
The mystery of human origin: theories and facts, riddles of mankind

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The mystery of human origin: theories and facts, riddles of mankind
The mystery of human origin: theories and facts, riddles of mankind

Video: The Anunnaki Movie ~ The Mysterious Origins of Humanity 2024, July

Video: The Anunnaki Movie ~ The Mysterious Origins of Humanity 2024, July

The mystery of the origin of man excites scientists, philosophers, physicians and archaeologists for many centuries. Learning to use his brain and speak, a person wondered where it came from and why, different theories were put forward - from primitive creeds to complex cosmogonic systems, people of the past believed that a person was created by a god or gods, some higher beings endowed with supernatural powers. Later, science became the “rule of the ball, " Darwin's theory arose, explaining the secret of the origin of man by the forward movement of evolution. However, this did not become the last step, more and more alternative theories appear, considering the issue from a different angle. We invite you to get acquainted with some of them.


The oldest theory of the origin of the world and man is the concept of divine creation. For many centuries, people believed that God is the creator of the first people, Adam and Eve, from whom all other people descended.

Bible teaching claims that this happened about 6 thousand years ago. However, geological and archaeological finds question this figure, because the true age of mankind is about 40 millennia.

Modern look

Everyone decides whether to believe in divine theory, we will give an interesting fact that allows you to look at the hypothesis from a different angle. To quote the text of the Bible:

“And the Lord God brought a deep sleep to man; and when he fell asleep, took one of his ribs, and covered that place with flesh. And the Lord God made a wife from a rib taken from a man, and brought her to a man. And the man said: Behold, it is bone from my bones and flesh from my flesh; she will be called a wife, for taken from her husband. Therefore, a man will leave his father and his mother and cleave to his wife; and there will be one flesh ”(Genesis 2: 21-24).

A woman’s creation takes place at a time when Adam is deep in sleep, which resembles anesthesia, and the removal of a rib itself is similar to an operation that allows you to get genetic material.



Another theory of evolution popular and familiar to everyone from school. The mystery of human origin is explained here by natural processes of development. At one time, this bold hypothesis caused a wide resonance in the scientific world and the apparent discontent of the church, whose postulates were questioned. Caricatures were drawn on Charles Darwin himself, on which this venerable old man appeared in the guise of a grimacing monkey.

Briefly, the secret of human origin was explained as follows:

  • All living organisms of the planet have a single common ancestor.
  • The progenitor of man is a primacy, but over time, people have changed.

Interesting facts about Darwin's theory and their interpretation are presented in the film “The Secret of the Origin of Man. Forbidden Archeology. " The essence of a complex process is natural selection and can be briefly formulated as "the strongest survives."

Adherents of the theory believed that archaeological finds will help them discover the so-called transitional forms - the remains of creatures that combine the features of primates and people. In addition, there was a hope that living individuals preserved in the deep corners of the planet would be discovered.


Fact juggling and criticism

Evolutionists have spoiled the "reputation" of their theory by the fact that, having not found conclusive evidence, they created them with their own hands. In particular, the representative of one of the pygmy tribes of Africa Mbuti passed off as a "transitional form", combining the features of man and primates. The man, whose name was Ota Benga, was kept on a chain, then placed in a zoo, where he was proudly shown to visitors as proof of the theory. Unable to withstand the shame and constant humiliation, the unfortunate African committed suicide at 32.


The unfortunate pygmy was soon forgotten, and evolutionists continued to prove their theory by hook or by crook. So, in 1912, the skull of the so-called Piltdown man was discovered, in which they revealed features of a transitional form, proving that people really descended from monkeys. For more than 40 years, representatives of the scientific world believed in its authenticity, until falsification was proved in 1953. It turned out that this skull belongs to man, and the lower jaw of the primate was attached to it artificially.

These and similar hoaxes have undermined confidence in the theory of evolution, although it is still presented as the only true theory in schools. But modern scholars are trying to find out the truth by proposing very bold hypotheses.

Mysterious artifacts

In the documentary film “The Secret of Human Origin (BBS)” with Charlton Neston as a narrator, one can get acquainted with a selection of shocking facts that make one doubt the correctness of Darwin's theory. Here are some examples:

  • 1880 - a tool was discovered in strata of rocks whose geological age is more than 50 million years. They may well indicate that humanity is much older than is commonly believed in official science.
  • In the 60s of the last century in Mexico, many tips were found for copies, whose age is 50 thousand years.
  • In the bed of the Palaxi River (Texas), dinosaur tracks, frozen in lime, were found, next to which there are other tracks resembling human ones. However, official science claims that dinosaurs and humans are separated by millions of years.

All this casts doubt on the validity of Darwin's theory.


Space hypotheses

The most popular and logical is the theory of panspermia, according to which meteorites, flying over our planet, “inseminate” it with tiny organic particles. This suggests that the transfer of simple microorganisms to the Earth from other planets is quite possible. The main evidence is this: the planet was lifeless and was a large ball of fire, devoid of atmosphere and not containing oxygen in its composition. In such an environment, living organisms could not have arisen.

However, the formation of life was the formation of the atmosphere and the appearance of oxygen in it. How could this happen? There is a completely logical hypothesis: a meteorite fell on the planet, on the surface of which there were microorganisms that managed to survive in such a severe "fire-breathing" climate. It was they who gradually created the atmosphere and saturated it with oxygen.


The second similar theory - directed panspermia, its essence is that life is brought from outer space, but behind this process are some higher beings, inhabitants of other planets. And that civilization that “revived” the Earth, quite possibly, has already ceased to exist.

Sixth race - experiments

Let's get acquainted with the alternative theory proposed by the Soviet scientist Oleg Manoilov. For a long time, his experiments and their results were strictly classified. Now, about the shocking study, the film The Sixth Race. The mystery of the origin of man. Strange affair".

In the 30s of the last century, a scientist conducted an experiment by analyzing blood samples of various representatives of races and nationalities in his laboratory. The main goal of this large-scale experiment was to confirm the hypothesis that modern people do not and cannot have a common ancestor. The theory as a whole explains the appearance on the planet of a huge number of races, subraces, which at the moment are not fully classified.

The experiments were conducted in an atmosphere of strict secrecy, the essence of the experiment can be briefly described as follows:

  1. The scientist mixed blood samples with a special solution, his own invention.
  2. Part of the blood acquired a deep blue hue.
  3. Other color swatches did not change.

All this suggested that people with different blood have completely different ancestors.

The essence of the hypothesis

Modern geneticists have found that the blood of some living creatures has a blue tint due to the content of copper in it, while in red, “ordinary” blood, there is iron. A shocking conclusion suggests itself - the blood of individual representatives of the races differs in composition. And the ancestor of these people may well be not a primacy, but a reptile.

Almost nothing is known about the fate of the researcher after the experiments, we only know that his diaries were seized and the results of the work were kept secret.


Proof of

We continue our acquaintance with the Sixth Race. The Secret Origin of Man. ” Of course, not everyone is able to believe that some people are descended from reptiles, but there is the following evidence:

  • In the myths and legends of many peoples of the world there are some serpentine creatures, which became the ancestors of people. There are many images of half-humans, half-snakes. Of course, the evidence itself is weak, but if you take into account the simplicity of consciousness of ancient people who painted what they saw and rarely dreamed of, then there is reason to think.
  • In China and Japan, people believed that imperial dynasties came precisely from dragons. Snakes were held in high esteem and respect in ancient Egypt, in the Indian tribes.
  • There are so many planets in the galaxy that intelligent life could have arisen on some of them.

This allowed us to put forward a bold hypothesis - powerful snake-like creatures flew to Earth from another planet, on which copper was the main element. Hence the difference in the color of blood. However, why isn’t modern man covered with scales like a reptile? The answer was found by an American researcher - he suggested that one of the ancestors of humans is a hybrid of primacy and dragon.
