
Tatyana Larina: biography of a witch

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Tatyana Larina: biography of a witch
Tatyana Larina: biography of a witch

Video: Witches Psychiatrists and Evangelicals with Tanya Luhrmann - Conversations with History 2024, July

Video: Witches Psychiatrists and Evangelicals with Tanya Luhrmann - Conversations with History 2024, July

Over the many years of existence of the program “Battle of psychics”, many witches, witches and other persons endowed with abilities passed before the eyes of the audience. But the face of this blonde with green eyes and her sonorous name forever engraved in the memory of all fans of the show. However, the personal life and biography of Tatyana Larina are known only to the most devoted fans. Today you will learn how a simple St. Petersburg girl went a long way to one of the most famous witches in the country.

Biography of Tatyana Larina

Born February 21, 1969 in the Northern capital. Tatyana does not like to talk about her childhood, as she survived a lot because of her relatives. As a child, she loved to walk around the cemetery. She did not tell anyone what exactly attracted her to these dark sacred places. In fact, the girl was drawn there by ordinary curiosity: among the graves she often saw strange entities that you would not see on ordinary St. Petersburg streets. These people from another world did not show aggression towards Tatyana, and she examined them with interest at a respectful distance.


Her attempts to tell relatives about the world of the dead led to estrangement. For serious adults, her stories seemed to be fabrications that weren’t worth the time. The girl became isolated, and once an unpleasant event occurred. Tanya saw an alien entity that resembled a lizard in her grandmother’s body. Without hesitating for a long time, the girl threw scissors at the monster, and by a miracle they flew dangerously close to her grandmother's head. After this incident, relations with the family became even more tense, and at a young age the girl left her father's house. She simply escaped from a circle of people who did not understand her and considered her not quite an adequate person.


Largely due to interest in the other world, the girl went to study at a medical institute. After this, the biography of Tatyana Larina was replenished with several important events at once. She married an Israeli citizen and left home. In this marriage, she gave birth to a son, but six years later filed for divorce and returned to St. Petersburg. The child stayed with his father. But with the former spouse, they were able to maintain good relations and still communicate.



Having suffered the first failure in her personal life, Tatyana enters the University of Culture. At that moment, music began to attract her. Possessing a good voice and the necessary external data, she begins her journey to the stage. A composer appears in her life who is ready to help her achieve her goal. For several years, she managed to record soundtracks for films and release her own album. But it did not bring much fame - there was too much competition in the world of show business. However, in St. Petersburg, the girl became a rather famous performer and often performed in restaurants and clubs.

Good luck smiled at her when she recorded a joint album with famous singer Zara. But this was the last pleasant event in the musical career of the future witch. By that time, Tatyana was living with the same composer, and the marriage could not be called unsuccessful: they lived together for 12 years and broke up after numerous betrayals of her husband.



Having suffered a second failure, the woman dropped her hands. In the biography of Tatyana Larina, the battle with her own demons begins with tragedy. Insomnia and depression led to a suicide attempt. After swallowing pills, the woman ends up in a psychiatric clinic. But friends do not give her an abyss - they take Tatyana and try to return to life. This happens with one young esoteric who will become her common-law husband. It was he who brought her to the center of Natalya Banteyeva. An experienced witch immediately saw the potential in a lost and exhausted woman. Soon Tatyana became a full member of the coven and learned to manage her abilities.

"The fight of extrasensories"

The biography of Tatyana Larina was replenished with another significant event - the mentor led her into a famous program to try her strength along with other magicians and witches. Banteyev herself did not doubt that Larina would become a winner. Almost all the trials were easily given to Tatyana, and the participants and invited guests were delighted with her talent. But among her admirers there was also a special admirer - Julius Daletsky. The young man showed sympathy, and it soon became clear that between the two psychics are not only friendly relations. Larina did not win the battle, losing first place to the strange beauty Julia Wang.
