the culture

Dictionary addict, or What is a "shala"

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Dictionary addict, or What is a "shala"
Dictionary addict, or What is a "shala"

Video: আরবী হাতের লেখা শিক্ষা । দারস-০২ 2024, July

Video: আরবী হাতের লেখা শিক্ষা । দারস-০২ 2024, July

Today, the expressions and words of young people can carry thousands of interpretations and meanings. We are talking about youth slang, which in modern times has gained enormous popularity and is used everywhere. Invented own expressions and words are used in speech by many youth associations. Verbal neoplasms are inherent in a large number of groups of young people who are concentrated around something. Today we will talk about what a "shala" is, and who uses this slang word.

"Narcotic" dictionary


Youth groups who use drugs are well aware of what a shala is. With this word, drug addicts are usually called the primary raw material from which drugs are made. The word "shala" should be understood as ordinary marijuana.

Marijuana is a combination of psychoactive substances acting on the psyche that are obtained from hemp. Studies by British doctors have shown that shala takes eleventh place in terms of harmfulness in the list of the most harmful narcotic substances. A chemical analysis showed that marijuana is a complex plant containing more than four hundred chemical elements, sixty of which are psychotropic. That is why the word "shala" is often used in drug addiction, because it is affordable and relatively inexpensive.

Shala or Marijuana


Marijuana has many slang names, for example, "bang", "anasha", "ganj", "sharas", "shala" and others. How and when they will be used in speech, depends on what force of influence on the human body they have at the moment. So, bang is an inexpensive drug that is extracted from dry chopped stems and cannabis leaves. A gange is obtained from inflorescences of female plants, it is twice as strong as a bang, and charas or hash is pure resin, a fairly strong drug.

Most often, mischief is called poor quality marijuana, which contains a small amount of tetrahydrocannabinol (a psychotropic substance). Sometimes, when asked what a "shala" is, drug addicts respond that it is a semi-finished hashish. In any case, shala means any marijuana, that is, dried and chopped hemp.

Marijuana action

So, if marijuana is dried grass, it is logical to assume that it is smoked. When smoking, the effect appears immediately and lasts up to four hours. If "milk" is taken from hemp, which is taken orally, the effect occurs in an hour and lasts more than five hours.


A person who knows what the shala is and accepts it experiences a state of euphoria, relaxation, and a light nap. In this state, there is an increased sensitivity to the perception of colors and sounds. Very often, people begin to consider landscapes, paintings, listen to shala songs, read existential literature. The world is perceived differently. There is an increased sociability, cheerfulness, sometimes talkativeness. Aggressiveness completely disappears, a person becomes calm.

If the drug was taken with alcohol, then its effect is the opposite. So, a person begins to experience a sense of panic fear, negative emotions, a sense of danger, anxiety, disorientation. In slang language, it sounds like "sit on a betrayal." You can stop this condition with a glass of hot sweet tea.