the culture

Social values ​​and their characteristics

Social values ​​and their characteristics
Social values ​​and their characteristics

Video: Symbols, Values & Norms: Crash Course Sociology #10 2024, June

Video: Symbols, Values & Norms: Crash Course Sociology #10 2024, June

So that a person can freely exist in the world, he needs to be able to interact with people around him. Values ​​are specific characteristics of the objects of our environment that determine their positive and negative value for each person and society as a whole. The social value of law is a concept, having understood which, a person will understand what his positive role in society is. Thanks to him, a stable order is ensured in the structure of social relations, as well as the possibility of carrying out habitual human actions.

Note that a person, being a social being, must create certain patterns of behavior that are applicable in a particular situation. This is done so that you can safely exist in society and interact with other individuals. Similar patterns are called social norms.

Social values ​​- this is what is important for each person a priori. Once made decisions become for us the main line of behavior that we try to adhere to every day, all our lives. That is why value guidelines act as a way of regulating and determining the behavior of an individual. They help him distinguish meaningful from unnecessary, essential from meaningless.

Scientist D. Leontyev studied social values ​​in detail and identified three forms of their existence that can mutually flow into one another:

  1. Social ideals.

  2. The embodiment of these ideals.

  3. Motivational structures.

Note that throughout life one value system can be confirmed, the other can be discarded due to its insolvency. As a result, a certain hierarchy is formed, which contains concepts that are applicable and relevant for each person. Social values ​​- this is a concept that is formed individually for each, therefore in one society it is difficult to find two people who have the same system. Very often the individual is faced with the fact that his principles are contrary to new systems, or the theoretical foundations are not compatible with real life. In this case, multilayer systems begin to form, in which the declared values ​​often diverge from reality.

Value orientations are the result of the socialization of individuals, that is, the development by them of all existing types of social norms and requirements that are imposed on individuals or members of a social group. The basis of their formation lies in the interaction of the experience that people have with the samples of the existing social culture. On the basis of these concepts is formed their own idea of ​​the nature of personal claims.

Business relations always contain a value aspect in their structure. It defines explicit and implicit standards of behavior. There is such a thing as professional values ​​of social work, denoting stable ideas and beliefs of people about the nature of goals, how to achieve them and the principles of future life. These values ​​orient the social worker on the basic principles of his behavior in work and responsibility for his activities. They help an employee of any sphere to determine the rights and obligations that he has as a professional.

Social values ​​begin to form in early childhood. Their main source is the people around the child. In this case, the example of the family plays a fundamental role. Children, watching their parents, begin to imitate them in everything. Therefore, when deciding to have children, future mother and father should understand what responsibility they assume.