
Welsh pony: breed description, characteristics, interesting facts and reviews

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Welsh pony: breed description, characteristics, interesting facts and reviews
Welsh pony: breed description, characteristics, interesting facts and reviews

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Ponies are in almost the same demand and popularity as horses. And from time immemorial, breeding of racehorses and other horse breeds has been very good for the inhabitants of the British Isles, including the Welsh.

Welsh pony (Welsh) is a breed of particular interest among mini-horse lovers. It is a real pride of the country, because it has a lot of positive features and characteristics.

Welsh Pony: Origin

The history of the appearance of this breed is rooted in ancient times. Despite the fact that one hundred percent facts about the origin of the pony of the Welsh breed did not survive, it is believed that several thousand years ago wild horses lived here, which in the cool and rainy conditions of the British Isles slightly decreased and adapted to frosty winters.


The first sources that historians have been able to discover date back to the 5th century BC. These were the references of the commanders of the Roman Empire, who noted in their travel notes information about small racehorses living on the British islands.

Through a long selection, it was possible to breed Welsh mountain ponies, which looked more like other ponies than wild horses. Today it is one of the most beautiful varieties of small horses.

Welsh Pony: Description

There are several varieties of this breed, but they are all united by several external characteristics by which they can be identified:

  • the head is slightly larger than other ponies;

  • big eyes;

  • very swollen nostrils;

  • the size of the ears is slightly smaller than others;

  • strong physique for race breed;

  • the tail is rather high.

The color of the Welsh ponies can be different, but the most common ones can be called gray, red and bay. You can also often find brown ponies. Occasionally, individuals of other colors or with small inclusions come across. As a rule, this is a pony in whose blood there are impurities of other breeds, therefore it is impossible to call them purebred.


The value of an individual Welsh pony is largely determined by its uniformity. If there are any specks or spots, then the horse loses much in price. Ponies that have a two-tone or more colorful color, can not be called purebred Welsh.

These ponies have a luxurious mane and a strong physique, which allows them to be used to teach children how to ride. Due to the inherent patience, endurance and quick wit of the breed, many people prefer to use these animals for teaching kids.


The Welsh pony appeared in the highlands and was not popular for a long time. The breed was officially recognized only in the first quarter of the 20th century. At that time, specialists in breeding, determining this or that pony or coba for a particular breed, focused primarily on external data.


There are several types of Welsh ponies in size (height):

  • individuals with a height of up to 122 centimeters fall into category A;

  • Type B includes animals up to 137 centimeters in height;

  • Category C includes ponies with a height of 122 to 137 cm, but looks more massive in appearance than representatives of type B;

  • horses growing above 137 centimeters are included in category D.

The first two categories are ponies, and the other two are cob. However, today this classification is already a little outdated, so only a few breeders follow it. Most professionals today prefer to use only three types of division of the breed.


There are many positive features, because of which many prefer the Welsh pony. The characteristics of this breed are quite impressive.

Welsh ponies are not only very beautiful in appearance, but also have increased stamina. They are diligent in training and can master a large number of teams, are relatively easy to train. The Welsh are very calm, which, combined with other advantages, makes this breed one of the best for working with children.


In addition, their sizes are for the most part excellent for use as walking horses.

Breed use

The purpose of this breed of pony today is quite diverse. Most often, as already mentioned above, they are used for training young children in horse riding. However, larger individuals can come in handy when teaching not only children and adolescents, but also adults.

In addition, they are often used simply as horses for horseback riding. Of course, they cannot cover long distances, but they are quite capable of withstanding a small promenade. The largest representatives of the Welsh can be used for almost any purpose. These are quite universal animals, which in terms of size and functionality are practically inferior to horses.

The most capable and suitable individuals are trained and used in racing. Purebred Welshmen show excellent results in professional races. Especially it concerns the passage of obstacle courses.

Interesting Facts

Due to the large number of positive qualities of this breed, it is very popular and in demand. In addition, experts believe that these ponies are great for crossbreeding with other breeds. Because of this, many different breeds of ponies and horses have appeared and continue to appear, having Welshians in their pedigree.


Due to the large number of varieties originating from crosses with Welsh ponies, a special register has even been introduced in Wales where data on them is entered. Here, basic information about a particular variety is recorded: a detailed description of the appearance, its features, physical parameters, character traits and behavior.

Even individuals, whose blood is only a quarter of Welsh ponies, often demonstrate very decent results in sports, and therefore they are happy to buy such horses.

Value formation

Today, Welsh stallions and mares are very highly regarded. The cost of each individual is formed from several factors. Purebredness is important. If the pony is 100% Welsh, then its price automatically increases several times.

The price is also greatly influenced by age and gender. Of course, young individuals are more likely to be taken, therefore, their price is higher. Adult ponies are bought mainly for breeding in order to get offspring from them. But since there are not so many people who want to breed such animals on their own, the price is not so high either.


Color and external characteristics also have a significant impact on the final cost. The place of birth also affects: ponies born in Wales are valued slightly higher than others.

Another very important factor when choosing an animal is its pedigree. If the parents of the stallion or the filly are champions, then such a pony can be very expensive. However, this applies only to those horses that will be used in sports. For recreational or educational pedigree plays almost no role.

Average rates

In Russia and the CIS countries, Welsh ponies are also quite popular. Moreover, in our country there are a considerable number of places where they are bred. Therefore, there is no need to buy horses in the UK and at an exorbitant price to deliver them to the Russian Federation.

This can significantly reduce the price of ponies. Today, a good stallion that does not have a good pedigree can be bought for 150-200 thousand rubles. Depending on the purity of the breed, its price can vary greatly. A half-blood individual will cost about 2-3 times cheaper, that is, such a horse can be bought literally for 40-60 thousand rubles.


If the blood contains more than 50% of impurities of other breeds, then the price will be even lower. Those individuals who have outstanding external or physical data, a rich pedigree or some other advantages, as a rule, are sold without a fixed cost. It is determined individually with each potential buyer. Depending on the needs, capabilities and characteristics of both the buyer and seller, a pony can be evaluated in completely different ways.


It is not surprising that such an aristocratic and graceful breed of small horses receives a lot of positive feedback from their owners. Buyers note not only the external beauty, but also the physical data. As well as quick-witted and complaisant ponies.

Despite the rather high cost, judging by the reviews, almost everyone who has or had a horse of this breed is very pleased with it and believe that the cost is quite justified.