
Chin Strap Rescue, or Penguin Visual Aid

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Chin Strap Rescue, or Penguin Visual Aid
Chin Strap Rescue, or Penguin Visual Aid

Video: Autism in Pop Culture 2024, July

Video: Autism in Pop Culture 2024, July

Greenpeace held an action in defense of the Antarctic penguins, otherwise called the "Chin strap." The organizers of the action installed specially created floating sculptures made of ice, which visually demonstrated the problem of overheating of the oceans. For this reason, krill disappear - the main food of penguins. How can animals be helped?


Unique breed of arctic penguin

“Chin strap” - this is what the penguins were called due to the presence of a fringe in the form of a thin strip of black on their neck. The body of individuals does not exceed 70 cm in size. The mass is within 4.5 kg, but varies depending on the time of year and the tasks they perform. Hatching eggs gain weight. Shedding leads to its decrease.

It is noteworthy that the color of the females and males of this breed of Arctic inhabitants is the same. The body of the chicks is covered in light gray fluff. Adults are characterized by the presence of dark spots on the face.


Habitat features

This species of penguin lives on the coast of Antarctica. Some individuals can be found on the surface of icebergs in the harsh conditions of the open ocean.


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Arctic penguins are considered one of the most numerous species. The "chin strap" is actively propagating, numbering today about 7.5 million representatives.

According to scientists, such a variety of individuals was associated with a large amount of food. As you know, the main food for the Arctic penguin is krill.

In recent years, due to the intensive catch of planktonivorous whales, food for penguins has become more.


Actual problems

Greenpeace conservation organization warns that these charming penguins are threatened with extinction. The problem is climate change.

It is already known that over the past half century, the number of inhabitants of some penguin colonies has decreased by 77%.

The first expedition was organized in 1971. Representatives of the expedition, who went to the shores of the Elephant Island in the northeastern part of the peninsula, managed to find a total of 122, 550 pairs of penguins that made nests. Recent estimates indicate a population of 52, 786 pairs, which is 56% less than 50 years ago. What is the reason for this decline?


Promotion Goal

In a recent campaign, Greenpeace is fighting to protect Arctic penguins, including the "chin strap." The organizers of the event believe that animals need to create a shelter in order to protect them from extinction.

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The cause of the problem is abrupt climatic changes, which are associated with a decrease in sea ice volume and warming of ocean waters. These transformations lead to a decrease in the amount of krill, which, as already mentioned, is the main diet of penguins.


Research results

The problem of reducing the number of individuals of the “chin strap” type was studied by university scientists. Researchers from Stony Brook and the Northeast Region managed to establish little-known facts about the behavior of penguins of the “chin strap” breed. For this purpose, drones and direct approach to animals were used.

Scientists chose a colony of Antarctic penguins inhabiting the island of Penguin as the object of their study.

Commentary by researchers

Scientists were able to come to the following conclusion: “Having recorded the fact of such a significant reduction in the number of penguins, one can put forward an assumption about a significant change in the ecosystem of the Southern Ocean that has happened over the past fifty years.

The changes have led to less food for Antarctic penguins, ”said Dr. Heather Lynch, associate professor of ecology and evolution at Stony Brook University.

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Hoping for the best

Greenpeace representatives returned to Antarctica as part of an expedition called Pole to Pole. Here again, the fact of a significant increase in water temperature is recorded. Indicators of new record temperatures reach maximum values ​​of 18.3 ° C.

We managed to get such results quite recently - on February 6. The previous record water temperature in the ocean was recorded on March 24, 2015 and amounted to 17.5 ° C.