
The freezing temperature of water - ???

The freezing temperature of water - ???
The freezing temperature of water - ???

Video: Freezing & Melting of Water (LabQuest) 2024, July

Video: Freezing & Melting of Water (LabQuest) 2024, July

Water … How much of this word. Sometimes you really want to correct the poet in this way! Indeed, water is a synonym for life. This statement is true for the inhabitants of the ocean coast, and for the inhabitants of the desert. The properties of water over the millennia of the existence of science have been studied up and down. It would seem that nothing unknown remained, but … let's deal with such a seemingly simple parameter as the freezing temperature of water.


Everyone knows that the boiling point and the freezing point of water are the key points chosen in 1742 by Anders Celsius to create their own temperature scale, later adopted in most countries of the world. But does water always boil at one hundred degrees and freeze at zero? No not always. There are a large number of parameters that can change these numbers. Let's start in order.

First, the freezing temperature of water is zero degrees only at normal atmospheric pressure, which is considered to be a pressure of seven hundred and sixty millimeters of mercury. With decreasing pressure, the freezing point of water increases, and the boiling point decreases. With increasing pressure - everything is exactly the opposite.


Secondly, the high salt content makes water more “resistant” to cold. The freezing temperature of the salt water of the seas and oceans is about two degrees below zero Celsius. Those seas where salinity is above average freeze at an even lower temperature.

Well-known natural water is a heterogeneous substance. Yes, the lion's share (more than ninety-nine percent) of water falls on the chemical compound, which is indicated by the formula H2O. But there is also the so-called "heavy" water, and even "superheavy" in the composition of natural water. In the first case, in the water molecule, instead of two hydrogen atoms, there are two atoms of its deuterium isotope, in the second case, tritium. Under normal conditions, the deuterium and tritium content in the water is too small to have a negative effect on humans or animals. But in its pure form, deuterium exhibits weak toxic properties. But tritium, being a radioactive substance, in a concentrated form is simply dangerous. But, fortunately, in nature it is found only in an absent-minded way.


Tritium and deuterium water have physical and chemical properties that are different from ordinary, “our” water. Deuterium water freezes at a temperature of +3.81 degrees Celsius (at normal atmospheric pressure), and boils at a temperature of +101.43 degrees. In tritium water, these figures differ only slightly: the freezing temperature is +1.25 and the boiling point is +101.6 degrees Celsius.

The properties of water, this seemingly uncomplicated chemical compound, have not yet been fully studied. Japanese Masaru learned, according to him, even to talk with water. He believes that water responds to music and the energy inherent in words. And even for notes! This is supposedly clearly visible after freezing water in the form of the resulting crystals. Interestingly, the water reacts the same to a note with the words “you are a fool” and to playing compositions in the “heavy metal” style, but the words “thank you” are associated with a series of works for the harpsichord “Goldberg Variations” by Johann Sebastian Bach.