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Vintage style is relevant

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Vintage style is relevant
Vintage style is relevant

Video: How to NOT Look CLOWNISH wearing VINTAGE 2024, July

Video: How to NOT Look CLOWNISH wearing VINTAGE 2024, July

With this article we will try to answer in detail the following question: "Vintage style - what is it?". The relevance of the topic is obvious. Today's people very often hear the word "vintage" in various contexts. Moreover, most often its use is associated with style and fashion. Why do you need to know what kind of style is vintage?


Vintage is …

The very concept of “vintage” is an inherited term that came from winemaking and is firmly entrenched in the fashion world. It, by analogy with the aging of high-quality wines, characterizes the original style, prompting many eminent fashion designers to seek inspiration in retro styles.

Since the 90s of the last century, branded companies recognized as the grandees of the fashion world, among many areas of their creativity, have invariably developed the vintage style. These are Coco Chanel and GIorgio Armani, Christian Dior and Emilio Pussi, Pierre Cardin and Yves Saint Laurent. This list goes on and on …


What do they mean when they say that a person is dressed vintage? The latter indicates commitment to high-fashion hits no less than 20 years ago. It's no secret that many modern women consider the images of Coco Chanel, Marilyn Monroe, Sophia Loren, Marlene Dietrich worthy of imitation. These stars have not faded (and will not fade) for many years for a simple reason. They are style icons. Such a fate fell to them.

Their things, classified as retro, have already become classics. Take a look at, for example, the style that Renata Litvinova follows. Does she look like any of the former stars to you? For example, Marlene Dietrich?

Perhaps vintage is your style

If you are a creative person by nature, then, quite possibly, he suits you. Unfortunately, at present, most people, even the wealthy, dress in consumer goods. They, without thinking about it, harm themselves. After all, be that as it may, no one has canceled the principle that "they are greeted by clothes." This article is for those who want to express their personality more clearly. Vintage (such is its feature) allows multivariate implementation of this plan.

Which option to choose?

We are popularly trying to answer the naive question: "Vintage - what is this?" Usually we are talking about the styles that prevailed in fashion from the second half of the 19th century to the 70s of the 20th century.

Today, this famous opportunity to choose "their" vintage style is used by many famous people, including stars. For example, American actress Chloe Sevigne, actress and film director Drew Barrymore, famous singer Katy Perry. After all, different in appearance, character, temperament to people, respectively, to face different cuts, colors, etc.


Helping our readers to choose their preferred models, we will take a brief excursion into the history of fashion.

In the twenties and thirties, mods followed the “Chicago style”. These were the days of Coco Chanel. He is distinguished by a low waist on dresses, a boa, boas, a hat-cloche, a short hairstyle. In the 30s, the boyish silhouette of women's dresses, characteristic of the 20s, gave way to a more feminine: an elongated silhouette, draperies, elegant skirts. So dressed Greta Garbo, Vivien Leigh, Marlene Dietrich.

In the 40s, the military style became popular: shorter skirts, straight strict jackets. However, this was the decline of fashion, it did not affect modern vintage looks. But already in the 50s, Dior created a very feminine new bow style: a fluffy wide skirt, corset or belt, an elegant hat. He was followed by Audrey Hepburn.

A new pin-up style appeared in the 60s: stilettos, flirty skirts, high waist on trousers, shorts, Bermudas, short tops. Marilyn Monroe, Brigitte Bardot shone in this style. In the 70s, fashion became more democratic. Hippies and disco styles were popular. Mini skirts and flared jeans came into fashion. In the 80s, sexuality was clearly manifested in clothes: leggings and leggings, miniskirts, a neckline, shiny fabrics. In the 90s, the unisex style becomes relevant. In a cut of clothes minimalism is felt.

Vintage things: authentic and stylized.

However, to the joy of fashionistas, a vintage thing is not necessarily a carefully preserved original. Moreover, the number of such instances is always limited.

Often things are sewn independently on old patterns from vintage fabrics that are relevant for a particular fashion. Accessories that look in harmony with them also do not always come from grandmother's chests.


Observe the vintage style - this is a serious test for a fashionista. Moreover, it should harmoniously recreate a historically reliable type. It is important to comply with all the characteristic features of wearing a dress and its organic complement with accessories that create a unique vintage look. This, in addition to the dress itself, also corresponds to vintage brooches, earrings, and a handbag. Often accessories matching the look are made by hand. Modern fashion stores offer their entire collections, including bags.

So you decided …

If you’ve made up your mind, for example, that the new bow glorified by Dior is optimal for revealing a new image, then this is wonderful! You are on the right track. Nowadays, unisex, focusing on femininity, you really can make a splash with your outfit. As an option, such a dress with a female silhouette in the style of the 50s can be ordered at the American online store. However, now vintage shops are open in Moscow. Choose according to your taste: dense fabric, fitted top, wide skirt just below the knee. You just need to see it: changing a unisex to a style of this kind, a woman changes dramatically!

However, this is not all …

It is obvious that the vintage look ends with an adequate haircut and appropriate makeup. They can be characterized as works of art that uniquely present the high fashion of past years.

Paying tribute to the authenticity of things, we note: a necessary condition for the style is perfect fit to the figure. Indeed, only in this case the vintage creates the perfect image.