
Are there white panthers?

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Are there white panthers?
Are there white panthers?

Video: New Black Panthers | National Geographic 2024, July

Video: New Black Panthers | National Geographic 2024, July

All panthers are associated with aggression and cruelty. Probably, to some extent this is due to the black color of their coat. It is generally accepted that this is the main color that arose due to an overdose of melanin. In fact, there are not as many black cats of this species as it seems. The bulk of the animals has the skin of black and brown tones.


White panthers are extremely rare. Scientists believe that their coat color may be associated with a disease (leukemia) or with albinism. Other options are not considered, since the white color for the panther is unnatural and is considered an exception to the rule. Cats with this color are born with approximately the same frequency as other albino animals.

Appearance and other features

The disputes of experts about this beast still do not subside. Some believe that a white cat should be separated from the general appearance of panthers and assigned to cougars, jaguars. Others argue that the physiological description of the albino animal is the same as that of its dark relatives.

On average, the body length of a predatory cat reaches 1 meter, height - 70 cm, and weight - about 60 kg. Her tail is long - about 1 meter. Here she is, a white panther! The photo eloquently confirms that outwardly it looks the same as the color brothers. In addition, the albino cat has a specific structure of the larynx, which is inherent only to panthers.


This is the most striking distinguishing feature of these animals from other predators, which allows them to publish a powerful roar. It is proved that the larynx of the panther can be so swollen due to the fact that on one of the bones of their hyoid apparatus there is a flexible ligament. In addition, the vocal cords themselves have a tubular structure, which makes the predator's roar spectacular.

These wild cats have excellent olfactory organs, including albinos. It should be noted that there is no concept of a "flock of white panthers", most likely, it will be one, very rarely - two cats among the dark relatives.

Where do panthers live?

These predators live in southwest China, in the tropical forests of South and Southeast Asia, in Nepal, Burma and South India. The habitat of wild cats is rather wide. Panthers are found on the island of Java, in Ethiopia, the forests of Kenya and African Aberderes.


Often wild cats live near settlements, but try to stay apart. In the daytime, they rest, climbing trees. This situation provides them with security. When it is night time, the panthers go hunting.

How do cats hunt?

They look for their prey on the ground, but often hunt on trees. For example, on monkeys. Like all members of the cat family, panthers are flexible and agile animals. They easily jump onto trees about 6 meters high.

Some readers may be wondering how black predators and white prey hunt, what differences exist between them. The white panther at the instinct level is more careful.


It is easier for a dark animal to hunt due to its color. After all, the white cat has to make more efforts to go unnoticed at night. For this, it is carefully masked in dense thickets of plants.

Not like everyone else

It is proved that the albino cat has significantly reduced hearing and there are disorders associated with vision. It is inherent in it to look out for a little more time than black, and you have to rely mainly on the sense of smell. Otherwise, her habits are not much different from the behavior of other panthers.

She also drags her prey onto tree branches so that other predators do not take it away. However, scientists emphasize that the panthera albino is difficult to survive in the wild. It is noted that with a shortage of game, the white beauty eats eggs of various birds, fruits and herbs growing in the habitat zone.

It is curious that dark panthers do not always perceive an albino cat as a sexual partner. Therefore, she rarely takes part in mating games and in a pack can stay aloof. Although scientists do not confirm aggression from relatives. If mating did occur, then light-brown kittens are born in the white panther, but more often albinos.


Interesting Facts

It is proved that in the wild, the life expectancy of dark panthers is 10-12 years, in captivity - about 20 years. White cats live even less - in the wild for 5-6 years, in zoos up to 12-15 years. Circus trainers note that panthers are too unpredictable to work in the arena. Including white.

Therefore, cats of this species are a rare sight in the circus arena. Despite this, panthers are endangered animals. After all, people hunt them because of the beautiful fur. Every day the number of these beauties decreases. They are often confused with leopards, and white panthers with cougars. If you ask the native: "Are there white panthers in your area?" - then you can get the answer: "Big white cats live high in the mountains, and almost no one sees them."

In fact, we are talking about cougars and leopards. Despite their similarity with panthers, animals differ from each other. For example, leopards are much smaller in size. Cougars are indeed found in bright colors: grayish, reddish, but pure white are rare. In addition, they are larger than panthers, and the length of their tails is shorter.

There are other significant differences in the skeleton between all of these cats. Finally, white panthers are in the forests, and cougars live in the mountains.


How many myths are there about white cats! They praise the beauty, dexterity and grace of the panther. In the ancient legends of this beast more often personify the image of a woman: strong, but aggressive and insidious.


In Greece, this animal was considered the god of winemaking. People thought that the panther favors alcoholic feasts and intoxicated behavior. Other peoples believed that this cat is capable of releasing dark forces to the earth. Therefore, they often brought a sacrifice to the habitats of panthers - a bird, a lamb, a kid, trying to appease the animal with such behavior. But there were those who saw in the wild cat their patroness and protector.

According to some legends, only a panther could win the dragon’s duel and save the people from its fiery evil. There is a legend that the best mothers among animals are white panthers. The animal world highlights their special fearlessness and extraordinary love for their own children.