
Sobchak Maria Anatolyevna - the eldest daughter of Anatoly Sobchak: biography, personal life

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Sobchak Maria Anatolyevna - the eldest daughter of Anatoly Sobchak: biography, personal life
Sobchak Maria Anatolyevna - the eldest daughter of Anatoly Sobchak: biography, personal life

The well-known surname Sobchak for many is associated not with the personality of a politician, the former mayor of St. Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak, but with his daughter Ksenia, a glamorous socialite, scandalous news about the life of which is constantly full of newspapers. But few people know that the famous diva has a sibling older sister. Who is she, what is she doing? Where does Maria Sobchak live? What connects girls? The article presents a short biography of Maria Sobchak, as well as stories about her relatives and friends.



Ksenia’s sister, her father’s father, is 16 years older than her. Journalists became aware that she lives in St. Petersburg and is a well-known lawyer. A woman rarely gives interviews, preferring not to advertise herself. It is known that Maria is married, has a son, communicates exclusively with intelligent people who are in her circle.

Maria Sobchak and Ksenia Sobchak

It seems surprising to many that two sisters, very similar in appearance, can be so different in their way of life, character, and fate. Elder Mary is known as a respected, respectable lady who cares about the cleanliness of her reputation. Ksyusha is known as the “Führer of Glamor, ” which, she herself believes, “everyone must certainly hate: if she does not hear the taunts in her address, then she begins to think that she should retire.” Each of the sisters has their own path chosen, which they consider to be the only one right for them.

It is known that after the death of the father, the eldest daughter and her mother do not communicate with his second family. As Maria, the daughter of Sobchak from her first marriage, admitted, this is absolutely unnecessary. They are very different people, with different perceptions and worldviews. There is no conflict between them, just women, by their admission, do not like each other, and therefore do not want to communicate.

Maria, the sister of Ksenia Sobchak, told reporters in one of the infrequent interviews that she had never tried to establish friendships with her younger, since she did not see the point. In addition, like many other relatives, Ksenia annoys her with her behavior. Maria Sobchak believes that Ksenia has become too much lately. Therefore, the older sister does not want to show herself. According to Maria Anatolyevna Sobchak, Ksyusha defames the name of their father, besides, it is unpleasant for her that many associate his name exclusively with show business, in which Ksyusha is actively engaged.

The rejection of the younger sister by the older one is by no means connected with the fact that she is richer and more popular. As the woman told reporters, she is not looking for fame, because she is not a rich man, but well-to-do, having everything necessary for happiness, including a family, an apartment, a summer house, a car. She and Ksenia, Maria summarizes her conversation with the media, a big age difference and absolutely nothing in common.

Another protracted boycott of the sisters of each other, as the journalists learned, is another explanation. According to the information they received from a reliable source, the sisters are extremely hostile to each other. The reason for this is that for a long time they were not able to share the inheritance of their father. How everything was resolved, the press does not know. But, according to informed persons, the sisters have no chance of reconciliation.


The image of the scandalous socialite Ksenia Sobchak has repeatedly undergone changes. It is known that in October 2017, the youngest daughter of the politician announced her intention to run for president of Russia. She published an open letter to the media, in which she positioned herself as a long-awaited candidate "against all." The news was perceived ambiguously in Russian society. Ksenia was accused of collaborating with the Kremlin, aimed at taking votes from Alexei Navalny. Later, the tele-diva promised to quit the race if Navalny is still allowed to join her.



About the first family of the famous politician Sobchak, as well as about his relatives, information on Internet sites and in the press is almost impossible to find. There are neither their memories of a famous relative, nor photos. It seems that in the life of Anatoly Alexandrovich before his second marriage to Ksenia's mother, Lyudmila Narusova, there was nothing significant. Meanwhile, his marriage with the mother of Maria Sobchak lasted about 23 years.

Sobchak and his marriages

It is known that the first time Anatoly Sobchak married in his student years. His chosen one was Nonna Gandzyuk, a student of the philological faculty of the Pedagogical Institute. Herzen. A daughter Maria was born in the family, who later became a lawyer. Now she works as a lawyer, specializes in criminal law, and raises her son Gleb.

In 1980, Anatoly Alexandrovich married Lyudmila Narusova.

According to Maria, having left the family, the father inflicted great spiritual trauma on his ex-wife. Nonna Sobchak, the first wife of a politician, admitted to reporters that she accepted everything as it is, and was able to, taking pain, to maintain good relations with her ex-husband. According to her, she did not obstruct the communication of her daughter with her father.


Love story

As the brother of the politician Alexander Alexandrovich told reporters, for a long time he and Anatoly lived in the same yard in Kokand with friends Rita and Nonna. The eldest, Alexander, was in love with Rita. Her friend Nonna really liked Anatoly, his younger brother. The girl was a student at Leningrad University, came to Kokand on vacation. Soon, Anatoly transferred to Leningrad. In his fourth year, he married Nonna, while Rita became the wife of his brother. The youthful friendship of the brothers was carried by them through life. They even gave the names of their daughters almost the same.

According to Alexander, the wife helped a lot in the life of his brother, who, thanks to his wife, became a real esthete. Sobchak Sr. calls his brother's first wife a kind of thin and intelligent, while the brothers came from a simple family and could not boast of a special upbringing.

Upon graduation, Anatoly Sobchak was distributed in the Stavropol Territory. Nonna left with her husband. They rented a room from the Cossacks in the village. The local population speaks warmly in their recollections of a young lawyer. Soon the family returned to Leningrad. In 1965, the long-awaited daughter Masha was born to young spouses. When the girl was one year old, her parents moved to their own apartment in a cooperative house on the street. Bestuzhevskaya. In 1973, Anatoly Alexandrovich began to teach at the university, the family's life was gradually getting better. But in 1977, their marriage broke up.


According to Alexander Alexandrovich, Nonna had to endure a lot in marriage with his brother, whom she selflessly loved. Not only men make mistakes in life, senior Sobchak believes, this also happens to women. According to his stories, Nonna cheated on her husband with a man who was once a family friend, Professor Tolstoy. As a member of the Higher Attestation Commission, the professor subsequently in every way interfered with Sobchak's defense of his doctoral dissertation, accusing him of plagiarism.

At that time, a certain Lyudmila Narusova worked in the university library, where Sobchak taught. Acquainted with Nonna, she became her friend. When a crisis occurred in Anatoly's family, having heard gossip about Nonna, Narusova turned to Anatoly Alexandrovich as a lawyer. She asked for his help in a property sharing case with her ex-spouse. Their acquaintance began with this, relations developed. The elder brother of the politician is very sorry that he could not discourage him from destroying his family.


Talking with the first wife of a politician for journalists is not an easy task. Nonna Stepanovna usually flatly refuses to give an interview. A woman lives quite secluded and quiet, avoiding any publicity, in one of the "sleeping" areas of St. Petersburg, on the street. Fidelity.


A woman can be seen buying fertilizer in a flower shop. They say she has a lot of flowers in the apartment and in the cottage in Vaskelovo. The neighbors speak very warmly about her. For them, she is not a relative of a celebrity, but simply a pleasant neighbor. Nonna Stepanovna’s house has a rich home library. After a divorce from Anatoly Alexandrovich, the woman never married. She does not talk about her ex-wife and 30 years lived without him. The only daughter Maria Anatolyevna Sobchak, born in 1965, calls her happiness. In her opinion, she raised a good girl.

Maria Sobchak, daughter of Anatoly Sobchak

The eldest daughter of a famous politician is a non-public person and over-closed. As it became known to reporters, Maria Anatolyevna works in the bar association of St. Petersburg. Maria Sobchak is a graduate of the Law Faculty of Leningrad University. She studied with teachers who trained her father. According to lawyer Maria Sobchak, her main focus is criminal law, however, as a woman said in an interview, she is not averse to engage in civil matters. Today, she is in charge of many family, housing and divorce cases.


In a conversation with reporters, Maria Sobchak somehow admitted that she still has a “feeling of abandonment." She once admitted that she never had any secrets from her father. She calls him the only person who knew how to fully understand her. A six-year-old girl, she once told her mother that when she grows up, she will marry her dad. To the mother’s question, what should she do, the baby replied that the mother had already lived with him and enough. A woman admits that she always compares men with her father, and in this comparison, the father always wins. Therefore, the personal life of Maria Sobchak for this reason, despite the presence of her husband and son, cannot be considered happy.


About Parental Divorce

The family idyll of her parents collapsed in 1977. One day, the mother said that she had taken the keys from dad and he would not come to them anymore. Maria never understood her mother, she was always on the side of her father. She was very sorry that the parents broke up. The father abandoned his mother in the most difficult period of her life, says her daughter. At that time, her mother was seriously ill.

"Why do you trust Sobchak"?

There is an episode in A. Sobchak’s book “Going to Power” during which a certain lady called to Narusova during the rally: “Why do you believe Sobchak ?! He is heartless! His wife is dying in the hospital, and he won’t bring her even an apple!” Poor woman!". In response, Lyudmila Narusova took out her passport: “Look, Sobchak’s wife is me …” Both women were right. At that time, the first wife of Anatoly Alexandrovich, indeed, was in the hospital. A woman who has been with him for twenty years, helping him, first a student, then a novice lawyer, build a career.

It is known that Anatoly Sobchak gave his ex-wife the last money for the operation. Having recovered, Nonna Stepanovna never married again. She confesses that after two hours of talking with another man, she always got bored. “There is no other such as Anatoly Alexandrovich, ” the woman shares.

Father's Honor and Dignity Cases

It is known that the daughter of Anatoly Sobchak, Maria Sobchak, took part in the judicial review of her father’s affairs. According to her, she started one thing and finished another. A woman characterizes affairs as hopeless, since everything was very politicized. At the trial, she said, absurd things were happening. For example, the judge demanded to provide a document confirming that Anatoly Sobchak is indeed a scientist, that he is a good teacher. No one was interested in the fact that by that time he had already been awarded the title. Things went on ad infinitum, having a zero result.

What are you talking about?

Anatoly Alexandrovich Sobchak is called a man who returned his historical name to Leningrad, a democrat without quotes, a true intellectual and a real scientist. He is revered not only by people from the stellar team created by him, but also by thousands of ordinary citizens.

Nevertheless, it is known that in recent years, politics has been actively pursued by various troubles: rumors, gossip, corruption allegations. As befits a faithful wife, the second wife of the mayor, Lyudmila Narusova, zealously defended her husband. So, in the newspapers there was a message about the mayor of the northern capital of a young mistress, whom he arranged as the director of one of the shops in St. Petersburg and helped to cheaply buy an apartment in the center. Having come to power in the early stormy 90s, after some time Sobchak lost both the mayoral election and then the governor’s. Later on, all honest people became aware that the first, “most democratic”, ex-mayor was very unclean: he took bribes, lived in a luxurious apartment near the Hermitage - that is, he used his official position with all his might.

When the decision was ripened in law enforcement to put him in clean water and Sobchak was summoned for interrogation, his wife took him to Paris and launched a wide campaign in his defense. In her conviction, a certain “Leningrad case” against her husband was fabricated in order to denigrate the whole of Russian democracy, the symbol of which is Anatoly Alexandrovich.


Memoirs of fellow students

Unlike her fellow students, after graduating from a university (St. Petersburg University), Maria Sobchak does not communicate with graduates. At the law faculty, she as a former student speaks very well. Oddly enough, the photos of her student years were not preserved, although she graduated from the university, as evidenced by the biography of Maria Sobchak, not very long ago.

According to her classmate, a police major who, in an interview with reporters, asked not to mention her name in the publications, until the fifth year the children did not know that their professor Sobchak’s daughter was studying with them. Masha then bore the name of Petrov and was a very stubborn girl. It was felt that she would certainly achieve what she wanted. However, as a fellow student testifies, the professor’s daughter did not forget about the joys of student life. It is known that Maria has always enjoyed great success with young people. Many girls envied her. Although she did not shine with special beauty, she possessed great charm. According to people familiar with her in her youth, the elder sister of the famous film star after twenty years looks almost the same as in her student years.


According to the memoirs of his uncle, Masha was quite windy in her youth. The first time she popped up at the age of 17. He calls the first husband of Maria Sobchak somehow unreliable, almost a drug addict. They broke up very quickly. Then the eldest daughter of the politician got married again. It is known that the famous grandfather loved his only grandson, the son of Maria Sobchak, and spoiled him. Often a daughter with her son Gleb stayed at his cottage in Repino.


The current spouse of the famous lawyer is Turgut Dzheran. In an interview with Heat.ru, he said that for more than 13 years he has not been able to divorce his Russian wife. Currently, Turgut is an employee of one of the prestigious hotels in the city of Belek (Turkey). The only thing he dreams of at 35 is to quickly get a divorce from his wife and get the opportunity to build a new family. Turgut told reporters the story of his marriage to Maria Sobchak.


"Turkish gambit"

They met in Marmaris in May 2000, when Mary came to rest. Met one evening in one of the restaurants. The guy was 23 then, and Mary 34. Their romance lasted 10 days. A week later, according to the man, his lover came to him and began to tearfully beg the young man to marry her. He answered with agreement. The fact that the father of his beloved is a famous Russian politician, he, according to him, did not know at that time. The wedding was played in November of the same year in one of the restaurants of Marmaris. All his relatives and friends were present. On the bride's side was her friend from Russia, who became a witness. Relatives of Turgut, according to him, received his wife very well, despite the fact that the woman did not plan to accept Islam.

Before the wedding, Maria Sobchak introduced the chosen one to her son Gleb. Then, having arrived in Russia, he met her mother and sister Ksenia. The man says that the mother of his bride was categorically against their marriage. She, he believes, put a lot of effort in order to destroy their marriage.

The young man sincerely believed that their union was based on love - both on his part and on the part of his wife. But over time, their relationship deteriorated, and, in his opinion, the mother-in-law played a significant role. Most of the time the young lived in Turkey. Arriving in Russia, they lived in Masha’s St. Petersburg apartment on Vasilievsky Island. The fifteen-year-old son of Maria Gleb remained in Russia with her grandmother.

His wife then left everything at home and moved to him in Marmaris. They lived together for about a year. The wife did not work, he earned one. The young talked about starting a business and transporting her child here. However, a year later, Maria packed up and went back to Russia.

How does he explain everything to himself?

As the young man later realized, Maria arrived in 2000 in Marmaris four months after the death of her father. The political situation in Russia at that time changed and pressure was exerted on it. After the death of her father, it became very difficult for her to live in her homeland. The husband of Maria Sobchak believes that at that time she simply fled from her country, and used it to make it more convenient to live in Turkey. With a change in politics in Russia, feeling safe, Maria Sobchak returned to her homeland. She did not need a Turkish spouse anymore.



They are still considered husband and wife, married for over thirteen years, of which twelve do not live together. According to the man, he fought for his family for a long time, begging Mary to return. But nothing came of it. When the wife left, she was six months pregnant, Turgut says. With the help of hired detectives, he conducted an investigation and found out that his wife had a son in 2001. The man is sure that this is his child. He does not know the name of his son and does not have the opportunity to see him. According to Turgut Geran, he specially came to Russia to see his son. But it turned out that Mary changed her place of residence. As he told reporters, the wife did not inform him of the birth of the child. Since Turgut not only did not raise a boy, but never saw him, he believes that now he will not be able to become a good father for him. Therefore, I decided to abandon the search for a child. He calls the Sobchak family dangerous people with whom it is risky to get involved.


According to Turkish law, Turgut is still married to Maria Anatolyevna Sobchak. He and his wife call up extremely rarely and only to talk about divorce. In Turkey, the divorce process is very complex and lengthy, requiring the indispensable presence of both parties. It would have been much simpler if Mary had agreed to come to Turkey. Due to her refusal, a man cannot establish his personal life. From the last telephone conversation, he learned that the wife allegedly filed for divorce in Russia and divorced. But Turgut does not believe: since she has Turkish citizenship, and the marriage was registered in Turkey, they must be bred according to Turkish laws.