
Semen Morozov, actor: biography, filmography, personal life and cause of death

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Semen Morozov, actor: biography, filmography, personal life and cause of death
Semen Morozov, actor: biography, filmography, personal life and cause of death

Morozov Semen Mikhailovich - an actor whom many in our country know and love. On his account dozens of bright images in the cinema. This is Corporal Zbruev, and Pavlo Levada from the "State Border". Want to know about the biography and personal life of a famous actor? We are ready to share the information we have. Enjoy your reading!


Semen Morozov (actor): biography, childhood

He was born in 1946 (June 27) in Moscow. In what conditions was the future actor Semyon Morozov brought up? His family was not related to cinema.

The childhood of our hero was in the post-war years. Dilapidated courtyards, food shortages, cramped communal apartments - all this was imprinted in the memory of Semyon. He grew up an obedient and modest boy. Therefore, Sema often became a victim of yard hooligans, who always scratched their fists.


One fine day the boy was tired of constant ridicule and bullying. Semyon enrolled in the boxing section. And after 2 months he took revenge on his wrongdoers. Since then, Morozov Jr. could walk around the yard and not be afraid of bullies. Sema managed to achieve good results in boxing. He was invited to youth competitions in this sport.

Acquaintance with the cinema

Semen Morozov is an actor who first appeared on the screens in 1957. Everything happened by chance. A 10-year-old boy with his friends was playing “knives” in the yard. An unfamiliar woman approached him and offered to act in films. It was Tatyana Lyzhina, assistant to the actors. She was looking for a boy for the role of Valka in the film "On the Count's Ruins." Semyon perfectly approached in all respects. The boy is 100% coped with the tasks that the director set. The picture has gained incredible popularity, especially among children.


Despite the success in the film "On the ruins of the count", Morozov was in no hurry to invite to the shooting. Between 1960 and early 1962 several paintings were published with his participation.

One of Semen's largest works was the role of Athanasius in the film “Seven Nannies” (1962). The shooting was hard. Director Rolan Bykov was constantly finding fault with the young actor, showing him his dislike. But he understood that the best candidate for this role simply could not be found.

Career continuation

After graduating from high school, our hero entered the VGIK. In 1968 he was awarded the long-awaited diploma. Soon he got a job in the Theater Studio of the film actor. The young artist continued to act in films. The images he created were bright and realistic. But they were poorly remembered by the audience.


When did Semyon Morozov gain all-Union fame? The actor was approved for the main role in the film "Seven Brides of Corporal Zbruev." The film was released in 1970. The blond-haired guy in a military uniform won the hearts of millions of spectators. Since then, the role of corporal Zbruev is the hallmark of the actor.


To date, in the creative piggy bank of Semen Morozov, more than 65 roles in series and full-length films. He is not only an actor, but also a director.


In 2010, he was awarded the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of culture. Thus, Semen Mikhailovich was noted for creating a humorous newsreel for children "Jumble". Not everyone knows that he is related to the creation of this project.

Actor Semyon Morozov: personal life

Our hero has always been popular with representatives of the opposite sex. In his youth, a blonde with a radiant smile regularly received anonymous letters with declarations of love.

How many times was Semyon Morozov married? The actor went to the registry office three times. He first married as a student. His chosen one was a classmate Marina Lyubysheva, who came from Mariupol. Sema fell in love with her at first sight. He beautifully and persistently courted the girl. As a result, Marina agreed to become his soulmate. In the third year, the couple played a wedding. The celebration turned out to be modest. However, the eyes of the bride and groom shone with happiness. Marina and Semyon lived together for 7 years. But over time, their feelings faded. In 1976, they officially divorced.

How long was an actor Semyon Morozov a bachelor? His personal life soon improved. The actor began an affair with the make-up artist Svetlana. For some time they were in a civil marriage. And when our hero found out that her lover was pregnant, he made her an offer. In this marriage the son Michael was born.

New love

In 1978, the actor met a charming girl Svetlana. This happened on the set of the Soviet-Bulgarian film "With Love in Half." 16-year-old Sveta was a member of the crowd. A beautiful girl with a bold character immediately attracted the attention of our hero.

Despite her young age, Sveta has already been seen in several love stories. Maxim Dunaevsky wanted to marry her. And the girl had an affair with Vladimir Vysotsky.

At first, Semyon treated Svetlana as a good friend. After all, he was legally married, raised his son Misha. However, a happy family life soon ended. He began to hear rumors that his wife was unfaithful to him. Allegedly, she has fun in the company of gentlemen, while her husband is on the set. The actor did not start a scandal. He just filed for divorce. The wife packed up, took her son and left. Our hero exchanged his spacious apartment on Orekhovy Boulevard. For his ex-wife and son, he provided a room in a communal apartment. And he himself moved to a separate small apartment. Offended spouse forbade Semyon to see their common child.


The famous artist and the girl of the Light were friends for 7 years. It was she who pulled him out of the depression caused by divorce. One day, a 24-year-old beauty told him: "Marry me." The actor did not want to enter into a new marriage. But for the love of the Light, he stepped over himself. The couple went to the registry office. After some time, their daughter Nadia was born.

Serious illness

When Morozov's voice suddenly hoarse, he did not attach much importance to this. Indeed, recently the artist often starred in "Jumble". On the same platform with him were dozens of restless children. At any moment, he could tear the ligaments.

Every day, the condition of Semyon Mikhailovich worsened. At first he was overcome by a cough, then pain appeared in the throat. The young wife managed to persuade the actor to be examined in one of the capital's clinics. He was given a terrible diagnosis - throat cancer. Semyon Morozov was prescribed several chemotherapy procedures. He experienced unbearable pain. The man tried so that his wife and daughter did not see his tears and did not hear moans. But this did not always work out.


Change of world view

It was the disease that made the actor take a different look at many things. First of all, he realized his guilt before his son. Once Michael called him and said: “You became a grandfather. My daughter was born."

Semen Morozov is an actor who always considered himself a believer. During his illness, he constantly turned to God with prayers. He wanted to survive in order to correct past mistakes.

With such a terrible disease as cancer, Semyon Morozov (actor) was able to cope. The date of death, God forbid, moved over for many years. For several years now, our hero does not know what sore throat and chemotherapy procedures are.