
Such a different happiness: U-wei, Kuri, Mudita, or Concepts of happiness in different parts of the world

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Such a different happiness: U-wei, Kuri, Mudita, or Concepts of happiness in different parts of the world
Such a different happiness: U-wei, Kuri, Mudita, or Concepts of happiness in different parts of the world

What is happiness? It is impossible to unequivocally answer this question, because it is different for each of us. For some, happiness is love, for others, a career, for others, health. Thousands of people feel happy in the circle of a large family. However, there are those who long for loneliness.

Almost every one of us dreams of material wealth. For the sake of receiving it, many go to great lengths. But there are dozens of examples when people became happy by giving others all their possessions.

We can say that there is no equal happiness for all. However, philosophers are ready to argue with these statements. They believe that every nation has its own concept for explaining this concept. Let's see if this is really so.


Wu Wei (Buddhist Taoism)

This word in Chinese means "contemplative passivity." The world must be perceived as it is. You can’t try to change it, as one person or even the whole people wants it. He who seeks to manipulate the world destroys it. However, inaction and passivity are in fact not a vice, but a blessing, since it allows you to enjoy life and feel happy.

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There is an old Chinese parable that tells about the meeting of three Chinese philosophers who are supporters of different teachings. These are Confucius, Buddha and Lao Tzu. Based on this parable, an unknown artist painted the famous painting “Trying Vinegar”. It depicts a large barrel with the aforementioned liquid that personifies our life.

Vinegar is tried by all three thinkers. Confucius has a sour expression on his face. He believes that life is imperfect, therefore he is crooked when he tries it.

On the face of the Buddha one can see woefully pursed lips and flattened eyebrows. How else? After all, he says that life is full of suffering.

Only Lao Tzu smiles. For him, vinegar is sweet, because it teaches us to perceive life as it is. He says that you need to enjoy every moment of it. This is happiness.



This is the new Scottish wellness trend. The word coorie in Russian means “cuddle”, “hug”. There is even a book by Gabriella Bennett, “Coorie. Scottish art of happiness. " The author writes that for the Scots, a sense of security is very important. They like to be in the cozy atmosphere of their own home on cold winter evenings.


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Wearing a warm sweater and woolen socks. In the fireplace woods merrily crack. The landlord sits comfortably in an armchair. He holds a cup of hot coffee in one hand and a book in the other. This is Scottish happiness. To fully enjoy it, you need to know what real cold is. For practitioners, this trend is proposed to start hiking in the winter, and only then enjoy the warmth of the home.

However, the Coorie concept is more than just a pleasant evening by the fireplace. For Scots, the concept of Coorie is the embrace of nature. They say that happiness is security and unity with the outside world.



Many people envy the success of others. Someone else's joy brings them suffering. Buddhists believe that such people should not be condemned, but regretted, because they are very unhappy.

Mudita is a concept that explains exactly what happiness is. She helps to live in harmony with the outside world. Are you beautiful But there is always someone who is even more beautiful. Are you rich But there are people in the world who are much richer than you. No need to torment yourself and suffer because of the successes of others. Learn to enjoy other people's luck. Then the world around you will be filled with happiness.


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Mudita is one of the directions of the philosophy of Buddhism. It helps to preserve its happiness, and not destroy it, envying colleagues, neighbors, friends and acquaintances.



This is a Greek word that is difficult to translate accurately. Greek “philosopher” in Russian means “friend”. In this sunny country, people are very friendly and welcoming. They do not pretend to sympathize with someone else's misfortune. If a friend or stranger needs help, the Greeks will render her with great joy.

In Greek villages, a tourist who asked a local resident to get drunk would never be released for nothing. He will be offered not only a glass of water, but also wine, bread, cheese, other food, even an overnight stay, if the person has nowhere to sleep.

In this relation to people lies phylotimo. It is happiness to be needed, charity, good nature, optimism and hospitality at the same time.


Sinrin yoku

This is a relatively new concept in Japanese philosophy. It arose in the 80s of the last century. Japan is a highly developed country where new cutting edge technologies are born. Technical progress there reached a maximum mark. At the same time, thousands of Japanese people experience stress every day. Restore mental strength and energy state of the body helps nature.


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Forest for the Japanese is not only the progenitor of our civilization, it is also the main healer. Thousands of people flock to nature to find peace of mind.

Shinrin-yoku suggests that you can find health and happiness by plunging into the forest. To do this, you must leave your phone and other gadgets at home. Where exactly to go to restore disturbed peace of mind? The body itself will tell you the route. Arriving in the forest, you need to forget all the worries and just enjoy the rustle of foliage, birdsong, aromas of herbs, beautiful views.



This is another Japanese concept of happiness. The word "ikigai" is used very often in this country. It is pronounced in everyday life, and in solemn occasions. It means that for which you want to wake up in the morning, the meaning of life. Ikigai is the first ray of the sun, bashfully creeping along the pillow, and the breath of the breeze, and a cup of coffee, and the birth of a son or daughter, and the praise of the president.

According to the results of research by Japanese doctors, people who have acquired ikigai live much longer, almost do not get sick.

How to achieve this happiness? Experts advise changing your lifestyle, removing junk food from the diet, not sleeping until noon, and waking up with the first rays of the sun, doing physical labor. You also need to become direct and independent of the opinions of others, learn to enjoy the little things. It is in this way of life that happiness lies.


Päntsdrunk / Kalsarikänni

These Finnish words are very difficult to pronounce correctly for Russian people. Päntsdrunk is somewhat reminiscent of the Coorie trend. Both concepts are based on the Scandinavian philosophy of comfort Hygge.

Päntsdrunk is part of Finnish culture, which is even mentioned in country guides. The literal translation of the word means "to drink at home alone, left in his underwear."

Finnish journalist Rantenen wrote the book “Päntsdrunk: The Finnish Way to Relax”, in which he writes that his fellow citizens began to drink in their underwear to stay at home and not go outside in the cold season. This symbolizes maximum relaxation and brings great pleasure. The street is slushy and cold, and the house is warm and cozy. Why go somewhere if you can enjoy a wonderful drink and loneliness, devoting time only to yourself? Here is such happiness in Finnish.
