangers often mistook him for an adult man, which upset the guy.

Success and failure

Many stars decided on the choice of profession after long throwings, however, Furman does not belong to their number. The actor in childhood realized what he wants to become when he grows up. However, due to the non-standard appearance, Semyon could not enter a suitable university for a long time. The young man was not even accepted into the school-studio that worked at the Leningrad Youth Theater, but he was not going to give up.


After several unsuccessful attempts, he stopped at the Leningrad Institute of Culture, becoming a student of the faculty of directing and ballet that was not very popular. Of course, the choreographer is not the profession that Furman dreamed of. The actor just decided to come to his goal in roundabout ways.

After graduation, he lived in Turkmenistan for two years, working in the troupe of the Ashgabat Young Spectator Theater. Then Semyon was able to return to his hometown and get a job at Lenfilm as an assistant director. Since 1990, Furman has been performing at the Drama and Comedy Theater, especially the actor is proud of his roles in the productions of The Watchman and The Mean.

Minor roles

“My dearly beloved detective” is a comedy in which Furman made his debut. The actor, whose photo can be seen in the article, played a member of the club of bachelors in this television project. Then he got the role of a man nicknamed Asian in the science fiction film "Island of the Dead Ships." It is known that Semyon not without difficulty convinced the director Evgeny Ginzburg to entrust him with the creation of this image. The result of the master did not disappoint.


After the release of The Island of the Dead Ship, Furman suddenly turned into a sought-after actor. It is interesting that he was invited mainly to the role of secondary heroes, but this did not bother the rising star. Often the characters he played even remained nameless to the audience. However, its sellers, managers, gangsters, head waiter and so on were remembered thanks to the skill of the lyceum.

Seeds Furman can hardly be called an actor who has a distinct role. Lyceum easily transforms into the most unexpected characters, the images he creates are rarely repeated. Often he is offered the role of the Jews, for example, the picture "Ivanov and Rabinovich", the series "Mongoose".

Main roles

Semyon Furman is an actor who is sometimes trusted by the main roles. For example, he brilliantly played in the film "On the Bridge." In this criminal drama, he embodied the image of a former prisoner who turned into an influential businessman Leonid Evgenievich. It is impossible not to note the surrealistic film “Passion for the cinema: Jaws”, in which Furman excellently played the insane, who manages to escape from a mental hospital. His character pretends to be a private detective.


The actor’s TV show “Matchmakers” is also noteworthy. In this series, Semyon perfectly coped with the role of the provincial billionaire Eugene Zhuk. In “Matchmakers” he was invited in the third season.