
Sonya is an animal with an unusual way of life. Description and types

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Sonya is an animal with an unusual way of life. Description and types
Sonya is an animal with an unusual way of life. Description and types

Video: Loris Animal Facts | World's Weirdest Animals 2024, June

Video: Loris Animal Facts | World's Weirdest Animals 2024, June

One of the oldest rodents is dormouse - an animal that has much in common with proteins and mice at the same time. Features of its structure depend on the lifestyle and habitat. Life expectancy in nature ranges from 2 to 6 years.


Sony are small in size. Their body is slightly elongated, round shiny eyes stand out on a narrow head with a pointed nose. The ears are quite large, bare, with rounded tips.


On the face of Sonya are very sensitive long mustache - vibrissa. Their length is about 20 to 40 percent of the entire length of the body. Each antennae can make a movement due to the contraction of the subcutaneous muscles. This is a peculiar organ of touch, with the help of which the animal probes the space surrounding it. The limbs are thin and short, with four fingers on the front legs and five on the hind legs. Thick and very soft hair of the animal has a small and uniform length throughout the body.


Sonya is an animal who prefers to live most often on trees, in hollows, sometimes in earthen burrows, dug more often under the roots of trees, under stones and in crevices of rocks. These animals live mainly in forests, gardens and groves.

Lifestyle & Nutrition

Most members of this family sleep during daylight hours, and only at dusk do they get out of their shelters. Thanks to this feature, they got their name. With the onset of cold weather, drowsiness fall into a daze and in this state can spend the whole winter. During this period, their body temperature decreases, their metabolism slows down. Some animals wake up during the thaw, eating their stocked food during a break from sleep. They do not make other reserves and survive the winter due to the accumulated fat during the summer and autumn.


The basis of the diet of these animals are the fruits of plants and various seeds, less often insects. On occasion, they also do not refuse eggs and young chicks. It is interesting to observe how the dormouse takes food (a photo of the animal engaged in this process is available in this article). Holding the food firmly with its front legs, the dormouse brings it to her mouth. These animals may well become tame, but only if caught at a young age. The main thing that is not recommended to do is to touch them with your hands. Sonyes do not like this very much.