
Titan of Russian politics - Boris Gryzlov

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Titan of Russian politics - Boris Gryzlov
Titan of Russian politics - Boris Gryzlov

In the Russian political environment, quite a lot of people are worthy of attention. At the same time, there are such persons whose study of the biography should be given special attention because of their great authority, experience, and achievements. In particular, one of such figures is Boris Gryzlov - one of the “elders” of the political elite of Russia.

Facts from life

The future high-ranking official was born on December 15, 1950 in Vladivostok. His father was a military pilot during the Second World War, after she became an employee of the Ministry of Defense. Mother worked as a teacher.


At the age of four, Boris Gryzlov moved with his parents to Leningrad, as his father was transferred to a new place of service. For eight years, young Boris studied at 327 secondary school, but in the end he graduated from school 211, with a gold medal. It is noteworthy that one of his classmates was the current director of the FSB Nikolai Patrushev.


Boris Vyacheslavovich is a graduate of the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute. A. Bonch-Burevich. He received the specialty "radio engineer". An indicator of perseverance and seriousness of the approach to one’s work can be the fact that in the diploma of Gryzlov out of 34 marks 20 were “fives”. During training, he also actively worked in the Komsomol committee, was the commissioner of the construction team.

Young specialist

After graduation, Boris Gryzlov receives distribution to work in the Institute, engaged in research activities, them. Comintern. There he was engaged in the creation of communication systems. Since 1979, he has been working in the Electronpribor production association, where he was able to go up the career ladder from a designer to the head of a structural unit. He specialized in the development of special schemes introduced in the defense industry. Until 1991, he was a member of the CPSU.


Vigorous activity

In the period of the 1990s, Boris Vyacheslavovich, working in Electronpribor, was simultaneously engaged in entrepreneurship. He became a co-founder of such companies as PetroZIL, Borg and others. From 1996 to 1999, Gryzlov was an employee of higher education. It was at his request that the Institute for Accelerated Training of Executive Workers was created, as well as the central institute of municipal workers.

First steps in politics

Boris Gryzlov, whose biography is a worthy role model, first tried his hand at politics in 1998, when he nominated himself for the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg. However, he did not succeed. In the same year, he became head of the headquarters of the candidate for governor Zubkov, who eventually lost the election. After some time, Gryzlov headed the Interregional Fund for Business Cooperation under the name "Development of Regions."

Work in the State Duma

December 1999 Boris Vyacheslavovich becomes a deputy of the third convocation, passing through the lists of the inter-regional movement "Unity". A month later, he becomes the head of the Unity faction in the State Duma. Starting in May 2000, he became the representative of the Duma for relations with the G7 states.

As a deputy, in 2001 Gryzlov defended his thesis. Her theme: “Political Parties and Russian Transformations. Theory and political practice. ”


Office of the Ministry of the Interior

Immediately, we note that Boris Gryzlov is so far the only Interior Minister in the history of modern Russia who did not have the general’s shoulder straps.

He received his appointment as minister on March 28, 2001. A month later, he was also included in the list of members of the country's Security Council. During his time at the department, Gryzlov became famous for fighting “werewolves in uniform.”

Gryzlov, as a minister, carried out a reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He created 7 departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the federal districts. In addition, Boris Gryzlov, whose position allowed him to make adjustments to the structures managed by him, changed the work of the traffic police, prohibiting evaluating the work of the structure only on detected violations, and introduced time limits for the arrival of orders to the scene of a traffic accident.

Re-election to the State Duma

On December 24, 2003, Gryzlov once again became a people's deputy, while writing a letter of resignation from the post of head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. On the same day, he became chairman of the United Russia faction.

In 2007, already in the Duma of the fifth convocation, a native of Vladivostok became chairman of the country's main legislative body.


Work outside the walls of parliament

In 2011, Gryzlov was included in the list of the Security Council of the Russian Federation as a permanent member. Since December 26, 2015 - the representative of Russia in the tripartite group on the settlement of the armed confrontation in Ukraine.