
Singapore miracle. Author of the Singapore Economic Miracle

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Singapore miracle. Author of the Singapore Economic Miracle
Singapore miracle. Author of the Singapore Economic Miracle

Video: Economy of Singapore Crash Course 2024, June

Video: Economy of Singapore Crash Course 2024, June

Singapore gained its independence only in 1965. At this point, the island state was classified as the poorest and most problematic in the world. The country does not have large reserves of natural resources, fresh water - and that was delivered from Malaysia. The Singapore miracle is that today the capital of the state can be compared with New York in America. Thanks to the wise policies of the Prime Minister of the republic, the economy of this corner of the earth flourished in a short time.

Who revived Singapore?


The Singapore Miracle is a merit of the country's Prime Minister, Lee Kuan Y. He was born in 1923, studied in his native country and graduated from Cambridge in Britain. In 1949, after returning to his homeland, Lee devoted himself to law practice. He was a regular member of trade union movements. From 1959 to 1990, he served as prime minister. It was under the leadership of this great man that the country managed to move from the category of third world countries to the category of the richest states. The premier’s unusual policy was based on the desire to revive the country at the expense of a successful and developing people.

What became the basis for the development of the state?


The secret of the Singapore miracle is hidden in the unique approach of Lee Kuan Yew to the development of the country. He emphasized that all citizens of the state are excessively interested in their personal growth and in high incomes. The law of natural selection, which plays a key role in nature, was also taken into account. Lee’s concept of parenting has undergone dramatic change. She allowed to change the statistics, according to which the majority of smart and educated women never get married and have children. In parallel with this phenomenon, successful men gave priority to either poor or poorly educated Malaysians. The Prime Minister decided to form a powerful basis for the development and creation of highly intelligent families that will give birth to a healthy and intelligent generation, which in the long run will have a beneficial effect on the economy as a whole.

Marriage Agencies - The Basics

Under the leadership of the government, two of the largest marriage agencies were formed, which contributed to the Singaporean economic miracle. The main task of the organizations was to unite men and women of the same intellectual level and social status. One of the agencies is working today, helping young highly intellectual people to create good families. The second helps the rest of the young people in the country. The selection of partners was carried out taking into account the personal characteristics of each person. Employees of organizations organized personal meetings, created all conditions for the favorable development of relations. After marriage, the young family received encouragement from the state in the form of a home loan. Uneducated women, in exchange for solving the housing problem, agreed to sterilization. Highly intellectual representatives of the country, on the contrary, were encouraged for the birth of a child.

It all starts from a young age


The Singapore miracle was made possible not only through the formation of new ties. It was preceded by significant reforms in the education system. It was decided to provide all children with the same development conditions. Among kindergartens and kindergartens there was no separation. Each year, IQ tests were conducted at each school, organized by English scientists. Children with the best results automatically became students of the best school in the country Raffles. It was here that the training of the future leadership of the state took place. This approach provided the country with highly intelligent personnel. There is a lack of specialists with medium and low qualifications.

An integrated approach yielded a stunning result


Singaporean miracle Lee Kuan Yew created gradually. And it became a natural consequence of an integrated approach to the transformation of the nation, which took into account a large number of factors. The modernized education system has borne fruit. The state today holds first place in the world in terms of intellectual development. The constant influx of young people with a good education and intelligence ensures the continuous development of the state. The system of re-education of citizens has led to a reduction in crime, since chaos and development are simply incompatible by nature.

What is the policy of power based on?

The Singaporean economic miracle and its causes are based on strict government based on the primacy of law, which covered such shortcomings as the lack of natural resources, minerals and fresh water. The world crises of 1998 and 2001 did not touch the country in any way due to its extraordinary development. The country adopted unquestioning obedience to the law. Any legislative violations imply full responsibility on the part of the violator, whose social status does not play a role in this matter. At the heart of Singaporean society is discipline at each of the social levels. Family discipline is built on the traditions of three cultures at once: Chinese, Malay and Indian. Singaporeans have unique character traits, such as a high level of performance and cunning, business acumen and the desire for success. The "father" of the Singapore miracle focused on another feature of the people - on his obedience. The society of law, order and financial success is based on cultural characteristics.

Global Economic Changes


The author of the Singapore miracle, Lee Kuan Yew, was engaged not only in the restructuring of society. During his reign, a decision was made to develop the oil refining business. Cooperation was established with Brunei and Indonesia, which, although they were engaged in the development of oil deposits, could not process it independently and in a quality manner. The largest world companies were invited to implement the project. It was with the help of their funds, experience and connections that the largest oil refining industry was built today. Immediately after the heyday of this segment of the economy, construction began on the first Singapore port, of which there are now four.

Active development immediately in all sectors of the economy


The creator of the Singapore miracle initiated the construction and development of the airport, banking, electronics, trade and tourism. All this became prerequisites for the splendor of modern Singapore. The state, which was buried in debt back in the 1970s, today has investments abroad in the amount of $ 300 billion. Moreover, the government has at its disposal about $ 200 billion for future projects. In Singapore, with a population of about 4 million people, at least 50 thousand millionaires and billionaires live. The Singaporean miracle, Lee Kuan Yew, who worked all his life, is today considered an example for many countries of the world. Despite the fact that Lee is now retired, he remains a minister-adviser and bears the proud title of leader and father of the nation.

Encouragement of investors and the fight against corruption

According to Lee Kuan Yew, the modern Singaporean miracle can be observed thanks to the active attraction of investors to the country in all possible ways. The government literally got out of hand to help foreigners realize their projects. According to unofficial data, foreign investors save at least five hundred billion dollars in the country's banks. Today, the country's GDP is equivalent to 55 thousand dollars per capita. It is for this indicator that the country is almost twice ahead of Saudi Arabia, Britain, Germany and even America. At the forefront of the state and the level of intellectual development of the population. A special part of the history of the island state can be called the fight against corruption. The authorities greatly simplified decision-making mechanisms and limited the number of permits and licenses. The term of criminal punishment for bribes was significantly increased. There was an expansion of law enforcement authority. An investigation, for example, can now be launched because of life beyond the means of the families of officials.

Integration into the global banking system


The Singaporean economic miracle Lee Kuan Yu was not without integration into the global banking system. The status of a financial center went to the country for making round-the-clock banking services possible. The country has occupied a niche that was previously free. So, funds from Zurich, banks of which open at 9 in the morning, are redirected to Frankfurt, and then to London. After the banks of Zurich closed at lunch and the financial institutions in Frankfurt and London later closed, New York took over the baton, followed by San Francisco. Due to the specifics of time zones, from the moment banks were closed in San Francisco until 9 a.m. in Switzerland, the financial world had previously slept. Today, this niche belongs precisely to the banking segment of Singapore. Such an approach to the development of the financial industry made the country not only a major financial center in the region, but also provided it with a worthy place on the world stage. According to experts, the Singaporean economic miracle is the standard of how an effective economic system should be built.