
Only the best films, the long-awaited Oscar, high fees: what we did not know about the career of Leonardo DiCaprio

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Only the best films, the long-awaited Oscar, high fees: what we did not know about the career of Leonardo DiCaprio
Only the best films, the long-awaited Oscar, high fees: what we did not know about the career of Leonardo DiCaprio

Video: Leonardo DiCaprio winning Best Actor 2024, July

Video: Leonardo DiCaprio winning Best Actor 2024, July

Leonardo DiCaprio is an actor with a capital letter. He is even more than the first actor in Hollywood. Leo embodies a rare combination of charisma, appearance and talent. An actor who has waited so long for his Oscar and, finally, received it, guarantees the success of everything he participates in. Why? Because he masterfully knows how to choose only good projects, and preferably set by talented directors. At forty-five, he is at the peak of his popularity in every sense of the word.

Starting with roles on television, DiCaprio made his debut on the big screen in “What's Eating Gilbert Grape?” 1993 year. His talent and fame were proved once again with the release of the cult "Titanic", which forever changed his life. But do you think the path to the top of Leo has always been successful? Of course no. Here are some interesting facts about his career.

Could run along the beach

We all remember that DiCaprio starred in Santa Barbara, his first television project. But few people know that in 1989 the 15-year-old Leo planned to play the son of Mitch Buchanon (David Hasselhof), the main rescuer in the television series “Rescuers Malibu”.

According to rumors, Hasselhof, who also acted as a producer, at the last moment decided that his on-screen son should be made more adult, which, accordingly, will make him look older than Hasselhof himself. As a result, Leo dropped out of the series, so he never starred in it. But is it really worth regretting it today, knowing what career Leo made for himself?

If he starred in The Rescuers of Malibu, then most likely he would not have played Gilbert Grape, whose image opened the door to a big movie. By the way, Leo still returned to the beach theme: in 2000, he starred in the drama “The Beach”. But this is a completely different story.

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He almost became Lenny Williams, but remained himself

As soon as Leo began his career in Hollywood, his agent did not like the name of his ward. Therefore, he proposed to take a pseudonym and be called Lenny Williams. Great name for a comedian, but not for Leo.

DiCaprio refused, deciding that he would use a real name: let the people know their hero, because his name is the name for the strong actor that he has become. And he turned out to be right: the musician Lenny Williams already existed on the stage, in the shadow of whose fame Leo would probably quickly get lost.


He escaped the image of a comic book superhero

No, he can become a superhero thanks to such films as “Survivor” or “Titanic”. The fact is that every second self-respecting actor is simply obliged to try on the costume of a particular comic book character. Fortunately, there are so many characters that enough for the whole of Hollywood. But DiCaprio avoided this “fate” and generally rarely subscribed to such a genre. This stands out from the crowd.


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Some call him “the last real movie star” because he did not pursue the status of a superhero saving the world. His roles can be both “glamorous twists” and rude to such an extent that they are sometimes difficult to watch, and even more difficult to remember.

DiCaprio acts truly, avoiding stellar illness and “glamorous” behavior in society - on the contrary, he is sincere, and also sincerely does his job. Leo earned the respect of Hollywood: remember how the audience got up when Julianne Moore finally announced his name at the long-awaited Oscars. DiCaprio always worked on his own terms, which is rare in Hollywood.


A small number of his films received low ratings

“Critters 3” is a predictable and not very interesting film about annoying fluffy alien creatures plaguing humanity. The 1991 film was Leo's childhood debut film and was released right on DVD. We doubt that Leo has a CD with this movie at home. There are things that he would rather forget and not discuss at all. It's okay Leo! We almost do not remember this failure.


Demanded to cancel the release of the film

In 2000, DiCaprio appears with his childhood friend Toby Maguire in the teenage movie “Cafe Dons Plum.” It was lower than a low-budget black-and-white indie film, which Leo would also wish not to recall. And this is after the Titanic ?!


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The plot of the picture takes place overnight, when a group of friends discusses the meaning of life at the diner table. DiCaprio and Maguire seemed to realize too late what they got into. Therefore, they demanded to stop the release of the film. The drama was banned for release in the United States and Canada. True, who wants to look at the stupid teenager, if the brave Jack is much more interesting?


He has given up his role in American Psycho

In 2000, again, after the happy Titanic, Leo was offered the role of Patrick Bateman in the crime thriller. Bateman is a witty “man of the city” during the day and a terrible serial killer at night. DiCaprio refused.

Some believe that he was worried about the genre of the film and its impact on the large army of fans, which in those years were mostly teenage girls. They would simply not accept this complex image. The risk was too great. Did DiCaprio regret the refusal? Unlikely. But Christian Bale did an excellent job with the role.


Leo tends to release movies in batches and have a nice rest

A feature of the actor’s workflow is that he starred in two or three films for a couple of years, and then takes a break, during which he relaxes at his pleasure and considers new offers. Do not forget that he has his own production company called Appian Way Productions, where he also needs to be in time with business.

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After last year's “Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood, ” Leo is actively working on a number of new projects, namely, “Moon Flower Slayers” and “Roosevelt”. In the last picture, as you might guess, the star transforms into the American president. Both films are directed by Martin Scorsese, one of the actor’s favorite directors. Many of Leo’s hits were directed by Scorsese.


Failure in your favorite show

Romper Room was a long-standing children's show with a simple premise: in each episode, preschool children are taught by a teacher in the person of invited stars. Yes, uninteresting, given that the series began in the distant 50s. But it was a favorite show of little Leo, where in 1979 his mother took him to a casting.

He failed the tests. Remembering this, in an interview DiCaprio jokes that at such an early age it was very difficult to deal with him. He does not go into details. But nevertheless it is very interesting to find out why such a small handsome Leo did not please the producers? Eh, they would know which star was then pointed at the door.

Only works with the best Hollywood stars

Who most often goes to him as partners? Who did he like to work with most? The actor considers Meryl Streep the greatest actress of his era. As for the directors, he says that Martin Scorsese and Steven Spielberg know more about films than anyone else. And DiCaprio is delighted with working with Jack Nicholson: “How can you not love or respect him? He is a veteran. We all studied at his game. "Jack never plays“ directly, "he always wriggles, expanding the boundaries of his talent, no matter how quiet or noisy the role may be."

True, together they starred only in The Departed.
