
The village of Naurskaya (Chechen Republic): national composition and population. What happened in the village of Naurskaya

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The village of Naurskaya (Chechen Republic): national composition and population. What happened in the village of Naurskaya
The village of Naurskaya (Chechen Republic): national composition and population. What happened in the village of Naurskaya

The Chechen Republic has long been a rather painful topic in our country. The military conflict, which once claimed the lives of many Russian military and civilians, now seems to be just an episode in history. But just a month ago, the village of Naurskaya (Chechen Republic) became the epicenter of the bloody events that reminded people that the gangs had only temporarily suspended their activities and were ready to cross the established borders at any time.


Where is the village of Naurskaya?

The settlement is located on the banks of the Terek River. It can be said that it is surrounded by gardens and vast vineyards. The village of Naurskaya is located almost fifty kilometers from Grozny, and there is a railway station nearby. The settlement is considered quite large and dates back to the mid-eighteenth century.

The village gave the name to the whole district and became its center. Now Naursky district is considered one of the most economically developed. There are numerous factories and factories for the production of juices and canned goods. Local farmers have at their disposal eight thousand hectares of land.

Village population: quantity and dynamics of growth

If we draw conclusions about the demographic situation in the settlement, based on the dynamics of population growth, we can say that the village of Naurskaya is developing successfully. According to the latest data, almost ten thousand people live here. The average annual population growth is two hundred people. Moreover, the settlement has a rather high birth rate.

It is worth considering that in the twenties of the last century, the village of Naurskaya numbered a little more than four thousand people. Since that moment, the population has been steadily increasing, insignificant losses were noted in the eighties and the first decade of the twenty-first century.


National composition of the population

For a long time, Russians and Chechens lived in friendship, so the ethnic composition of the stanitsa is quite diverse. How many Russians now live in the village of Naurskaya? The total population of the Russian-speaking population is just over one thousand people. In percentage terms, this figure is about fifteen percent. Naturally, most of the stanitsy are Chechens by nationality. There are almost seven thousand people, which is a little over seventy-six percent.

In addition, Turks, Rutuls, Avars and Kumyks live in the village. Just over three percent of the respondents did not indicate their nationality.

The village of Naurskaya, Chechen Republic: education

In the second half of the eighteenth century, Catherine II ordered the transfer of several groups of Cossacks to the Terek, which were supposed to protect the territory from the attacks of the highlanders. Thus, the Volga and Don Cossacks appeared in the village of Naurskaya and the first written mention of this settlement was left in official government papers.


Historical milestones in the development of Naurskaya

The history of the village is rich in various events. Pugachev was here, and during the Russo-Turkish war, she was stormed by the Crimean Khan. But always the Cossacks did their duty and did not allow the village to become a bargaining chip in any historical events.

The nineteenth century was the heyday of the village. Everywhere new houses, a church, an infirmary were built and a railway line was laid. Initially, Naurskaya was distinguished by its wealth, by the end of the nineteenth century there were about thirty industrial establishments that were actively trading.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, more than eighty percent of Russians lived in the village. Naursky district was considered one of the most successful in every sense. But the nineties violated the usual way of life of local residents and brought grief to their homes.


Naurskaya: the end of the twentieth century

Armed Chechen fighters more than once carried out their sweeps in the Naursky district. Mass shootings in the village of Naurskaya repeatedly became the topic of television reporting. Purposefully, the militants destroyed the Russian population, as well as everyone who supported him. The list of crimes committed against stanitsy can plunge even an experienced person into shock. Entire families were shot and burned, someone was taken away from the village, and these people never returned back. Many were stabbed to death, and before that they were bullied.

During this period, a large number of Russians fled from the village, and those who still remained in Naurskaya more than once asked the government of the Russian Federation to include them in the Stavropol Territory.

The village during the First and Second Chechen War

During the period of hostilities in Chechnya, the Russian population in villages and other settlements has declined significantly. Sociologists estimate that in the Naursky district the number of Russians has decreased by almost five times.

Conflicts on the basis of ethnic hatred became a natural continuation of hostilities. It is known that even in the year 2000 there were mass killings of the Russian-speaking population in the village of Naurskaya and other settlements of the region. It is not surprising that the Russians were reluctant to return here. Many could not cope with difficult memories of the death of loved ones and decided not to return to their former places.


The village today

In recent years, the village of Naurskaya lives a peaceful life and successfully develops. Temples and many other constructions necessary for a normal human life are being rebuilt. For almost seventeen years, a military unit has been based in the settlement area. The village of Naurskaya became the place where the battalion of the 46th separate operational brigade of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is deployed on an ongoing basis.

Brief information on the 46th separate Order of the Zhukov Brigade for operational purposes

This battalion is unique in its essence, because it controls almost the entire territory of the Chechen Republic. His direct responsibilities are to protect the territory from militant groups and to prevent terrorist acts. In addition to Naurskaya, the 46th brigade is located in five more villages and in Grozny. An interesting feature of the battalion is that in its composition there are groups formed on a national basis. This allows you to more effectively serve and perform combat missions.


March 2017: the incident in the village of Naurskaya

Just a month ago, the population of our country was shocked by the arrogant and unprecedented case of an attack by militants on a military unit. Many media outlets reported what happened in the village of Naurskaya.

The militants attacked the village and the military camp located there on the night of March 24, 2017. According to official sources, a bandit group armed with firearms and grenades attacked a military unit in order to seize the headquarters, dormitories and ammunition depot. It is worth noting that the gang acted quite confidently and coordinated.

The group consisted of eight militants who hoped to take advantage of the effect of surprise and implement their plan. But they were prevented by a military outfit, which in time discovered the group. An exchange of fire broke out between the military and the attackers, which lasted for twenty minutes. The entire unit was raised by alarm, and the attack was repelled. But the Russian Guard suffered losses in the form of six dead and three seriously wounded soldiers.

This incident was the first such attack in the new history of the Chechen Republic and seriously worried the public. Already, there are a lot of rumors circulating around the village and the attack, many connect this incident with the aggravation of the situation in the Middle East and the role that Russia plays in the hostilities in Syria.

The consequences of the attack in the village of Naurskaya

It is worth noting that the fighters of the Rosguard managed to capture five fighters, however, two of the group managed to leave. Now all their forces have been thrown into their search, not only in Chechnya, but also in Ingushetia and Dagestan. At the same time, task forces from Moscow were sent to the village for reinforcement. FSB officers are conducting a separate investigation into the attack and have opened a criminal case under several articles. At this stage, there are more than five.


The involvement of the captured militants in a terrorist group banned on the territory of the Russian Federation, the Islamic State (it is also called the Islamic State), has already been proven. The head of Chechnya is confident that such incidents will become more frequent, because from the beginning of 2017, the attack in the village of Naurskaya was the third such case. However, he was remembered as the most bloody and organized.

Representatives of the IG several years ago entered the North Caucasus and conducted their secret criminal activities. This year, several groups have already been discovered on the territory of Russia; many people have come under investigation. The media believe that the attack on Rosguard in the village was an attempt by militants to express themselves and thereby scare the public. Indeed, some time ago, ISIS announced that the Russian Federation would choke on the bloody terrorist attacks for helping the Syrian government in conducting the counter-terrorism operation. Perhaps the attempt to capture the military unit was just an isolated case that will not happen again. But it is highly likely that this incident is a carefully planned action, which is part of a large and complex mechanism.