
Sergey Tsoi: biography, personal life

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Sergey Tsoi: biography, personal life
Sergey Tsoi: biography, personal life

Video: Viktor Tsoi (a Short story) / with English subtitles 2024, July

Video: Viktor Tsoi (a Short story) / with English subtitles 2024, July

For most people, Sergei Tsoi is the husband of Anita Tsoi, a popular singer. But in the world of politics and business, he is an independent and very famous figure. His career path is only going up; for many years he has been working in leading companies in the country's largest companies. Choi is completely wealthy, his income is the basis of the well-being of the family. With all his fame, Sergei is a very private person, he carefully protects his private life and gives out information about himself in a dosed manner. Therefore, probably, his person is surrounded by rumors and myths.



April 23, 1957 a son was born in a family of ethnic Koreans - Sergei Petrovich Tsoi. The birthplace of the boy is somehow shrouded in mystery. Tsoi himself said that he was born in Rostov-on-Don. And his wife then said that her husband was born in Grozny, then said that he was born in the small town of Karabulak, and at the age of 2 years he moved with his parents to Grozny. According to the third version, Sergey Tsoi was born and spent his childhood in the city of Prokhladny, where his parents were engaged in the melon business. One way or another, Choi’s childhood is connected with the city of Grozny, in which his father is buried. The family adhered to traditional views, and the boy was brought up in severity.


At the end of school, Sergei Tsoi goes to the army. Two years of service helped him determine his life and find his way. After demobilization, he enters the University of Rostov at the journalism department of the philological faculty. In the hostel, he lived with the now famous TV presenter, and in those days, the same student of journalism faculty Dmitry Dibrov. At the university, Choi was actively engaged in the work of the Komsomol. In the second year, Sergey decided to transfer to the correspondence department, in connection with the move to the Moscow region. He takes a job in the Domodedovo district newspaper “Call” as a journalist. By the way, Dibrov also came to work there later. As a journalist, Sergey repeatedly criticized the activities of the district authorities. In 1982, he received a diploma of education and wanted to go to graduate school. But from the place of work he was not given a very good characterization (it was a punishment for criticizing the authorities), and he had to forget about continuing his studies for a while.

Subsequently, already at the time of his work as a press secretary for Yu. Luzhkov, in 2004 Tsoi would nevertheless receive a Ph.D. in political sciences, defending a dissertation on changes in the image of power in the post-Soviet period.


The beginning of the way

After retiring from the draft, Sergei Tsoi for some time experienced difficulties with finding a job. He began to work in a regional small run in the Rostov region. But a month later he was fired due to non-payment of party fees. With great difficulty, he got a job at the editorial office of the factory newspaper ZIL. A year later, Choi was able to go to Politizdat, to the international department, but after a while he returned to ZIL. Choi continued his journalistic career, working in large newspapers: Trud, Stroitelnaya Gazeta, and Soviet Russia. But when Valery Saykin, the chairman of the executive committee of the Moscow City Council, whom Sergey met while still working at ZIL, called him to his team, Tsoi, almost without hesitation, agreed. There he served as a spokesperson, although there were no such posts in those days. He monitored media publications, organized the interaction of his boss with journalists. Performing these duties, Tsoi met with Yuri Luzhkov, who worked as deputy chairman of the executive committee.


Work with Luzhkov

In 1990, Yuri Luzhkov took the place of his boss and invited Tsoi to work on the same team. In 1992, Russian President Boris Yeltsin appointed Luzhkov the mayor of Moscow. Choi became the head of the mayor’s press service, and a little later he was appointed head of the press center of the Moscow Government and City Hall. Two years later, he received the position of adviser to the mayor of the capital, while remaining his press secretary. People close to the mayor noted that Sergei had a great influence on the leader of Moscow. Every day, Luzhkov began with consultations with Tsoi and always consulted with him about all his decisions and actions. In parallel with his work in the press service, Sergey for some time headed the editorial board of the newspaper Stolichnye Izvestia, the magazines Vestnik of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow and Moscow Bidding. Tsoi was responsible for the image of the head of the capital, he was the initiator of his aggressive rhetoric in the issue of protecting the Russian population in the CIS countries. For 18 years, Tsoi worked with Yuri Luzhkov, in 2010 he was dismissed. After taking office, the new head of the Moscow government, Sergei Sobyanin, relieved Tsoi of his duties as spokesperson.

Entrepreneurial activity

Sergei Tsoi, whose biography is strongly associated with the activities of Mayor Yu. Luzhkov, during his work as a press secretary, had time to deal with other matters. In 1997, he became a member of the Board of Directors of TV Center, and in 2006 became its chairman. In 2003, Choi, thanks to a reorganization in the Moscow government, gained control of several metropolitan media, including the newspapers Vechernyaya Moskva and Moskovskaya Pravda. In 2009, he headed the Board of Directors of Radio Center, which managed several Moscow radio stations.


Resignation and job searches

In October 2010, Sergei Tsoi left the walls of the city hall, following his boss Yu. Luzhkov. After the mayor was removed by Russian President D. Medvedev in connection with the loss of confidence, part of his team remained in their posts for some time. So, S. Tsoi continued to lead the press service of the capital for another two months. All this time he was actively looking for a new job. And already in December he joined the board of the Russian energy company RusHydro.

Sergey Tsoi, RusHydro

The RusHydro company manages 62 Russian hydroelectric power stations. In addition, it provides industrial and domestic water supply and irrigation for about a third of the needs of the regions of Russia. The main shareholder of the company is the state; RusHydro's net profit is several tens of billions of rubles. Sergey Tsoi, for whom RusHydro has become a new field of activity, has been engaged in external and internal relations in the company, i.e. continued to work in the field of communications. In 2012, he acquired a small stake in the company. In 2014, Choi became the first deputy chairman of her board. In 2016, quite unexpectedly for the public, Sergei Petrovich leaves RusHydro.



In August 2016, Sergey Petrovich Tsoi began working as Vice President for Economic Affairs at Rosneft. The head of the company Igor Sechin has known Tsoi since the “Luzhkov” times. He notes the high integrity and great experience of his new employee. Experts say that Sechin in the person of Tsoi wants to find a trustee.

Private life

Sergei Tsoi, a biography whose personal life is interesting to the general public, is primarily known to the people as the husband of singer Anita Tsoi. But in narrower circles, politicians are known as masters of karate, which he has been practicing for many years and has a black belt. While still at university, Choi won prizes in the championships of the USSR. Sergey says that his hobbies are playing the guitar and sports.

The politician and businessman has several state awards, including the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, Honor, Friendship, as well as several medals from the Moscow government.
