
Striplasty - what is it? The benefits of striplasty

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Striplasty - what is it? The benefits of striplasty
Striplasty - what is it? The benefits of striplasty

What woman does not want to be desired? Perhaps there are none. And in service with modern ladies have a powerful cosmetic industry and a variety of fitness programs. In the past few years, stripplastic has become especially popular. What is this discipline and is it suitable for everyone?


Of course, this discipline has common roots with striptease. But the goals are very different - if the progenitor's goal is rather seduction, then in the sports variety it is primarily about maintaining muscle tone, self-expression, developing flexibility, as well as self-confidence. Subsequently, the goal may be seduction, but the initial goal is physical activity and pleasure, and full-blown plastic gives them. The movements in it, despite the apparent simplicity, are comparable to a full-fledged workout.

Perhaps the founder of the sports trend of striptease, also known as strip dance, can be considered the well-known Carmen Electra. Back in the early 2000s, she released a series of instructional videos dedicated to training with elements of aerobics and sensual dancing. At the same time, programs were suitable even for people with minimal sports training, so they quickly became popular. Later, other varieties and trends appeared, combining sport and dance, and as a result, what appeared today is striptoplasty. What is this discipline? The debate has still not ceased, whether it is considered a dance or a sport. The truth is probably somewhere in between.



Previously, this direction was clearly associated with clubs for men's leisure, but now everything is different, and even housewives and mothers of families master it. Unlike any other types of dances, stripplastic has a clearly expressed emotional component, it is not a mechanical repetition of seductive movements by the instructor, it is self-expression, a certain theatricality and expression, a slightly exaggerated and correctly submitted desire to please the viewer. In a word, here you can not do without acting talent and expression.

In addition, it is also a physical component, that is, the movements themselves. Here, freedom of action can also attract: you can choose the pace and style to your liking. In a word, striptoplasty is an unusually democratic discipline, but you should not forget about the correct technique in it, because you cannot go far on expression alone.


Varieties and directions

The use of various improvised items and other props is not uncommon in different dance disciplines. Striplasty is no exception. What, besides your own body, can be used in this dance?

First of all, of course, the pylon - this area is very popular and spectacular, but it requires really good physical preparation. Quite often, dancing uses the most common chairs. Canes and hats, as well as more exotic elements, such as fans, ribbons, intricate hats, can be used as part of the costume. But this refers more likely not to directions, but to the style of each particular dance. In a word, it all depends solely on the imagination of the instructor and the abilities of the students.


Essential elements

Stripplasty has incorporated all the best, sexual and feminine, and the most diverse dance styles - classical ballet, tango, flamenco, modern jazz, acrobatics, etc. Its base includes hip swaying, straight and cross steps, the so-called eights, waves, squats and lifts, as well as hair swabs and other movements, including on the floor. Moreover, all the elements of striplasty, regardless of their origin, in this case are exaggeratedly soft, smooth, plastic. All this, coupled with a certain energy emitted by a woman, becomes the quintessence of sensuality and seduction.


About classes

Of course, no one will force them to undress - this completely does not meet the goals of the dance. Nevertheless, taking care of comfortable clothes is absolutely necessary. What exactly will be comfortable depends on the particular chosen variety. If this is a dance on a pylon, the sports form should be as open as possible to perform elements without slipping off at the most inopportune moments. And it is better that the initial training period falls on the cold season, because it is unlikely that bruises can be avoided.

As for other areas, the openness of the costume is not necessary, but a woman, while studying and looking at herself in the mirror, should feel attractive, so when thinking about convenience, in this case, one should not forget about the beauty and grace that striptoplasty implies.


Benefits for the body

Like any sporting activity, striptease exercises increase the overall vitality and endurance of the body. In addition, agility and flexibility are perfectly developed, posture and figure are improved, and the gait changes for the better. First of all, the state of the muscles in the upper half of the body changes, although the legs also actively work during the exercise. Plus, this is an excellent cardio training, alternating load levels and strengthening the cardiovascular system and effectively burning excess fat, and almost imperceptibly, since there is no rapid fatigue.

In addition to the fact that dancers learn to control their muscles, they develop stretching, sitting on the twine and performing other elements. All this significantly improves the physical condition of the body and the form as a whole. But there are other advantages that stripplastic provides. Reviews of hundreds and thousands of girls around the world do not allow to doubt it.


Other positive factors

First of all, we can say that self-esteem is significantly increased. Even the most squeezed and shy woman after a while begins to "open up" and literally radiate sensuality and self-confidence. This, of course, affects the way she behaves in various life situations. Moreover, this applies not only to women with an ideal and close figure to this, but also to ladies with forms - in their performance the dance will look no less, and sometimes even much more seductive.

In addition to the fact that indirectly, classes can help establish personal life, with the help of what was learned in the lessons, you can completely refresh your family life. In addition, self-confidence allows you to make a good impression on people, so that after the advent of a new hobby, you can completely succeed at work. Finally, a good mood from dancing will simply make the world view more optimistic and joyful, which will undoubtedly affect the attitude of others. And since all of this is one solid plus, you should not think for a long time on the topic "Striplastic - what is and what is", you just need to take friends and go learn to dance.


Where to do

Unfortunately, this is not the kind of fitness that you can do without equipment and at home. This is especially true when referring to striplastic on the pylon. No homemade sports equipment can be compared with a specially equipped room with everything you need. Choosing a suitable room can be difficult, but you should pay attention to how well it is lit, whether there are enough mirrors and whether ventilation works normally. Of course, it is worth getting to know the instructors.

Classes of strip-plastics, especially at first, should be held under the strict guidance of trainers in order to prevent possible injuries and to teach how to correctly perform the basic elements. Group classes may seem inappropriate for some shy and too modest girls, but, fortunately, there are studios with an individual approach, where each student is assigned a personal instructor, however, you will have to spend a little more on this pleasure.