
How old is Nazarbayev? Biography of Nursultan Nazarbayev

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How old is Nazarbayev? Biography of Nursultan Nazarbayev
How old is Nazarbayev? Biography of Nursultan Nazarbayev

Video: Who is Nursultan Nazarbayev? 2024, July

Video: Who is Nursultan Nazarbayev? 2024, July

Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev - President (first and only) of the Kazakh SSR (1990-1991) and the Republic of Kazakhstan (December 1991 - present). In 1984-1989, he headed the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR, and then became the first secretary of the Communist Party Central Committee. He bears the title "Leader of the Nation." In 2011, the people re-elected Nursultan Abishevich for a fourth term. In this article, you will be presented with a biography of the president of Kazakhstan. You will also learn about how old Nursultan Nazarbayev is. So let's get started.


Nursultan Nazarbayev was born in the village of Chemolgan (Alma-Ata region of the Kazakh SSR) in 1940. Parents of the future president were engaged in agriculture. Father - Abish - was from the family of Biy Nazarbay, and his mother - Alzhan - from the family of the mullah aul Kasyk. Nursultan's father was a cheerful and respected man. In addition to Kazakh, he knew Russian and Balkar languages ​​perfectly. Abish sang beautifully Russian and Kazakh songs, he was always glad to the guests and was able to give practical advice. Now you know how old Nazarbayev is. Briefly tell about the president’s family.


A family

Nazarbayev’s biography contains his pedigree up to the 12th knee. Nursultan Abishevich himself knew her from childhood. In the eighth tribe, his direct ancestor was Karasai-batyr, known for his exploits in the war against the Dzungars (1640-1680). Grandfather Nursultan was called Nazarbay. According to archival documents of 1880, he was a wealthy man, had a water mill with a canal drawn to it.

When the book “Without Left and Right” was published in 1991, the Kazakhs learned not only about how old Nazarbayev was, but also read about all his relatives.

  • Sister - Anipa.

  • Brothers - Satybaldy and Bulat.

  • Wife - Sarah Alpysovna. Currently heads the charity fund “Kid”.

  • Daughters: Dariga - Member of Parliament, divorced; Aliya - is engaged in business, heads the construction company "Elitstroy"; Dinara - is a major shareholder of the People’s Kazakhstan Bank, has a fortune of $ 1.3 billion.

  • Nursultan Abishevich has 8 grandchildren and already 2 great-grandchildren.

Education and early years

From the age of 18 he was a handyman. In 1960, the future president of Kazakhstan graduated from vocational school in the city of Dneprodzerzhinsk. In 1967, he graduated from a technical college at the Karaganda Metallurgical Plant, having received the specialty of Metallurgical Engineer.


Carier start

Nazarbayev’s career began in the Domenstroy construction department, where he worked for nine years, from 1960 to 1969. At the same time, Nursultan Abishevich managed to combine work with getting an education. His determination did not go unnoticed, and in 1969 Nazarbayev was made the head of the transport and industrial department in the Temirtau city committee. In addition, the future president was transferred to the liberated Komsomol job. The management knew how old Nazarbayev was, but, despite the young age of Nursultan, assigned him to the position of secretary of the Komsomol committee. Later, he joined the deputies of the regional council and became a member of the city party committee.

From 1973 to 1984, Nursultan served as secretary. Only the organizations in which he worked changed. Nazarbayev worked both in the regional party committee, and in the party committee of the metallurgical plant, and even in the Central Committee of the Communist Party.

Career takeoff

The turning point in his career came in 1980, when Nursultan became a deputy of the Supreme Council. In this post, he worked for ten years. During this period of time, Nazarbayev joined the Central Auditing Commission of the CPSU as a member and proved to be a responsible and competent person.

Especially important for the future president of Kazakhstan was 1984, when he was appointed Chairman of the Council of Ministers. The government knew how old Nazarbayev was. He was only 44 years old. Thus, Nursultan Abishevich became the youngest republican prime minister.

The next five years of hard work bore fruit, and Nazarbayev was elected People's Deputy of the USSR. In mid-1989, he resigned as Chairman of the Council of Ministers to take the post of first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan.


Grand victory

April 1990 was the happiest in the career of Nursultan Abishevich. He was elected president of the Kazakh SSR. The victory was grand. In the elections, he scored 99 percent of 100. He repeated his success in 1999, extending his presidential term by 7 years. In 2005, Nazarbayev never resigned from his usual position. After all, the Kazakh people again gave him the palm. In the 2011 early elections, Nursultan Abishevich was re-elected for the fourth time. So how many years is Nazarbayev in power at the moment? This July it will be exactly 26. The date of the new elections is December 2016.

Party affiliation

Before the collapse of the USSR, Nursultan Abishevich was a member of the CPSU. There is an article in the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan that prohibits the head of state from belonging to any party or leading it. Despite this, Nazarbayev supported the Nur Otan party. He headed it in 2007, when the constitution was amended accordingly.


Nursultan Abishevich is criticized on four main points: freedom of speech, corruption, personality cult and human rights. We will analyze them in more detail.

freedom of speech

The international organization "Reporters without Borders" has repeatedly noted cases of violation of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan. Freedom House’s media freedom rating puts this country in 175th place out of 197. Anton Nosik (Media Director of LiveJournal) called blocking his resource in Kazakhstan a means of obscurantist theocracy and totalitarian dictatorships. And the “Reporters Without Borders” mentioned above put Nazarbayev on the list of “predators” in the media, which was published on International Press Freedom Day.



In 2004, Transparency International assigned Kazakhstan the 122nd place in the world in terms of corruption. The total number of countries in the list is 146. 2.2 out of 10 - this was the total score of Kazakhstan. Note that if the score is lower than 3, then this indicates the presence of “rampant corruption” in the country. Nursultan Abishevich declared the last “holy war", publishing a manifesto entitled: "10 means against corruption." The document signed a number of measures aimed at combating this phenomenon at all levels of society and the state. But it did not lead to any results. At the end of 2013, Kazakhstan dropped to 140th place.

A number of international NGOs have charged Nazarbayev’s government with a pretense of fighting corruption. Despite the chairmanship of the European Organization for Co-operation and Security in 2010, many activists in the state and beyond say that virtually no efforts have been made by the government of Kazakhstan to solve the problem of the “spread of corruption” and “violation of human rights”. The Nazarbayev family itself was involved in a series of investigations into the murders, bribery and money laundering conducted by foreign governments.

Kazakhgate was the loudest corruption case in Kazakhstan. It all started with the fact that in 1999, Swiss investigators froze a number of bank accounts that belonged to Kazakh officials at the highest echelons of power (including Nazarbayev). It turned out that the American oil companies transferred money to these accounts. A year later, the United States joined the investigation and froze several more accounts, the owner of which (according to their assumptions) was Nursultan Abishevich. The total amount of confiscated funds amounted to $ 1 billion. In 2007, the Kazakh authorities refused all claims for this money, and in 2010, the US Department of Justice withdrew all charges from Nazarbayev and closed the case.


The cult of personality

Many journalists note the existence of the personality cult of Nursultan Abishevich. Over the past few years, many Kazakhstani officials and elite representatives have actively supported this trend. Opponents of the president say that the country has long existed under the cult of personality of Nazarbayev. However, the party associates of Nursultan Abishevich do not agree with this. There is also an opinion that the people themselves are “guilty” of the emergence of Nazarbayev’s personality cult.

Human rights

From the perspective of non-governmental and governmental observers, human rights in Kazakhstan have always been a problem area. According to the company Freedom House, which conducted research in Kazakhstan, political rights in the country have a rating of 6, and civil liberties, a rating of 5 (a scale of 1 to 7 was used, where the number 1 is the highest indicator). That is, during the reign of Nazarbayev, society was recognized as "not free."

Author of books

  • "The epicenter of the world."

  • “Without left and right.”

  • "The Kazakhstan Way".

  • "On the threshold of the 21st century."

  • The Kremlin Dead End.

  • “In the stream of history”, etc.

Author of articles

  • The Critical Decade.

  • "Master prudence."

  • "Economic integration - the absence of a reasonable alternative."

  • "Ways to solve the problems of the Aral Sea region."

  • "New conditions, old brakes."

  • "The effect of associations: problems and experience."

  • “The economy of Kazakhstan: prospects and reality”

  • “Eurasian space: implementation of integration potential”, etc.


In May 2010, deputies of the Majilis adopted a package of bills that endowed the hero of this article with the status of the leader of the nation. This status is assigned to Nursultan Abishevich until the end of his life and does not depend on how many years President Nazarbayev will hold his post. That is, in any case, he will participate in the coordination of the initiatives being developed regarding both the domestic and foreign policies of the state. In addition, Nazarbayev himself and all members of his family are exempted from criminal liability.

Image in culture

In 2011, several paintings were released that captured the image of Nursultan Abishevich. From them, viewers learned about how old Nazarbayev (the president of Kazakhstan at the moment is 74 years old), and also got acquainted with the key points of his biography. Separately, I want to say about the film "Sky of my childhood." The film tells about the childhood and youth of Nazarbayev. We also note the drama “Teren tamyrlar”, which was dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the independence of Kazakhstan.


Everyone knows how old Nazarbayev is now and they are surprised that at this age the president plays golf, tennis and also enjoys skiing.
