
Strange habits that were inherent in great people

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Strange habits that were inherent in great people
Strange habits that were inherent in great people

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Video: 5 Tips to Being Evil 2024, July

We all know about celebrities such as Mozart, Beethoven and Michelangelo. But few people know about some of their oddities that can shock especially susceptible people. What strange habits do great people have?


Ludwig van Beethoven wrote a truly magnificent Symphony No. 9, and this is only the tip of the iceberg of his contribution to the history of music. Yet stellar results require astronomical discipline. Each morning, Beethoven manually counted 60 coffee beans, from which he made the perfect cup of coffee for himself. In addition, to restore his creative strength after writing too much music, he poured cold water on his head.

Da vinci


What just did not do the legendary Leonardo Da Vinci! He is an artist, and a writer, and an engineer, and a sculptor, and an architect. Even the anatomy was not alien to him. When did he manage to do everything? What is the mystery of its productivity? It turns out that the whole thing is that this great man practically did not sleep. And even developed his own sleep system for better productivity. The essence of this system is that you need to sleep only 5 hours a day, with a frequency of 4 hours. That is, every 4 hours you need to fall asleep for exactly 20 minutes. According to Leonardo, this stimulates a person to creativity very well, does not allow him to relax and, as a result, there is additional time for activity.

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Salvador Dali


Almost every person who is more or less familiar with this surrealist will immediately remember his recalled mustache and "strange" pictures. More informed ones will recall that he preferred walking in Paris in the company of an anteater and traveling in a car filled with cauliflower. But few people know such oddities as visits to his wife with her written permission. The essence of such visits is that he revered his spouse as a goddess, and did not consider it possible to descend on her without warning and permission. By the way, Gala lived in a castle bought for her by Salvador himself.


The author of the world's first illegal copy of a musical work is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. In the Vatican, he heard Allegri's famous work Miserere and managed to reproduce it from memory, for which he received an award from the Pope. Great composer! But few people know about one of his quirks, which by no means compares with his greatness. Amadeus Mozart was very fond of making music through the release of gases. He even wrote a play for which six “voices” were required.

Eric Satie


This famous French composer is just a treasure of oddities. The first oddity is that he ate only white food. The basis of his diet were: bone meal, eggs, salt, sugar, rice, coconuts and more. The second is his strange diet. He had breakfast at 7:18, dined at 12:11, dined at 19:16, went to bed at 22:37. In this connection, he chose such a daily routine - still remains a mystery. But that is not all. The third oddity is obsession with umbrellas. Eric collected various umbrellas and very reverently guarded his wealth, which amounted to more than a hundred copies of this accessory. And finally, his main strangeness is the veneration of religion, which he himself invented.

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The Sistine Chapel, created by Michelangelo, is for many believers a symbol of purity, lightness and divinity. The creator of many masterpieces in the Vatican can in no way be "negative" in life, right? And no! The great Westerner was very far from the concept of "purity." Usually, during the week, Michelangelo not only did not take a bath, but also did not take off his clothes and shoes, even for sleeping. He justified his quirk by the fact that he considered all these actions dangerous to health. Maybe the genius was right? After all, he lived quite a few - almost 90 years.

Honore de Balzac


The author of many works, the famous French playwright "lived to write, " so every minute was precious to him. Honore achieved his productivity with the help of coffee. 50 cups per day was considered normal for him. Balzac considered this drink the elixir of life and literally did not let the cup of coffee out of his hands. Dozed from 10 o’clock in the evening to one in the morning, woke up and worked again, holding a pen in one hand and the coveted cup in the other. It is noteworthy that the writer died not from heart disease, but from the ill-fated gangrene, at 52 years of age.

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Edward Grieg


His name pops up in his memory as soon as the music from the play "In the Hall of the Mountain King" is heard. The great Norwegian composer was very talented, and therefore happy. But where did he get his happy charge? The answer is simple: he had a happy frog. A figurine that the composer carried with him always and everywhere. Before each significant event, Edward took it out of its coat and rubbed it - for good luck. Judging by the created masterpieces, the frog helped Grieg.



Igor Stravinsky is a great Russian composer, conductor, bright modernist and performer, a recognized figure of world art of the 20th century. He achieved his success with his work, talent and a little secret. The secret was that the composer performed a difficult exercise every morning - a headstand that he held for 15 minutes. Why did he do this? Stravinsky explained this exercise by the fact that for productive creativity it is necessary that creative juices flow throughout the body. Comparing the body with a glass of juice that needs to be turned over to make the drink homogeneous and flowed out. A strange analogy, but there is a place to be, given the masterpieces created by Igor Fedorovich.



Another Russian genius is Leo Tolstoy, who during his lifetime already became known not only for his work, but also for his life. Lev Nikolaevich himself is a native of the upper strata of society, but in the middle of his life he began to doubt the morale of his environment. Tolstoy decided to choose his own path and go along it, abandoning wealth and delights. I changed the wardrobe to a peasant one, mostly made by myself. He switched to vegetarianism and began to adhere to a strict daily routine, periodically condemning the life of rich people in his works.