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Tattoos that are not recommended to be pierced on your body

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Tattoos that are not recommended to be pierced on your body
Tattoos that are not recommended to be pierced on your body

Video: Hiding Your Tattoos and Piercings 2024, July

Video: Hiding Your Tattoos and Piercings 2024, July

It is widely believed that tattoos adorn and emphasize the individuality of the image. This statement is debatable. It is unlikely that a mediocre person will be able to attract the attention of others with a picture on his body, and a bright personality does not need visual means - it stands out already.

But it happens that you want to make a tattoo, and that’s it. No arguments from relatives or friends apply. In this case, it is strongly recommended to pay attention to the informative content of the image, which will have to be worn for a long time, possibly to a very old age.

There are tattoos that experts recommend tabooing. About them the story will go.

Criminal topics

Finger rings, domes on the back and other signs of a frequent visitor to places of detention are not applied to the skin for the sake of beauty. Not everyone has the right to such tattoos: they serve as recognition marks on the principle of "friend or foe". They are not just not recommended to a law-abiding citizen - there is an unwritten ban in society.


In the eyes of criminal investigators, such a tattoo will be a sign of belonging to "their clientele." The criminals themselves will quickly expose the "fraer, mowing under the thieves, " and severely punish. In general, you should not impersonate who you are not. After all, no one wears authorized epaulettes if he does not serve in the army or police?

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Lesbian Evidence

Of course, our society is becoming more tolerant of sexual minorities, but a demonstration of belonging to them is not welcome. The insidiousness of this type of tattoo also lies in the fact that a person may not know what carries the emblem of a homosexual. A picture symbolizing such a “chosenness” is seemingly harmless. This is not necessarily an inscription: "king of the chukhan", "daisy" or something like that. For example, the image of a devil hugging a girl is also from this series, but to someone, a similar plot may seem funny.


Adherents of traditional love need to carefully consider the issues of hidden symbolism, so as not to mislead others of any orientation. It is also useful for homosexuals to think about the advisability of notifying the whole world about their “little secret”.


Images of prominent figures who have entered the history of the world cause a mixed reaction among people around. Each counter-cross can be a supporter or opponent of a political line expressed by a gouged character, and it happens that conflicts arise on this ground, sometimes accompanied by violence.

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And one more aspect concerning all persons in general, even if they belong not to statesmen, but to ordinary people, in particular, relatives. They stretch over time, which distorts their light image.

There are frequent cases of changing political views. In addition, there are legal restrictions on symbols promoting extremism, national, religious, racial and other hostility. What then to do with a tattoo?

Japanese and Chinese letters

The total number of characters cannot be counted. Eastern linguists helps out only by the fact that such symbols consist of separate radicals, each of which carries its own meaning. In general, this is a whole science, and it is not necessary to expect that it was perfectly understood in every salon. There are frequent cases when the choice is made in favor of a squiggle that just seemed beautiful. A Chinese man met on the beach will simply fall into laughter after reading something like “do not bleach” or “do not freeze again”. Why give such a reason for fun to residents of a friendly country?


Any displacement of a dash, which seems to be insignificant to the European, leads to a distortion of the meaning of the translation from the eastern language. I wanted it to be written "love", but it turned out "upset stomach." In general, it’s a risky business.

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Young people do not always realize how long life is. They often think that the overwhelming feeling will remain with them forever. Years pass, mistakes are recognized, and tattoos with the names of former elects continue to loom on the arm or somewhere else. Nothing but annoyance, they do not cause. And questions arise unnecessary in new affections.

Love is recommended to be shown in other ways, more practical.


Someone will object that there may be many brides or grooms, and one mother. Well, yes, but such tattoos have long been considered a sign of bad taste. Yes, and it is unlikely that the mother will like the inscription "I will not forget my mother, " which has sore mouth, on the body of her son. It turns out that without a reminder he cannot remember her.


This refers to all sorts of skulls, graves, three sixes and other infernal symbols. Besides stupidity, these images do not express anything. Upon reaching maturity, all normal people understand the value of kindness, mercy, philanthropy, and other generally recognized values. Even the little devil who seems so cute carries a negative. But sometimes it is pricked!


Cartoon characters

In contrast to brutal rudeness, infantility is demonstrated. There is reason to believe that the carrier of the tattoo, depicting a cartoon character, remained a child, even if he was a doctor of technical sciences or a special forces colonel. Oh, childhood, childhood …

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In addition to some exotic beliefs, which are characterized by dancing around the fire in loincloths, no denomination welcomes the tattooing. At the same time, there are many people who believe that the punctured religious symbol demonstrates their belonging to Christianity, Islam and Judaism. Some of them do not go to the temple, do not do good deeds, but the tattoo is yes, it is a sign of faith.

Tattooed sacred symbols are the verge of blasphemy.

Long sayings and aphorisms

Throughout their history, the sages have uttered a great many catchphrases. It is very difficult to choose the most outstanding of them - there will always be even more suitable and relevant. Today this aphorism seems very smart, and the next day it loses its urgency and no longer delights. It’s better to have a notebook and not use your own body for witty notes. But sometimes such nonsense is written on themselves …


Symbols of venal love

For girls, tattoos with the image of a butterfly are prohibited. Also, some flowers and inscriptions, the text of which leaves no room for excruciating doubts about the occupation of a woman, are traditionally designated as belonging to the class of hired sex workers.