
Semigin Gennady Yurievich: biography, activities and interesting facts

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Semigin Gennady Yurievich: biography, activities and interesting facts
Semigin Gennady Yurievich: biography, activities and interesting facts

On the Russian political Olympus, Gennady Semigin identifies himself with a statesman-patriot. He is a prominent representative of the opposition, not for the first year trying to unite together structures that declare themselves patriotic forces of the country.

The leader of the "Patriots of Russia" in his election program took as the basis the idea of ​​love for the Motherland, based on the knowledge and respect of its past and present. According to the politician, the state in the person of senior officials should fully protect the rights and interests of an ordinary citizen.


Gennady Semigin is an experienced public figure, politician and businessman. Currently, he actively participates in the elective companies of our country and does not give up hope that he will nevertheless be involved in the management of public affairs.

Years of childhood and youth

Gennady Yuryevich Semigin, whose biography is of particular interest to political scientists, was born on March 23, 1964 in the village of Dunaevtsy (Khmelnytsky region, Ukraine). His father is a reserve colonel, and his mother is a simple engineer. The future head of the Patriots of Russia graduated from school in Smolensk.

Having received a certificate of maturity, Semigin Gennady decides to enter the Higher Military-Political School. S.S. Biryuzova, located in the Latvian capital. He successfully passes exams and becomes a cadet of the above university. In the mid-80s, the young man received the coveted diploma in which it is written in black and white that he received the profession of “historian-political scientist”. After Semigin Gennady for five years, he has served in the armed forces.


In the early 90s, the young man is demobilized, having risen to the rank of lieutenant.

The first steps in entrepreneurship

Then he began to attract business. Gennady Semigin creates the research center Center of Economics and the joint-stock company AKROS. After some time, a graduate of the military-political school establishes the Russian Financial and Industrial Group (RPFG), which gradually includes companies specializing in the fields of construction and registration of real estate transactions, investments, heavy industry, and finance. Undoubtedly, Gennady Yuryevich Semigin ensured a good start. Business began to bring him good "dividends": some sources claimed that Alexander Rutskoy himself was his partner. But in the mid-90s, the business reputation of the RPG was seriously shaken. There were serious suspicions that the business structure was involved in fraudulent schemes, as a result of which material damage was caused to the military department.


In the late 90s, Semigin Gennady somewhat shifted business priorities, creating several companies that began to provide consulting, auditing and legal services. The entrepreneur also showed interest in the construction industry, controlling two structures involved in the construction of housing (LLC Farn-Trade and LLC Arktur-Stroy).

In addition, Gennady Yurievich Semigin reports to the Freedom of Speech media holding, which includes several major media outlets: Rodnaya Gazeta, National News Agency, and Political Journal.

Career in politics

Back in the early 90s, the future leader of the “Patriots of Russia” joined the CPSU. But soon the communist regime in the country was overthrown, and Gennady Yurievich had to look for new horizons in politics. He bears the idea of ​​establishing a Congress of Russian business circles. This social structure was supposed to consolidate those business representatives who would agree to finance reforms on the way to a market economy.


In the period from 1992 to 1994, Semigin was a member of the Entrepreneurship Council (a body established under the head of state) and was a member of the leadership of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP).

In the mid-90s, Gennady Yurievich created the National Social Science Foundation (non-governmental scientific foundation). Through this legal entity, several public structures were financed, for example, such as the ANO Institute for the Development of Law and Judicial Practice and the ANO Center for the Protection of Economic and Social Rights of Citizens.

With the "left"

Further Semigin Gennady Yuryevich begins to closely contact the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Andreyevich Zyuganov and offers financial assistance to his party. With the support of the Communists, he went to the lower house of parliament on a federal list (3rd convocation). In the State Duma, the businessman became an assistant speaker. In 2003, he again gets into the legislature from the Communist Party.

Expulsion from the Communist Party

Soon after the second election to parliament, Gennady Yuryevich will have a scandal with the head of the Communist Party. Zyuganov expelled Semigin from the party, saying that he was trying to capture his "brainchild" in a raider way. After this, the businessman periodically sided with the more lightweight parties that propagated leftist and at the same time patriotic ideas. In the fall of 2004, a political alliance is created from the above structures, which will be called the Patriots of Russia.


The coordination council of the future party will be headed by Semigin. In the summer of 2005, he will officially register the Patriots of Russia party.

People’s Government

In the spring of 2005, Semigin Gennady Yurievich, whose biography contains a lot of interesting things, creates the so-called “people's” government, which includes representatives of a number of left-wing patriotic parties: “The Spiritual Heritage of the Motherland”, “Russian Party of Pensioners”, “All-Russian Communist Party of the Future”, "For a decent life, " "People's Party of the Russian Federation" and others. The government also included several large public associations. The new body was supposed to offer an alternative to the current development course of the country.

Party "Homeland"

After the People’s Government project, Gennady Semigin (the Patriots of Russia party) continues to be an independent parliamentarian in the State Duma. At the end of 2006, the businessman unexpectedly adjoins the "Homeland", which already includes the "Narodnaya Volya" and CEPR.


Some time later, by a vote, it was decided that Gennady Yuryevich would be at the helm of the party since 2007, having removed Sergey Baburin from the leading post. It should be noted that the procedure was carried out in the absence of Baburin. Of course, he was not happy with the new state of affairs.


Against the new leader of the "Motherland" was the head of the CEPR Vasily Shestakov. He also opposed the renaming of the faction into an association (Narodnaya Volya -SEPR- Patriots of Russia).

But Gennady Yuryevich did not attach any particular importance to this and at the beginning of 2007 held a meeting of the faction, which the Patriots of Russia had already joined. Semigin then came up with 15 legislative initiatives.

But Sergei Baburin did not want to simply give up his positions: he threatened that if he did not become the head of the “renewed” structure again, the “Narodnaya Volya” and CEPR would leave their “Homeland” and establish their own “People's Patriotic Union”, and “ Patriots of Russia ”will be left alone. Subsequently, Baburin and Shestakov nevertheless made a decision on consolidation, but they were refused the registration of the "People's Patriotic Union".


In the fall of 2007, Gennady Semigin, whose biography seems to be far from perfect for not everyone, together with Seleznev, Rogozin, Savelyev signs a document, thanks to which the political alliance “Homeland - Patriots of Russia” will be formed. According to the founders, this project made it possible to consolidate all patriotic forces and their participation in the elected company in the State Duma.


But in the 2007 winter elections, Semigin and his party failed, so the businessman did not get into the 5th convocation of the Duma.

The last elections to the lower house of parliament were unsuccessful. In 2016, only 0.59% of voters voted for the Patriots of Russia.

But, despite this, the politician intends to take revenge in the future and still realize his political ambitions.