
Sparrow owl: lifestyle. Sparrow owl at home

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Sparrow owl: lifestyle. Sparrow owl at home
Sparrow owl: lifestyle. Sparrow owl at home

Video: Capturing Short Eared Owls 2024, July

Video: Capturing Short Eared Owls 2024, July

Despite the fact that the sparrow owl belongs to the order of owls, there is very little in common between them. It seems that the existence of family ties has become a mistake scientists in determining the species. He has similarities with an owl, but he does not have the same characteristic features, such as nocturnal guzzling, large round eyes, and so on.

The most important difference is that the owl enjoys contact with people, which his older sister will never allow herself. The curiosity of this little bird made him the pet of many. It is maintained at home, even if there are some difficulties with care.

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The scientific name possessed by the sparrow syrup is Glaucidium passerinum. It is one of the smallest owls that live on the Eurasian continent. The body length usually does not exceed 16 cm, and the weight often does not even reach 100 grams.

As for the color, females and males do not differ much from each other. They can only be distinguished by size. Girls are slightly larger than boys, which allows them to feed and warm their offspring without any problems.


The chicks are quite different from adults. Moreover, in the first stages of growth, unaware people simply will not be able to determine that the birds belong not only to one family, but also to the species. Their plumage is brown, adults have a gray color with white mottles. Kids also do not differ in white spots on their heads, which is a characteristic sign of an owl.

The facial disc of the bird is very weakly expressed, at dusk or at night it is difficult to determine that - the face or nape of the individual is visible.

Distribution area

Sparrow sychny, boreal owl - birds that attract people as pets. They have practically the same sizes and lifestyles, they have the same content requirements, but the distribution area is different. The boreal owl lives in eastern North America, while the passerine owl lives in Eurasia.

A notable feature is that Glaucidium passerinum is distributed in a very narrow strip from Japan to Scandinavia. The area is focused on forest and taiga territories. In the Urals, its existence is intertwined with two other small species of owls - house owl and splyuzka. But you cannot call them permanent neighbors.


For the passerine owl, the ideal habitat is forest areas where trees with tall trunks are planted. Spruce birds are also characteristic of the spread of birds. In a word, if the forest is mixed, then here, most likely, you can meet the small owl in question.

Activity and lifestyle

The main difference from most representatives of the owl family, which possesses a passerine owl, is a way of life and its activity. If owls hunt and fly out of their secluded place only at night, then this species prefers to get food in the morning or in the evening. Moreover, if he is hungry in the winter season, he will be able to go out for prey even in the afternoon. That is, it does not matter to him whether dangerous enemies or people will notice him.


Also in winter, late autumn and early spring, the owl stocks up on food in case it is suddenly too cold for hunting. The way of eating is different. Owls, as a rule, swallow prey completely. If it is too big, then at first it is torn into several pieces. Owl prefers to peck only tasty meat patches. For example, he will never touch the intestines.

Despite the fact that the motley coloring helps the little owl to hide from the human eye, it does not always use it. The fact is that the bird is friendly enough, it easily contacts new friends. But this does not mean at all that, if necessary, the owl will not be able to hide.


In fact, constantly a sparrow owl leads a lonely lifestyle. If he meets a representative of the opposite sex, he will be aggressive. This is due to the fact that in front of him is a food competitor. But everything changes with the onset of warm spring days.

Females go in search of a suitable home in which they will subsequently breed. They will never let a male in if they have not found a home for future babies. Then they proceed directly to the selection of a partner.


Males, in turn, must prove the seriousness of intentions. They are looking for food that will feed their female. Only when both sides are satisfied is a pair formed.

Males do not stop feeding their “wife” until she lays chicks. But they do not fly into the nest. Feeding is carried out at a distance of at least 10 meters.


A sparrow owl can survive at home, but in order for this to happen, the owner will have to work hard. The fact is that birds are not at all adapted to the cage, especially if they were captured in an adult state.

The ideal option is a small enclosure in the yard. Therefore, it is recommended to abandon such a pet, if there is no way to arrange it. The birds do not differ in complaisant nature. If they are filled with hatred for one of their neighbors, they will aggressively behave towards him constantly, even after a few years.


During the first month, you can not touch the pet, because it passes a period of addiction. Since the birds are curious, after a few weeks they themselves will contact. Then you need to start taming.

Do not postpone cleaning in the aviary, as pests can appear in the garbage, which will cause inconvenience to the resident. But you need to do this carefully so that the pet feels care, not fear.


Quite difficult is the content of the passerine owl at home. The advice of experienced "breeders" may help, but the character of the pet is individual. Therefore, the owner himself should look closely at him, understand what he likes, and what is better to refuse.

Proper nutrition is determined by the age of the individual. If this is a young and active owl, then the basis of the feed should be cereals and seeds. Vegetables and fruits are more suitable for old representatives - they are easier to digest.


Do not forget about the water. There should always be a bowl of liquid in the aviary or cage that needs to be constantly changed. It is also desirable that the bird has constant access to food, as it eats a lot.

If the appetite disappears, then the owl needs to be released to fly around the house, of course, with closed windows and windows. This will allow him to get a little freedom. The appetite will certainly return after such a flyby.

Common diseases

There are many diseases that a sparrow-catcher picks up. Since childhood, a sparrow owl is susceptible to diseases, and many of them appear in babies with the condition that even maternal care will not help get rid of them.

If a healthy and adult individual suddenly began to abandon games and nutrition, then this means that the body has an infection. Since the bird is rare, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. If the disease is common, then the doctor will be able to quickly determine it, as well as prescribe a recovery algorithm. If he was previously unfamiliar with her, then only immunity will help to become healthy again.

As a rule, at home, birds get sick more often just because they are improperly kept. For example, they can be fed with those grains or fruits that are contraindicated or permitted to them, but in small quantities. In addition, if the feed is expired or spoiled, then it is necessary to purchase new ones - owners rarely monitor this.

Interesting Facts

Sparrow owl has many differences from owls or other members of the family. Often there are interesting and unique stories associated with them. For example, this bird is very trustful of dogs. If a person walks through the forest with her, then the owl will certainly fly up to get to know better. This is probably due to the fact that dogs look like wolves that protect small owls from many predators.


Despite the fact that the owl is a bird, it never flies long distances. The maximum that he can afford is a few tens of meters. However, even at such a short distance, the viewer will be amazed at the extraordinary agility.

When a male brings food to a caring mother of his offspring, then feeding is very similar to a family quarrel. The female with shouts and force pulls out those pieces of food that her boyfriend brought in the clutches. But this is done in order to grind food. Then less time will be left on the process of absorption and digestion, and the female will be able to return again to the hatching of the chicks.