
Svetlana Toma: biography and photos

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Svetlana Toma: biography and photos
Svetlana Toma: biography and photos

Video: Russia's most successful gymnast, Svetlana Khorkina’s legend lives on | Legends Live On 2024, July

Video: Russia's most successful gymnast, Svetlana Khorkina’s legend lives on | Legends Live On 2024, July

Svetlana Andreevna Toma (Fomicheva) is our most beautiful artist who works both in cinema and in the theater. The love of millions of viewers brought her the romantic role of the proud gypsy Rada.



Svetlana was born on March 24, 1947. It was in Chisinau, where father studied, and mother worked as a secretary. And then the father took the young family to a Moldovan village. Mother, an absolutely urban man in whom Hungarian, Moldavian and French roots were mixed, was from Bucharest. She had secular acquaintances, elegance, manners. And such a lady goes to the village to pick up her husband - to raise a farm with him. In the summer it was dusty and stuffy, in the autumn everything was buried in impassable mud, in the winter it was swept by snow. Nevertheless, the village of Nadushita, and then the village of Nikolayevtsa left the clearest and purest feelings in the soul of our famous actress. Svetlana Toma, whose biography began in the very outback of Moldova, recalls this time as the happiest time of life. Mom and bread baked, and kept chickens, ducks, piglets. And Sveta worked in the field, knew all the plants, knew how to plant, weed, and harvest. Later, at school, she had sponsored: a calf and a foal. This is how joyful life flew day after day. And how wonderful the games were! Skates were tied to the tarpaulin boots, they took a stick in their hands, and it turned out to be hockey. From the first class, she went to various sports sections and became friends with sports forever.

Aunt education

Mother’s sisters, to whom Sveta came on vacation, were not so. What strict etiquette reigned in the house, Svetlana Toma recalls. Her biography began to flow according to the set canons of good taste. At the table you had to keep your back, arms, elbows. It was necessary to understand all kinds of spoons and forks that lay on the table. Of course, it was necessary to read all Russian classics and keep a diary. And with what reverence the aunts spoke of a sister who had graduated from the Sorbonne and became a doctor of law! Apart from jurisprudence, Svetlana Toma did not think of any other occupation. The biography, however, turned out quite differently. The case intervened in her life and put everything in its place.

Meeting with the cinema

Gathering for the exam at the law school, Svetlana calmly stood at the bus stop.


She was dressed smartly and brightly in the clothes that were sent from Bucharest. Right at the bus stop, when a man spoke to her about filming a movie, I had to make a decision. Dazzling Lotyan came up and demanded a phone. And then there was a call from the movie studio, and the aunt, escorting the girl to the test, grumbled that she did not need it at all. However, they were successful. Approved for the role. Was Svetlana Toma happy? The biography is silent about this. But relatives, except mom, were upset. But she starred in 1966 in her first film “Red Glades” and left the law institute without completing her studies and began to study at the acting department in Leningrad, while simultaneously filming Lotyanu.

Strange relationship

On the set, the director was very strict, even rude, but an incredible charm emanated between them. Before meeting with Svetlana, he was married twice, was 12 years older than her and knew how to care. And the girl before him did not meet with anyone. She fell in love and lost her head. He charmed Svetlana, and their married life did not work out, although he fostered from her, it would seem, his ideal of both the actress and the woman.


Caring for a young girl, he managed to pay attention to other women. From the side of Svetlana resentment and estrangement began to appear. For each incident, she was forgiven, but she could not forget the painful feeling. And after graduation, the biography of Svetlana Toma changes.


Like any girl, she wanted a white dress, and veils, and weddings. All this was offered to her by a classmate, Oleg Lachin, a handsome blonde man who, like her, went to Tiraspol to a new theater. But their happiness was short-lived. When their daughter Irisha was 8 months old, he died: Oleg lost control of the motor boat and crashed into a boat. Svetlana was haunted by the feeling that she had not given him love and attention and could not love him so passionately as Lotyanu. It seemed to her that Oleg was calling for her. She and her relatives were scared. Svetlana was advised to go to church and put a candle for peace. After that, Oleg stopped appearing in dreams.


But even in this difficult time for herself, Svetlana did not stop acting. With the director J. Burgiu, she played a role in the film “House for Seraphim”, and her daughter had to be given to parents for supervision and education. In 1973, she again worked with Lotyanu on the film Lautara. And three years later he approved Svetlana for the main role of the Rada in the film "The Camp Goes to Heaven." Filming for the artist was not easy.


The director was often frustrated, demanded incredibly much. This was watched by real gypsies who also starred. Once, a gypsy came up to the weeping Svetlana and offered to tell fortunes. She said that Lotyanu will bring much more grief to the young woman, but she will never marry her.

No less than 55 films starred actress Svetlana Toma. Her biography no longer knew such an incredible take-off, as in a romantic film about the love of the proud gypsy Rada and horse thief Loiko Zobar. This film triumphantly passed not only on the screens of the country, but also the whole world. It was bought by 112 countries. This did not happen again in the USSR. And now, forty years later, he looks in one breath.

How was life

Gradually, the roads with Lotyanu really began to diverge. The artist worked a lot, raised her daughter. So Svetlana Toma lived. Biography, personal life slowly lined up. There was a second marriage to the playwright A.A. Vishnevsky. But he broke up. The main ones were work, daughter and granddaughter.


That's what Svetlana Tom looked like. Biography, personal life (photo) - everything contained her image with her daughter and granddaughter. This little friendly family will become completely artistic. In the footsteps of her mother went the daughter Irina Lapina. The acting dynasty continues, the beginning of which was laid by Svetlana Toma. Biography, children (daughter and granddaughter) are pleased with their success.

How the artist lives now (star secrets)

Now the figure of Svetlana Tom can only be envied. Not without reason in her young years she was invited to Rome on a fashion show, and she showed outerwear and lingerie. The same beautiful figure remained with her today: the dresses that she wore at 17, Svetlana can wear today, because she eats well and does not leave physical education.


She believes that the main thing is still nutrition. Svetlana, like her entire generation, grew up on natural products, and this is still having an effect. And the generation of her daughter, too, and her granddaughter Masha is different, Svetlana Toma notes with chagrin. Daughter, actress Irina Lapina, and granddaughter, director Masha, eat foods that are full of antibiotics. The actress is well versed in the fact that raw vegetables, for example, are not very useful for people aged. Because they are poorly broken down by enzymes. She has her own gastronomic secrets: it is better to eat sauerkraut than fresh, it is better to abandon a beautiful overseas apple, and eat plain, but grown in the homeland. And what wonderful recipes of mamalyga or dishes with beans she has! She learned to cook correctly and with pleasure in her interviews shares all the secrets as she seeks an approach to even the simplest beets so as not to get a good dose of nitrates. For breakfast, she has porridge or baked apples, for lunch, vegetable soup, sometimes seasoned with cereals, and dinner after the show at 22:00 - a light salad. Morning starts with a 15-minute charge. This habit entered her life just like brushing her teeth. In addition, a contrasting shower for the face, which greatly tightens the skin.