
Geldreich pine: description, photo, use

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Geldreich pine: description, photo, use
Geldreich pine: description, photo, use

Geldreich pine (white or Bosnian) is an evergreen plant growing in South-East Europe. This very beautiful tree is often used to create unique compositions of landscape design, we offer to get acquainted with such an attractive representative of the flora.


This plant came to us from the mountainous regions of the Balkan Peninsula, the species is named after Theodor Heldreich, a botanist with Greek and German roots. Consider the description of Geldreich pine, you can recognize this plant by the following signs:

  • The root system is strong, the roots lie deep in the soil.
  • The trunk is straight. The height can reach 15 meters, and under native conditions - up to 20 m, however, in Russia such sizes are rare. Most often in gardens and parks you can find pine trees no higher than 1.2 meters.
  • The bark of young trees is light, smooth and shiny. When the needles fall, the trunk is covered with scales and becomes like the skin of a snake.
  • Crohn - cone-shaped, persists with age.
  • Branches can grow to the ground, drooping slightly.
  • The needles are very thick, stiff. Pointed, dark green.
  • Golden yellow male inflorescences are arranged in bunches.
  • The fruit is an oblong cone, shaped like an egg, up to 8 cm long. First blue, gradually acquire a dark brown or black color.

Refers to representatives of the flora with a very long life span; the oldest of the living plants crossed the threshold of 1300 years. Another centenarian is also known - in southern Italy, researchers established the age of pine - 960 years.

This is such an amazing coniferous plant, however, the appearance may vary slightly depending on the variety, this will be further discussed below.



Geldreich pine prefers alkaline dry soils, however, in general, it is not picky about the quality of the soil, quietly tolerates dry and poor lands, but does not tolerate bogging. It grows at an altitude of 2 km above sea level. Refers to photophilous plants, has a good indicator of frost resistance, gets along well in the city.

It grows, including in the south of Italy, as a symbol of the Pollino National Park. Also found in Bosnia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia, Albania.

The growth rate is very low, which determines the dwarf size; for a year, growth is no more than 25 cm in length and up to 10 cm in width.



Geldreich pine can be used in single plantings, as well as in rock gardens. It also looks beautiful in group compositions, heather gardens. The plant tolerates transplantation well, therefore, it can grow in a modern metropolis or on the territory of an industrial zone. Another possibility of application is covering beautiful calcareous mountains with beautiful forests.

The method of reproduction is only one - by seed. Despite this, the plant is in high demand, as resistant to most coniferous diseases and pests.