
Spivak Maryana Timofeevna: personal life, husband, photo, biography, filmography

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Spivak Maryana Timofeevna: personal life, husband, photo, biography, filmography
Spivak Maryana Timofeevna: personal life, husband, photo, biography, filmography

No one ever questioned the fact that Spivak Maryana Timofeevna inherited her acting talent from her famous parents. However, the girl turned into a star of the theater and cinema not only thanks to the ability to skillfully transform on the stage: her industriousness and determination played an important role in this. At the same time, the young lyceum Spivak Maryana Timofeevna would not have chosen an acting path if her father and mother had not instilled in her love for the “great”. However, they did not at all insist that their daughter become professionally involved in the art of reincarnation. Everything was decided by itself. What was the girl’s creative career and how did it happen that of all the professions she chose just acting? Consider these issues in more detail.

Curriculum Vitae

Spivak Maryana Timofeevna was born on March 23, 1985 in an acting family. Her father is a famous lyceum, screenwriter and director, who shot such films as “Three days outside the law”, “Against all odds”, “Woe-misfortune”.


The girl’s mother is the well-known actress of Soviet cinema Ekaterina Evgenievna Vasilieva, who became famous thanks to such legendary films as “Farewell of the Slav”, “Boronberry, ” “You never dreamed of.” Even the grandmother of the future lyceum - Zhanna Prokhorenko - was famous throughout the country, because the audience could not help but love her work in the films Kalina Krasnaya, Twenty Years Later, Marriage of Balzaminov. Naturally, everyone thought that Spivak Maryana Timofeevna would follow in the footsteps of her relatives and become an artist. At the time of the birth of the girl, the family lived in the Otradny district, but soon her parents decided to break off their marriage. As a result, Ekaterina Vasilyeva, together with her little daughter, moves to her mother.


At the gymnasium, Maryana took an active part in amateur performances. She even learned to set skits. Since childhood, she listened to the conversations of mom and grandmother about the many subtleties and nuances of the acting profession. It is noteworthy that at first the girl was not at all attracted by the prospect of playing on the theater stage or on a movie set.


In early youth, Spivak Maryana Timofeevna, whose biography is not without interesting facts, dreamed of any specialties, but not about acting. From school, she was seriously interested in learning English, which did not stop her from becoming an informal teenager. She wore jeans and listened to rock music. It seemed that the girl was ordered to enter the theater stage.

Interest in the "great"

In the last years of study, Maryana decides to transfer from a gymnasium to an ordinary school due to a trivial conflict with a teacher. Gradually, interest in the art of reincarnation awakens from her, despite the fact that she was sure that she would go to study as a veterinarian or journalist. However, the parental genes won, and the girl, in parallel with her high school studies, attends preparatory courses at the Moscow Art Theater School. Of course, she understood that acting was hard work, and her mother discouraged her from choosing Mariana for her profession.


However, all her doubts were dispelled by her friend, the now-famous actress Daria Moroz, who at that time was already a student at a theater university. It was she who prompted Mariyana how to keep herself in the entrance exams in order to enter.

Studying at a theater university

And yet, the daughter of Ekaterina Vasilyeva had some concerns that she might fail the exams. However, they were in vain. She was waiting for success, and the doors of leading theater universities (VGIK, "Pike", Moscow Art Theater) overnight became available for Spivak. The girl chose the Moscow Art Theater School. She began to comprehend the basics of acting in the course of I. Zolotovitsky and S. Zemtsov.

Theater work

Already as a student, the girl showed industriousness and interest in the profession. Seeing such zeal, directors began to try it for roles. So, she took part in the performances “Hamlet”, “Three Sisters”, “Nameless Star”. After graduating from the theater university, Maryana was accepted into the troupe of the “Satyricon”.


On the stage of this temple of Melpomene, she brilliantly transformed into the images of Matryna ("Balsam"), Lady Anne ("Richard the Third"), the daughter of the king ("King Lear").

Movie work

Spivak Maryana Timofeevna, whose photo became a real decoration of theatrical posters, was able to show her talent on the set. Even at the age of five, she participated in the film "Until the thunder strikes." The girl’s father approved her for the role of Vasilisa in the fairy tale "Woe-misfortune." This was followed by work in the series “Twins”, in which Maryana starred with her grandmother and mother. The series “Capercaillie” was not without her participation. In 2001, Spivak was approved for the main role in the multi-part comedy detective "Bullet-Fool 4".

Other projects

The young actress Spivak Maryana Timofeevna, whose filmography includes about 10 works in the cinema, took part in the dubbing of films. In particular, Proctor spoke in her voice in the film “The Phantom Patrol”, Doc Sutler in “Jurassic Park”, Emma in the film “Paranoia”.


Maryana was also engaged in dubbing on the radio, taking on the image of Smagina in "Adolescence."

Currently, the girl concentrates on working in the theater and is not often shot in films.